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The Medical Guru

Chapter 1479 - 1479 Drive Past It!
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Chapter 1479 Drive Past It!

“Boom, boom…”

In the heavy rain, continuous engine roars sounded.

The driver tried to step on the accelerator and drove the vehicle forward. But once the car moved, he feared it might sink deeper. Then, it would be more difficult for them to push it out.

Right now…

Nearly thirty people around the car were trying their best to push it from all directions. They intended to cooperate with the driver and get the car out.

“Pitter-patter …”

The heavy rain kept falling on the mud.

As the rainwater seeped in, the mud became softer and softer.

Under such circumstances…

In the distance, the waves were approaching the beach little by little. If they didn’t push the cars out as soon as possible, seawater would submerge this area when the waves arrived. At that time, all the vehicles would completely sink into the sand and mud.

Everyone was anxious.

Fang Qiu was standing at the back.

He activated his internal Qi and pushed hard with others.

At once, they pushed the car some distance forward. When the tires pressed on the rocks placed there in advance, everyone put forth their strength together.

The whole car immediately rushed out of the mud area and was pushed onto the road.

Everyone was amazed.

Their eyes lit up. Full of energy, they quickly went back to push the second vehicle.

“Everyone, don’t crowd together.”

Fang Qiu shouted and added, “Some go and find some big stones to pave the way. Only some people will be needed to push the cars.

“The rain is getting heavier. We have to speed up!”

As he spoke…

Seven or eight people took the initiative to look for stones.

Each returned with one rock and filled the sand pit that stuck the first car.

Back here…

Under Fang Qiu’s guidance…

More than twenty people were pushing the car with effort.

The car was pushed out of the mud very smoothly.

Then they turned to the third car.

At this time, the drivers of more than a dozen rescue vehicles were drenched in the heavy rain.

One driver even stumbled with a slightly pale face. Seeing this, Fang Qiu quickly took off his raincoat and put it on him.

“Take a rest in the car. You can’t do it in such a feeble state.”

Fang Qiu touched the driver’s forehead. Surprisingly, he found it to be a little hot.

He glanced around.

There was a Western Medicine doctor coming from Huaxia with him. Right away, Fang Qiu said severely, “Take him to the first car and let him rest for a while. Please keep a close watch on his condition. The rescue resources are important, but human life is of greater value than everything!”

This young Western Medicine doctor knew what Fang Qiu meant.

Since he had to take care of this patient, he didn’t dare to neglect him. He instantly pulled the patient to the first car that parked there safely.

Soon after…

Led by Fang Qiu…

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They went on pushing the vehicle.

After a while, the third car was also pushed out, and they moved to the next one.

People coming here with Fang Qiu were all wearing raincoats. They were somewhat protected, but the drivers of the rescue team had no protection against the bad weather.

The rain was getting heavier, and the temperature kept dropping.

Seeing some drivers trembling with cold, Fang Qiu got tensed up.

He didn’t dare to delay any longer.

Immediately, he went all out.

When he pushed the vehicle, the muscles all over his body bulged and even burst his T-shirt.

Veins throbbed on Fang Qiu’s arms. When the people around saw Fang Qiu strain himself to the limit, they all exerted their full strength.


After nearly an hour…

They pushed all the cars out of the mud. The seawater was already one meter away when they pushed out the last car. A few minutes later, it might be drowned!


After all the cars were out of the mud, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just then…

“Bad news.”

The Western Medicine doctor from Huaxia darted out of the first car and said, “The driver might have been infected. He has a fever and is seriously ill. But we don’t take first-aid drugs and tools with us. What should we do?”

“Can he hold on until we get back?”

Fang Qiu asked at once.

“I’m afraid not.”

The young doctor of Western Medicine shook his head and said, “Maybe because it’s too cold, his body temperature has become dangerously low. I used up everything in the car and wrapped him to warm him up. But it was useless.”

“Now, he is about to die!”

Everyone at the scene heard his words.

They were all shocked.

“Don’t panic. I’m a Chinese Medicine doctor. I have a way to heal him.”

Fang Qiu hurriedly comforted them and said, “Have you heard the sound of the waves? The waves will rush over soon. Get in the car first and go to the temporary rescue station. As long as we cross the bridge 1,500 meters away, we will be safe!”


Fang Qiu hurriedly ran to the first car.

Sure enough, he saw the driver with a fever in the passenger seat.

The young Western Medicine doctor was right behind him.

“Do you know how to drive?”

Fang Qiu asked.


The Western Medicine doctor answered.

“Okay. You drive.”

Fang Qiu nodded and said, “Open the trunk. I’ll take him there for treatment. There’s too little space here.”

The young doctor of Western Medicine found the car key from the sick driver. In a hurry, he went to open the trunk.

The trunk was full of supplies.magic

Without saying a word, Fang Qiu immediately took out a lot of things. He quickly rushed ahead and put them in the passenger seat. With this, he made a space in the trunk.

He took the patient into the trunk and locked the door.

The young doctor of Western Medicine lost no time driving. Following the other vehicles, he also drove to the rescue station.

Within the trunk…

Fang Qiu laid the driver flat on the pile of rescue supplies.

He took off all the driver’s clothes. Carefully, he measured his pulse to feel his patient’s aura.

He found that…

The patient could hardly stand the cold within him, and his aura was exceedingly feeble.

His heart was about to stop beating.

Fang Qiu was clear he could not hesitate at this time.

Right away, he pressed his hands on the patient’s heart and quickly transferred a trace of internal Qi into him. By thawing the cold around his heart, Fang Qiu wanted to ensure that his heart would not stop beating.

Even so…

The patient’s blood was also cold.

His body temperature would drop continuously when the cold blood circled within the driver’s body.

If Fang Qiu wanted to save his life…

He could only expel all the cold in him to raise his body temperature.

A treatment plan popped up into Fang Qiu’s mind.

Fang Qiu controlled his internal Qi and injected a flow of internal Qi into each of these acupoints: Dazhui on the neck and shoulder, Danzhong on the chest, Shenque on the navel, Mingmen on the waist, and Yongquan on the sole.

According to Chinese Medicine, cold and dampness usually invade the human body through these critical acupuncture points.



The experienced elders always instructed their juniors to protect these places from the cold.

Of course…

Since the cold entered the body from these acupoints, Chinese Medicine doctors would eliminate the cold from them. In Chinese Medicine, the best way to expel the cold was to do moxibustion.

Obviously, Fang Qiu couldn’t do it now.

Therefore, he could only inject his internal Qi directly into each of the five acupoints. Firstly, he stopped the cold from penetrating the driver. Then, by controlling the flows of internal Qi in the five acupoints, he drove all the cold in the patient together and eliminated it!

He activated his spiritual force.

Under his control, the five flows of internal Qi began circulating in the patient. At a fast pace, they helped the patient remove the cold in the meridians.

Then they turned to his viscera.

After driving all the cold together, Fang Qiu produced another flow of internal Qi to mobilize the Qi within the patient.

All of this was done.

Initially, the patient was nearly frozen with cold. At this time, he finally got warm again.

Soon after…

Fang Qiu examined him thoroughly.

The patient’s blood hadn’t yet become warm but contained no cold. It nearly froze only because the patient had been surrounded by cold.

As long as the patient’s body temperature started rising, his blood would return to normal before long.

Fang Qiu enveloped the cold with his internal Qi, moved it out of his body, and destroyed it.

Only then did Fang Qiu breathe a sigh of relief.

At this point…

The patient’s breathing gradually became heavier.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and woke up.

Just then…

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There was a sudden squeal of brakes.

“Anything happened?”

Hearing that, Fang Qiu got nervous and quickly opened the door. When he jumped out of the trunk, he happened to see the young doctor of Western Medicine getting out of the vehicle. Immediately, he ran forward and asked.

“What happened?”

Fang Qiu asked as he looked forward.

“The bridge collapsed!”

The young doctor of Western Medicine said, “The bridge caved in right after the first car crossed it. The person in front said they couldn’t cross it at all. We are blocked here.”

All the others also gathered around with knitted brows.

The patient that Fang Qiu had cured jumped out of the trunk.

The others all breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of him.

It was good that he was not dead.

However, no one had time to celebrate it.

After all, the current situation was very troublesome. They couldn’t cross the bridge, and the heavy rain fell incessantly. The sea waves would rush here in an hour or two at most. Even if the river could divert the water, unexpected accidents might happen.

While everyone was discussing…

Fang Qiu walked to the trunk and locked the door.

Then, he took the chance and transform into a black shadow.

From the forest by the roadside, he darted to the forefront. There, he saw the broken bridge.


The bridge crumbled.

But steel bars were used to build the bridge. At this time, they still connected those broken stones. Therefore, even though the bridge was broken into pieces, its central part didn’t utterly fall apart.

Fang Qiu saw that…

He rushed straight up.

“Drive past it!”

He shouted at the top of his voice.

Fang Qiu rushed under the bridge. Raising his hands, he lifted the collapsed bridge high, making it parallel to the road.

Everyone witnessed this.

They had no idea who the black shadow was, but they were all shocked by his matchless physical prowess.

“Hurry up and cross the bridge!”

Fang Qiu shouted in Anglanish.


How could anyone dare to go over it in such a dangerous situation?

The shadow could support the bridge. However, once one of their vehicles was on the bridge, the shadow had to bear several more tons. How could they cross the bridge like that?

“Come on! Hurry up and get past…”

Again, Fang Qiu urged them loudly.

The driver of the second car judged the present situation. Even if he stayed put, he would die anyway.

Immediately, he steeled his heart.

He drove the car and rushed over quickly. Although the bridge was broken, the vehicle crossed it smoothly in a flash.

The people behind him saw this.

One after another, they jumped in the cars and sped up to drive across the bridge.

Under the bridge…

As Fang Qiu supported the bridge with all his might, the blue veins on his arms stood out. Whenever a vehicle crossed the bridge, he felt as if a huge mountain had fallen on him. He found it challenging to raise the bridge even with the support of internal Qi!