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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 990
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That night, Vivienne was tormented by a nightmare.

In her dream, Abigail was desperately trying to kill her, but Mr. Wolf, in a heroic act, took the fatal blow for her and collapsed right in front of her eyes. Vivienne, frantic, tried everything to bring Mr. Wolf back, but he wouldn't wake up.

The scene felt so real that Vivienne's heart ached unbearably, as if she couldn't breathe.

She tried to scream for help, but no sound cout.

Waking up, Vivienne felt a tightness in her chest, the suffocating pain was just like in her dream, too real to ignore. She clutched at her chest, speechless.

Percival, sensing something was wrong with her, immediately turned on the light and saw Vivienne's pale face. "Vivienne!" He quickly picked her up and gently patted her back. After a few minutes, Vivienne managed to catch her breath. "Mr. Wolf, I'm okay now, it was just a dream." Percival got up, fetched her a glass of water, and wiped the cold sweat off her face. "Why on earth would you have such a nightmare? You must be overthinking something." Vivienne, having caught her breath, shook her head.

Sinceing down from the mountains, she occasionally dreamt of her childhood with her mother, but never experienced anything like this.

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This pain that extended from her dream into reality was definitely not normal.

Percival, his brow furrowed with lingering fear, was about to step outside. "I'll call the doctor, have here over." Vivienne stopped him, "Mr. Wolf, it's the middle of the night, she's probably asleep." Percival frowned, "Then I'll call Finnian to have a look at you." Vivienne sighed, "The doctor has really gone back to Emerald Mountain..." Percival paused, trying to think of someone else who could help.

Vivienne sighed softly at him, "Mr. Wolf,e hold me, you pacing around is makingdizzy." Percival approached, his body tense, and hugged her tightly, "I'll take you to the hospital." The scent uniquely Percival's calmed Vivienne down, "It was just a nightmare, I'll feel better after ssleep." Soon after, Vivienne fell asleep in Percival's arms.

But Percival stayed awake the whole night, holding her until dawn.

The next morning, Percival got ready, waiting for Vivienne to wake up.

Due to the midnight turmoil, Vivienne slept until almost noon. Opening her eyes, she saw Percival sitting by the bed, his eyes slightly red.

Vivienne startled, "Mr. Wolf, what are you doing?" Percival gently helped her up, "Get up, we're going to the hospital for a full check-up." Vivienne, puzzled, "What check-up?" Percival stroked her head, slowly saying, "I'm not at ease about last night, it's better to have a check-up." Vivienne explained, "Mr. Wolf, it was just a nightmare, I'm really fine. Don't et, I'm a doctor myself. If there was something wrong, I would know. There's no need to go to the hospital." Percival insisted, "Doctors don't treat themselves, you of all people should know that." Unable to dissuade him, Vivienne let herself be helped up and dressed for the hospital.

After the check-up, Percival went to the office to pick up the results.

Vivienne went out to buy breakfast, sitting on a bench to eat, missing Mr. Wolf's homemade breakfast because they left so early. Her phone rang-it was Draven.

Vivienne answered, "Boss, the information you wanted has been found. Someone from the Hawthorn family did inquire recently." "Who was it?" she asked.

Draven replied, "A person named Chris Field. He and the person you're investigating, Delilah, were married but divorced three years ago. He was following Delilah's trail to the Brooks family." Vivienne took a bite of her sandwich, "And the person I asked you to track?" "Delilah picked up her child from the Field family ten days ago, left Sea City, passed through Havenwood, and upon discovering the Brooks 200 sheet family moved to Rivenwood, followed. There were no suspicious individuals involved, and it seems she didn't realize she was being followed." Vivienne narrowed her eyes, "Keep an eye on this Chris person, find out his motive." For now, Delilah didn't seem to be a suspect.

Later, Vivienne called Leopold.

Leopold, barely awake, mumbled into the phone, "Hey, Vivienne, what's up so early?" Vivienne was straightforward, "The Brooks family has a child in need of emotional guidance. Go there, and while you're at it, covertly protect Dorian's family." Leopold, thinking he was still dreaming, replied, "Vivienne, are you sure you dialed the right number? I'm Leopold, not Thomas..." Vivienne, "..." "I'm looking for you. If you're not there by 10, you'll be sorry." Leopold sat up, hitting his leg in the process, gasping in pain, "Vivienne, don't hang up..." "What now?" Vivienne asked, calm as ever.

Leopold was on the verge of tears, "Vivienne, did you et I'm injured? My leg can't even protect me, let alone someone else." Vivienne flashed a sly grin, "Seems like you ot how Master ended up with the Martinez family, huh?" The moment her words fell, silence swept over the line with Leopold as if he hit the mute button. You could hear a pin drop. "Vivienne, damn it!" Right after hanging up, Vivienne noticed Percival looking at her, anxiety written all over his face, his grip on the paper nearly crumpling it.

Setting aside her glass of milk, Vivienne stood up and reached for Percival's hand, "Mr. Wolf, what's got you looking so pale?" Feeling Vivienne's warmth, Percival, startled, grabbed her hand and headed for the door, "Vivienne, let's go. We need to see my mom." "Huh?" On the way, Vivienne couldn't help but notice Percival's hands trembling on the steering wheel, utterly confused.

She had just circulated her inner energy throughout her body not long ago.

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Everything seemed fine.

Why then was Mr. Wolf looking so unwell? The Linklater residence.

The Linklater family was having breakfast, and upon seeing Percival and Vivienne, waved them over to join.

Percival, hardly in the state to eat, quickly greeted Yorick before approaching Sasha, "Mom, I you toe with me. I don't anyone else with Vivienne's health." hovels His words sent a ripple of unease through the breakfast table.

Yorick looked on in bewilderment.

Arthur stood up abruptly, "Explain to me, what's wrong with my daughter?" Sasha glanced at Vivienne, still firmly held by Percival's hand, andet nodded, standing up to calm the men at the table, "Dad, honey, you go on I'll go check on Vivienne." Arthur, wanting to follow, was held back by Yorick, "Sasha's there. What are you worried about?" Inside the house.

Sasha placed her fingers solemnly on Vivienne's pulse, closing her eyes in thought.

Percival, beside them, hardly dared to breathe, the tension in the room thickening.

Vivienne, at a loss for words, said, "Mom, I get Mr. Wolf being all weird, but why are you joining in on this too?" Sasha merely curled her lips in a smile, not responding to her.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and nodded at Percival, "Go and get her smedication, one dose a day, for ten days should do." Vivienne, "..." mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLliI0fifl0&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1