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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 993
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Picking up the phone, Cordelia's voice was indeed hushed, "Hey Viv, I heard from Leo that it was you who asked him to have a heart-to-heart with Flynn. Your aunt feels terrible about it and insisted I call to say thanks." Vivienne replied calmly, "No need to thank me, Cordelia. Leo was just bumming around; a dinner invite is more than enough." Cordelia chuckled on the other end, "Can't just treat a guest who's been such a big help so casually. I remember Leo loves my homemade pasta. I'll whip up a batch later." Vivienne remembered something, "Oh, Cordelia, aunt gavea locket last twe met by the elevator, said it was a family heirloom. I'll bring it over next time." Cordelia sighed, "Delilah, always thinking of these sentimental things... If only things could have been different... Ah." Realizing she might have said too much, Cordelia quickly changed the subject, "Don't overthink it, Viv. Your aunt's just a bit sensitive. I'll take care of the locket." Vivienne nodded, not pressing further.

It was clear Cordelia cared deeply for her sister, and struths might not be entirely objective anyway.

After hanging up, Vivienne listened to the faint sounds outside from Mr. Wolf.

After a busy morning, the sudden calm made Vivienne feel a wave of exhaustion.

She lay down and fell into a deep sleep within minutes, her dreams continuing from before.

This time, she witnessed Abigail consuming a human heart, blood dripping everywhere, her eyes fixed on Vivienne, a strange smile on her lips, "Vivienne, they're nothing compared to you!" Vivienne's eyes turned cold; she tried to summon her power, but found herself restrained, her abilities gone.

Abigail's figure approached, her beautiful face cloaked in malice, her blood-dripping fingertip aimed straight at Vivienne's heart. Waking up again, Vivienne frowned at the empty room.

Getting up, she checked the room's arrangement.

She never believed in old wives' tales.

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If the first twas due to hormonal imbalances from pregnancy, then this tmust have been influenced by external factors. These dreams clearly meant someone was trying to manipulate her emotions.

Everything in the room was familiar, even the jars Sasha mentioned contained nothing harmful to the fetus, nor anything that could stimulate one's psyche.

The only other items were her and Mr. Wolf's everyday belongings.

Where exactly had Abigail struck from? When Percival entered, he found Vivienne standing by the table, eyeing sjars.

Noticing him, she squinted, "Mr. Wolf, do you think Abigail is nearby?" Sensing Vivienne's mood shift, Percival's gaze darkened, setting aside what he was holding to approach, "Viv, don't worry. We've secured the area. She can't get close, and neither can anyone else." "Don't let these emotions get to you." Vivienne nodded.

Mr. Wolf was right.

If she could be so easily disturbed, Abigail wouldn't need to lift a finger to dismantle her from the inside.

But Vivienne was no victim.

She intended to find Abigail's trail amongst these belongings and catch her herself.

It was clear.

Rather than killing her outright, Abigail seemed to relish in torturing her first.

Like a seasoned butcher who lets the animal bleed out a bit before the kill, ensuring the meat, especially the organs, remain fresh. From the moment Alyssa targeted Mr. Wolf, Vivienne sensed it.

Destroying those she cared about to drive her to madness was exactly what Abigail wanted to see.

But Abigail underestimated her strength and Mr. Wolf's power.

She couldn't touch Mr. Wolf, and she couldn't hurt Vivienne.

Not wanting to add to Mr. Wolf's worries, Vivienne wrapped her arms around his neck, "It's okay, Mr. Wolf. Takeback to bed." Percival hugged her tightly, "Alright." After settling her in bed, Percival brought over schicken soup he had been simmering, cooled it with a spoon, and offered it to her, "Here, eat something first. The medicine will be ready soon." Vivienne, touched by the gesture, tried to take the spoon.

But Percival insisted, "You're not feeling well. Lettake care of you." She chuckled, "Mr. Wolf, it's going to be nine months of pregnancy. If you fuss overlike this every day, I might just regress.' Percival's eyes lit up, clearly fond of the idea, "Even better. That way, I can always be with you and the baby. It'll givepeace of mind." Vivienne, "..." Mr. Wolf couldn't seriously be considering this, could he? After only managing half the soup, Vivienne shook her head.

Her appetite had changed since finding out about the pregnancy, suddenly averse to anything too rich.

Percival didn't push, wiping her mouth with a napkin and handing her water, "If your stomach's upset, we can wait on the medicine." Vivienne took a sip, nodding.

Even if it wasn't her stomach, she had no desire for the medicine.

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Supposed to take it for ten days straight.

She couldn't help but suspect it was a trap set by her own mother.

In the pause waiting for the medicine, Percival suddenly spoke, "Viv, I think we should keep the pregnancy under wraps for now. My folks agree. Let's wait until things are more stable before we tell everyone." Vivienne understood Mr. Wolf's point, but she suddenly thought of a quicker way to draw out Abigail, "Mr. Wolf, maybe we can use this news as bait." "No way!" Percival's brow furrowed, his expression one of seriousness that Vivienne had never seen before. "I can't agree with you risking yourself like this, Vivienne. There are plenty of ways to deal with Abigail. We don't have to go to such extremes." Content belongs to en.swVivienne hadn't expected Mr. Wolf to react so strongly. Even if she was pregnant, she was fully capable of protecting herself. "Mr. Wolf, it's just about spreading the word. I'll be fine. You're forgetting what I have Abigail can't hurt me." Content belongs to en.swNo matter what Vivienne said, Percival wouldn't budge.

Neither Vivienne nor their unborn child was worth the risk to him.

Even if the risk was one in ten million, he wouldn't allow it to happen.

Seeing Mr. Wolf's stubbornness, Vivienne had no choice. It was the first tshe had seen Mr. Wolf so obstinate, almost childlike. "Alright, we'll do it your way, Mr. Wolf. We'll keep this under wraps for now." Percival finally breathed a sigh of relief, tenderly touching her head and leaning his forehead against hers, his voice tinged with guilt. "Trust me, Vivienne. Witharound, 1nothing will happen to you onour baby." Content belongs to en.swVivienne nodded. "I believe you." UMS She realized she had been too impatient. Abigail was nothing more than a fugitive who had been severely injured by her and Mr.


It wasn't worth upsetting Mr. Wolf over someone like that.

Vivienne wrapped her arms around him. "Mr. Wolf, I didn't mean to ignore your feelings earlier." Percival nodded. "I know. I'm fully aware of your capabilities, Vivienne. But now, withand our baby in the picture, you have more to consider. It must feel restricting, which I know you hate." Vivienne felt a wave of emotion. Mr. Wolf truly understood her.

If her mother could hear them now, Vivienne would probably be on the receiving end of a verbal lashing.

Percival checked the tfor her medication, kissed her forehead, and stood up. "Wait here. I'll go get your medicine." Vivienne was left speechless.