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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267

Eric’s words hung in the air, unfinished, as he noticed Eder’s brows knit together, a flicker of

melancholy crossing his usually unreadable eyes.

“I have imposed strict confidentiality on everyone about the virus coursing through me. Let’s keep it that

way. Especially from Grace!” Eder commanded, his voice echoing with a dull finality.

“Understood.” Eric paused, looking apprehensive. “But Boss, even if we can suppress this secret now,

Miss Salen will have to grapple with your sudden demise five months from now. It’s going to inflict

unimaginable pain on her.”

“I’m aware. Give me time to ponder over it.” Eder averted his gaze, his expression etched with

exhaustion. His eyelashes fluttered, hinting at an internal battle he struggled to contain.

Eric recognized his pain. This was perhaps Eder’s most challenging moment, a crossroads of

heartache and duty.

Late into the night, Eric exited the room, leaving Eder to his solitude in the sterile confines of the lab


The night unfolded in quiet serenity. The trees outside the window shivered under the whispering wind,

and soon, a soft rain began to drizzle.

Eder turned towards the window, watching as raindrops slid down the glass. His once commanding and

prideful visage was now shrouded in melancholy, his expression a kaleidoscope of thoughts. His

reverie was interrupted by the beep of his phone, signaling a new message. Unlocking his phone,

Eder’s eyes landed on a message from Grace.

“Eder, are you managing to get some rest on the border?” the message read.

“I’ve heard about the strong ultraviolet rays there. Are you going to return with a tan? Haha! Should I

start calling you ‘Bronzed Eder?” another ping announced the arrival of her subsequent message.

Grace’s playful banter brought a smile to his lips, a rare moment of levity in the otherwise clinical


His mind’s eye painted an image of Grace’s face, lively and teasing as she penned those words. A

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sudden, overwhelming longing overtook him-the desire to hold her close and never let

After some time, another message from Grace illuminated the screen.

“Have you fallen asleep? Or is it difficult to reply from there?”

“No, wait. Is there a signal issue? Then I won’t intrude. Goodnight!” swiftly followed another message.

Grace’s chat window remained silent after that message, and Eder’s lips curled into a bitter smile. His

fingers danced lightly over the lines of text Grace had sent, tracing their path on the smooth


A tear broke free, silently tracing a path down his cheek, nestling into the short hair at his temple,

disappearing as if it had never existed.

Out of nowhere, an acute, gnawing pain pierced through his chest, the intensity making his body

tremble uncontrollably. He doubled over on the bed, beads of sweat rolling off the tip of his nose, and

the veins stood out on his hand as he battled over the pain.

Each breath was combat against torment, the pain searing through him with ruthless constancy.

The relentless throbbing escalated in severity, forcing a pained groan from his lips. With a trembling

hand, he reached out for the alarm on the bedside table. In his weakened state, before he could press

the alarm, he tumbled off the bed.

The thud jolted Dr. B, who was resting in an adjacent room. Rushing over, he pushed the door open

and was met with a sight that made his heart drop.

“Eder! Good heavens! I warned you about keeping your emotions in check to avoid agitation and

extreme emotions. Heart angina is lethal when it flares up! Murmuring under his breath, he quickly

located the prescribed pills and popped them into Eder’s mouth.

With the medication needing time to take effect, all Dr. B could do was assist Eder back onto the bed.

and tuck him under the blanket. He stayed by his side for several hours, only exhaling a sigh of relief

when exhaustion finally lulled Eder to sleep.

The same night, sleep eluded Grace as well.

Staring at the ceiling, her thoughts wandered to the last time Eder was on a mission and narrowly

escaped a bullet to his heart, bleeding profusely. Now, he was at the border, notorious for its

tumultuous environment and hostile inhabitants.

With Eder not responding to her messages, she was left in the dark about his well-being and the

current state of affairs. While caught in her worries, sleep stealthily claimed her.

The restless night left her weary eyed the next morning as she went to work.

She was entirely oblivious to the fact that the man she had been ceaselessly worrying about had

returned that very evening.

Upon hearing of his return, she sprinted upstairs, her skirt billowing around her as she rushed to the

bedroom door and thrust it open.

There he was, Eder, lounging on the bed, engrossed in a book. His refined fingers gracefully turned the

pages, an effortless aura of aristocracy emanating from him. His extraordinarily handsome face could

leave one breathless, even in such a casual posture.

Alerted by the sudden disturbance, Eder lifted his gaze towards the door, his eyes softening as he took

in her presence. His voice, gentle, reached her ears, “Grace.”

Grace’s face broke into a wide grin as she hopped onto the bed, straddling him. Her hands cupped his

face as she looked at him closely. “I didn’t expect you to go to the border and come back without

getting a tan. I want to taste this honey-colored skin!” She playfully pecked his cold, thin lips, her

actions reminiscent of a child who had just received a coveted piece of candy.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were back? I wouldn’t have known you were home if I hadn’t seen Eric

standing at the door by chance. Were you planning to surprise me?”

A faint smile crossed Eder’s face, skillfully concealing the weariness in his eyes. “Yes, a surprise.”

Despite his attempt to hide it, Grace could sense a melancholic undertone in his voice. “Did things not

go well at the border? You seem a bit down.”

Eder responded with a slight smile and opened his arms to her.

Understanding his gesture, Grace moved to his side, resting her head on his shoulder. Her cold hand

slipped inside his robe, lightly touching his warm waist.

The cool touch sent a shiver down Eder’s spine, but he remained still, a tender smile on his face as he

indulged her playful antics.

“A long-serving senior employee at the Grant Group dedicated his life to the company. He and his wife

share a deep bond…” He began narrating the story in his magnetle volce, maintaluing n seemingly

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unperturbed expression.

Grace silently wrapped her arms around his waist as he spoke more than usual, listening attentively

to his words.

“Recently, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He only has a few months left to live but hasn’t

dared to tell his family, particularly his wife. He asked for my advice, but matters of life and death are


As she listened, Grace’s mood turned somber. She sighed. Their bond is so strong, but his wife will be

heartbroken when she finds out. The one left behind in such a scenario suffers the most.”

Eder’s back stiffened slightly, his long eyelashes fluttering as he strove to mask his sorrow. “Yes, the

one left behind is in the most pain.”

Grace had been shattered six months ago when she thought he had died. To lose something precious

all over again would be unimaginably painful. Would she break down if she had to endure such a loss


Grace failed to notice Eder’s low mood, lost in her memories of the incident six months ago. The mere

thought made her uncomfortable, her eyes welling up unconsciously. Her slender arms tightened their

grip around Eder’s waist.

“Fortunately, I had a health checkup yesterday and am in perfect health. You must promise to be

careful on your missions. We have a long future ahead of us,” she said, her smile radiant.

Eder’s throat bobbed as his hand clutched the covers tightly. She did indeed have a long future ahead,

but his was ticking away. His pale lips moved several times before he could gather the courage to ask

the question he had always dreaded.

“Grace, do you… still, love me?” His head dipped, his black eyes intense as they locked with Grace’s.

He was terrified of this question. Scared that her answer would shatter his heart. Scared that all his

desperate struggles would be rendered meaningless.

But now…

He found himself hoping that Grace would confess she no longer loved him.