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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 293
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Chapter 293

Eder playfully hooked her finger on the bridge of her nose, her eyes filled with affection. “Because I

know that even if you’re drunk, your thoughts are only about me.”

After all, he had experienced it firsthand!

In the hotel not long ago, when she was intoxicated and disoriented, he was a complete stranger with a

fake face. It still felt like a nightmare when he thought about it.

But later, Grace saw through his disguise and recognized him. For the first time, he experienced her

gentleness. Thinking about it now, it still warmed his heart.

However, he wouldn’t tell Grace that she was actually intoxicated that night. She treated unfamiliar

people like a little lioness.

Eder weakly rested his head on Grace’s shoulder and embraced her from behind, his arms securely

wrapped around her waist. “I promised before that I will unconditionally trust you from now on. How

could I doubt you?”

Grace gently lifted his chin with her fingertips, leaning in to reward him with a tender kiss on his thin


Meanwhile, Eric, sitting in the front row, couldn’t help but steal glances at them through the rearview

mirror. It was like he was enjoying a constant stream of affectionate moments.

He truly admired his boss’s sweet words in front of Miss Grace. Ile had already received a report from

Fred, who had informed him of the truth in advance!

Eric raised his eyes and couldn’t help but take another glance at the rearview mirror. He thought to

himself, “Oh well, I’m getting used to it. Kisses, cuddling, and destroying my single life!”

Eder had completely displaced Eric as the primary driver, occupying the spotlight of affection.

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Grace used her fingertips to massage his head lovingly. “Am I too heavy for you? You carried me all the


downstairs and didn’t put me down until we got in the car. It must be quite tiring.”

Eder shook his head, a slight frown on his face. He didn’t want her to think that he wasn’t physically

strong enough.

“As a man, it’s only right for me to carry my fiancee. Besides, you’re as light as a feather It feels like

carrying cotton. Maybe I took some medication before leaving, and it’s making me a bit lazy.”

Grace knew he was finding an excuse, but she didn’t expose it. Instead, she rewarded him with a

gentle kiss on his forehead. “Then rest in my arms for a while. I’ll wake you up later.”


His voice sounded hollow as he nestled his face into the crook of Grace’s neck, enjoying the pleasant

scent that enveloped her.

Grace tenderly hugged him from behind, occasionally patting his back to soothe him. Seeing Eder drift

off to sleep, Eric adjusted his driving to be smoother and gentler.

After more than half an hour, the car came to a stop in front of the Grant family mansion. Due to the

traditional architectural style of the Grant family, all vehicles had to be parked in a designated garage.

They then had to walk through the winding courtyard to reach the Golden Castle Residences.

Eder was sound asleep, his weakened state affecting his physical strength. Grace couldn’t bear to

wake him up and decided to carry him gently into the house.

With a surprised expression, Eric reached out. “Miss Grace, should I….


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Chapter 293

“No need.”

Grace responded concisely and held the sleeping Eder securely in her arms. She turned around and

made her way towards Golden Castle Residences’s direction.

Xian watched her back in awe. He couldn’t help but feel moved.

In a moment of hesitation, he took decisive action, gently taking Eder from Grace’s embrace and

carrying him on his back.


Eric smiled and said, “Mr. Grant regards you as more important than anything else. If your arm hurts

tomorrow, he would feel sorry and guilty. So, Miss Grace, please don’t argue

with me.”

Carrying Eder on his back was effortless for him. He walked faster than Grace, who had to carefully

support him from time to time.

Finally, they arrived at the bedroom and laid Eder on the bed. Grace sat on the edge, rubbing her

sore arm.

She gazed at Eder’s peaceful sleeping face, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts. She had spent at

lot of time researching relevant information lately.

Currently, the $404 biochemical virus was a banned substance in the market. Little was known about

the drug, let alone an antidote. Eder had been taking Mark’s prescribed medications for over half a

month, but they only provided temporary relief and had little effect on treating his condition.

Wasn’t it time to consider Nick’s plan?

If… if he truly knew…

Her heart was in turmoil, tangled between different choices. At this moment, it seemed like her only

option was to take a risk.

That night, the internet was buzzing with news about the Grammer family. Patric’s public

announcement had caused the top ten searches to be dominated by the Grammer family’s scandal.

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Euro had stayed up all night, desperately trying to control the situation by contacting various public

relations agencies. However, none of their efforts seemed to be effective. The scandal involving Patric’s

divorce and Adrian’s affair only intensified the online frenzy.

The following morning, the bad news continued for the Grammer Group. Eder took the lead in severing

all business ties with the Grammer family, sending shockwaves through the industry. As the head of the

Grant family, any decision he made had a significant impact.

Following his lead, many companies and enterprises immediately followed suit, severing their

connections with the Grammer Group. The Grammer stock market plummeted overnight, experiencing

a drastic drop of over ten percent, with no signs of recovery.

In the Grammer family garden, Adrian, who was now fully conscious, was subjected to his father’s

wrath for the first time. He was hanged from a tree and brutally beaten, his agonizing screams. echoing

through the air.

The sound was bone chilling, sending shivers down the spines of anyone within earshot. Adrian’s cries

echoed through the garden, carrying the weight of his father’s fury. Each blow intensified the pain, and

he felt his strength waning. The once proud and privileged young man now hung in utter disgrace.

Euro’s face was contorted with anger and disappointment. He had never imagined that his own son

would bring such shame and ruin to the family name. The disappointment in his eyes was palpable as

he continued to deliver merciless blows.

Fatima, unable to bear the sight any longer, pleaded. “Euro, please stop! He is still our son!”

But Euro seemed deaf to her pleas, consumed by his rage and the disgrace that had befallen the

Grammer family. His voice was filled with bitterness and disappointment. “Our son? This disgraceful

creature is not worthy of being called our son!”

Adrian’s body convulsed with pain as his father’s fists landed on him. The humiliation and agony he felt

were unbearable. Tears streamed down his face as he realized the depth of his own mistakes.