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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 144
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144 Griffin

I was finally taking care of Ayla again, it was awful to see her struggle like that. For a second, I feared

that she would just slip back into a coma if I let her sleep for too long. I believed the doctor when she

said that would not be the cause. And from the relief on Ayla’s face, she had the same fear before the

doctor reassured us both.

I don’t think Ayla ever knew how strong I think she is. However, I knew the truth, so feeling her break

down in my arms. Feeling her tears soaking my T-shirt was like a stab to the heart. I hated seeing her

so broken, and at that moment I had quietly promised her and myself that I would make her feel whole

again. I would be the one that showed her how strong she was again. First, that meant taking extra

care of her, if I could mend her broken body. To make her feel fit again, it would be easier for the rest to


As I undressed her for the first time ever, my stomach churned at the sight of her naked body. Full of

bruises and cuts, seeing her ribs as she stood there ready to get into the bath. The fingerprints on her

hips. Indicating how David had held her down as he was having his way with her. I felt sad, disgusted,

and furious all at once. But with how Ayla was feeling, there was no room for my emotions. She was

my top priority now.

Scared she would fall asleep during bathing, I got into the tub with her. Letting her sit between my legs

as I gently washed every inch of her, Thanking the Moon, Goddess that my body did not have its usual

reaction to seeing my perfect mate naked. To touching her soft bare skin. Now was not the time, I

would not make her feel like that was the only thing I wanted from her.

If she would never be touched like that because of what David has


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done to her. I would not love her less. I would stay loyal to her to my dying breath.


Now she was lying in the bed to me drifting off after we bathed and she had eaten the porridge I made

her. She asked me to wear one of my shirts to bed. And of course, I had agreed, I had always loved

seeing her wear my clothes. It always drove home the feeling of her being mine. Not to mention it was

se xy as hell since my shirts were so big on her that they functioned as a mini dress. Now she looks

more vulnerable than she does s exy. With how much weight she lost, they were even bigger on her

now. And still, I could not help but feel so da mn attracted to her. I had to remind myself that this was

not the time. Ayla had too much healing to do.

For a second, Dillion rushing into our bedroom was a happy distraction. I figured he missed Ayla too.

And was now true to his word rushing in to just tell her something silly. Or show her something he had

bought her.

I don’t know exactly what he said to her when I was gone, but the doctors were convinced that

whatever it was had helped to bring her back to us. When he told us that he had news on David, my

heart dropped. My anger soared at the fact that Dillion asked Ayla if she wanted to hear it too. Of

course, she didn’t she was far too weak to get involved in the pack business now.

But stubborn as my wonderful mate was, she pushed herself up, rešting against the headboard.

Gesturing at her throat to indicate that she couldn’t speak yet.

Dillion presented her with a small whiteboard with markers so she could join in the conversation without

needing to speak. She smiled at him and started writing on it before Dillion even said a word.



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“Thanks, Dillion, this helps,” she wrote and I swear Dillion puffed up his chest a bit like he was proud to

hear Ayla thanking him.

Or well to see Ayla thanking him, the next thing she wrote was addressed to me. And her words made

me fall in love with her even


“Don’t pout Griff, I am proud to be your Luna and Queen. I want to help” She needed to write it down

two times because the whiteboard was too small.

When she was done, I could only smile and kiss her forehead as I told her.

“And I am proud to be your Alpha and King, Darling but worrying about you is part of the job” Then I

settled into the pillows again resting against the headboard of the bed.

Ready to hear whatever it was, Dillion had to tell us.

“David has been spotted at an airport, along with Jason and the other members of his new pack. Sad

really that they left Hannah out, more so since she is carrying his pup. Poor girl really loves him, and I

honestly don’t see why. She is not my type but honestly, anyone could do better than that steaming

back of hit” He shrugged, causing Ayla to giggle.

Hearing Ayla giggle was the best sound, but I did not know how to feel about David escaping the

country. On the one hand, I wanted to punish him for all he had put Ayla and me through. On the other

hand, knowing he was so far away from us now meant Ayla was safe. He could not retaliate and kidnap

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her again before we would find him. We could look at what country he had fled to and contact the royal

family there to make sure that they would expedite David and the rest of his pack to us. We would then

be able to put them to trial and punish him. As evil as it was, I was considering if it would be enough

reason to punish him worse. To come back to the agreement I made with




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Hannah, where I said I would spare both their lives in return for her telling me what happened to Ayla

and David.

But Ayla hadn’t known about Hannah’s pregnancy yet, and I was scared to see how she would react to

the news. When I looked at her, she hardly seemed to show any emotion.

“Darling, are you okay, I wanted to tell you about Hannah being pregnant with David’s pup?” I asked

her since I could not read her at


“I don’t care about their future, only ours,” She wrote on the little whiteboard.

Taking my hand in hers, squeezing it again, showing me she was either much stronger than any of us

could ever imagine. Or she was so broken that she wasn’t able or willing to let her emotions in. I hated

not knowing what the reason was for her to be this casual about it. And as Dillion said his goodbye and

Ayla snuggled back in the pillows, I could only hope I would know soon. So that I could help her the

way she needed.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!