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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 227 - Delusion
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Many people can't understand Zhao Li Xin temperament maybe only the Mong's brother, Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan who understand how Zhao Li Xin behavior is but is not too clear either because he likes to keep everything to himself perhaps because his lack of trust to other people make him have a little attachment to other people around him she becomes disassociated with society is like he see the world from glass, he sees them but never be part of them.

Someone like him is cold and indifferent by nature but some people thought he just created some image for himself because some people used to do that and the Lu clan is one of that people, they can't believe someone like him who has achieved so much in young aged didn't appreciate beauty and wealth and enjoy the luster of the world. ​​

Someone like him expected to be arrogant, selfish, cold and merciless and someone like him would never love anyone wholeheartedly that's why they underestimate Lory's position in Zhao Li Xin's heart and this is their biggest mistake.

In the Lu clan Manor, the elders and few family patriarchs gather in the main hall with complacent smile they can't wait to hear the good news, there Clan leader Lu Qian Gong is very smart to came up with such a brilliant idea, with this not only they can save there face in front of other people and also save them from the harsh war they can even make some kind of relation with Hei Shen Sect and perhaps after a few years they might have 'friendly' connection with Hei Shen sect.

"Father you're idea is brilliant, I believe no one could ignore Lu Xi Xi charmed!" Lu Han Zhuo smile happily he is Lu Xi Xi Father. His daughter's talent may be only so-so but her beauty is number one in the country, there's no way Long Ming can't be tempted by his daughter's beauty for this he is very sure.

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"Yes, with Clan leader we can slowly infiltrate Hei Shen without trouble, what a good idea!" Lu Zhai Quan as one of the elder didn't forget to praise his great leader.

No one hates being praised Lu Qian Gong appear calm but deep down he feel elated, he also feel is a marvelous idea to make Lu Xi Xi as Long Ming servant after a few years he believe she could melt that cold man heart, her delicate face and sensible temperament would soften any man heart.

"Second elder, I hope you don't blame me, we can't avenge Lu Yao for the meantime" Lu Qian Gong pretend to be sorry in front of his people.

Lu Zhai Quan shakes his head "This is for the best for our clan, how could I blame you clan leader?" he also played his part as a concern Lu clan elder, he also didn't care about Lu Yao at first he created ruckus about Lu Yao is only to save his owned reputation as the elder of the Lu clan, he can't let anyone killed his family member and didn't do anything, people would make a jokes of him if he didn't do anything.

Later he realizes he also can make advantage of Lu Yao dead to rise his family position in the Lu clan just like right now where the Lu Qian Gong must compensate him because they choose not to avenge Lu Yao dead.

"You are very loyal and wise second elder" Lu Qian Gong rubs his chin with a satisfied smile "Then I will reward your family with one hundred pure grade pill and one hundred perfection grade elixir also one hundred gold tael for you're family," said Lu Qian Gong with a solemn voice.

Lu Zhao Quan faces glint with greed and excitement but he hides it so fast so none realizes it he immediately kneels on the floor. Lu Mo yen also followed his father suit he kneels on the floor "Thank you for you're generosity clan leader" both of them south at the same time.

The other Lu clan member stares at Lu Zhao Quan and Lu Mo Yen with green and envy with so many pill and elixir how advances their family cultivation would be in a month turns out his the dead of talented Lu Yao is not a wasted for him with so many pill and elixir he could cultivate another talent and created another Lu Yao or even better than Lu Yao.

Lu Qian Gong sneers inside his heart he applause Lu Zhao Quan wit to take the opportunity from his owned daughter dead its a smart but a cruel move but it is no surprise most people would do the same.

On the other hand, Lu Han Zhuo scoffed inwardly, who care about hundreds of pill and elixir after his daughter become Long Ming wife what in this world he can have, just a simple pill compare to White golden palace who rumor is full with talented alchemist and physician, don't talk about hundreds of pill even thousand of pill will be no problem for them.

This also Lu Qian Gong calculated, he gives Lu Zhai Quan and his family a little compensation just to make him quiet so he is didn't interfere with his plan, Lu Qian Gong eager to get Long Ming to his side after he realizes how powerful he is. He killed hundreds of all his people without breaking a sweat and Long Ming also support by four most talented men in the whole continent, Lu Qian Gong didn't want to provoke such a power but everything too late so he came up with this idea as a peace offering and who knew when he become family with Long Ming himself.

The elders and patriarch of every family also agree with the plan they also want to take benefit with Hei Shen Sec even if they can't marry their daughter and grandchildren to Long Ming they still can marry them to the King palace, the rumor is every each of them is young, talented and single, who didn't want to have such a fine man as Son-in-law.

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The main hall is filled with celebrated vibes and happy face, they already filled there head with the delusion of wealth and glory, it feel so close they can almost taste it but they had underestimated one crucial thing, Zhao Li Xin intelligent, cunningness and most of all his cruelty.

Suddenly a young man run to the main hall with hasted "Report clan leader!" he kneeled n the floor while cupped his fist, his face engulfs with anxiety make Lu Qian Gong frown slightly.

"Miss Lu Xi Xi has returned!"

Everyone cheers and looks at each other with a beaming smile, but strangely the young man who reports the news didn't look happy on the contrary he looks agitated suddenly Lu Qian Gong feel bad premonition.

"What's wrong?" Lu Qian Gong squints his eyes worriedly.

Everyone also confuses and slightly upset with the young man's behavior, why he looks sour in the jolly occasion. The young man's lips quiver and he looks pale, he timidly raised his head "Miss Lu is hurt very bad…."

"WHAT!" Lu Han Zhuo gasped "What you mean she got hurt? She is protected with dozen of Lu Clan shadow guards and beast how could she still got hurt!" he shocked in disbelieved.

"That…that's the problem…"The young man flusters "None of the shadow guard or beast return….Miss Lu said….she said all of them killed by Long Ming people"

"What did you say!" Lu Qian Gong hit his armrest hard until it cracked.