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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 259 - Inevitable War II
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The Sacred mountain peak members face turn dark, there blood boiling the Hei Shen sect has waged the war towards them, Nan Yue Wei gritted her teeth "Do you understand what you had done?" her face turns crimson toward Jin Hao.

Jin Hao sneers "I think I know better than you" he opens the golded fan then nonchalantly fanning himself "Don't tell me you didn't expect this" he raised his eyebrows playfully. ​​

Nan Yu Wei glare furiously at Jin hao than she shifts her gaze to indifferent Zhao Li Xin "Do You let you're subordinated acted like this! You knew now the war between us is inevitable" she chides Zhao Li Xin, truthfully she didn't want to fight with Zhao Li Xin because it gives more disadvantaged then benefit and no one knew how powerful Zhao Li Xin is because mostly his subordinated fight for him he rarely fights for himself.

Other then all that reason Nan Yu Wei didn't want to fall out with Zhao Li Xin since five years ago she always admired him, he becomes her goal to be stronger, she wanted to be like him but she didn't know if this feeling is love or not but for certain she didn't want to be the opposite side of him.

Zhao Li Xin didn't know what she thought well he does not care either "The moment you badmouth my fiancée and you stop me to destroyed Lu clan we are bound to war"

Nan Yu Wei heaved heavily 'for that woman again' she cursed inwardly.

"Why you go this far for a dead woman" she suddenly loses control and blurted out her thought

Just like a bomb suddenly a powerful Qi charged towards her, a nimble expert throw a few Nan Yu Wei female bodyguard in front of her the blazing fire engulfed them, they didn't have time to scream before they turn to ashes, Nan Yu Wei watch her female bodyguard turn to ashes in a second with horror, this time she can't pretend to be strong her hands trembling profusely even after she clasped her hand together the tremble didn't stop than she realizes all of her body is trembles.

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The expert who help Nan Yu Wei also is shocked he knew Zhao Li Xin flame arts is the lost art of immortal flame its a destructive power who is not dangerous for other but also the one who used it, it's very hard to control so no one master this art but Zhao Li Xin able to control it, this is a terrible revelation.

All the people who knew Zhao Li Xin have tacit understanding the moment Nan Yue said the word 'Dead' to describe Lory they knew bad thing would happen, all of them make a big leap away from him and used talisman or array to protect them from his outburst and just like they thought The Demon lord can't hold his rage then all of them glare furiously to the stupid Nan Yu Wei.

The flame around him Zhao Li Xin hasn't dissipated the yellow color flame glittering almost like gold, the expert beside NanYu Wei gulped, he can't believe someone has perfected the immortal flame art, the flame is divided by color the first stage is normal color the second stage is deep red color then the third stage is blue after that it becomes purple and the last stage is gold color and only two people who able to reach this color but that was a few hundred years ago but now…

"What did you said…I dare you to repeated it" Zhao Li Xin's eyes turn darker and his voice becomes lower, everyone knew one wrong said there Lord will go ballistic when that happened even Hei Shen people need to run for cover.

Jin Hao already searches a good place to hide with his peripheral sight.


When Zhao Li Xin immersed in madness again, the carriage is stopped not far from the Lu clan entrance gate, they see Liang Zu flags with the army than a people with white robes who Bei Li Yan said they are from Jiu Yun sect also the army from Gold Lion palace are gathered together they are looking at people with lavish yellow robes with hostile.

"Why everyone here?"Lory is confused, why the Liang Zu army and Kiu Yun sect is here too?

"For you, of course," Bei Li Yan make an obvious face.

Lory blushed slightly, she looks down with a faint smile, she always thought she had left her family and friends at Harland and she always all alone ever since then but it was all wrong, finally she's not alone anymore.

"We can't get inside from the front gate, we don't know what this Sacred mountain peak up to and don't forget they want this child too," said Wu San Bo.

"Oh yeah, they help Lu clan for this kid but did they notice Lu Qian Gong doesn't have the kid?" Bei Li Yan rubs his chin while pondering.

"You mean Lu clan is lying to them?" Lory gasped.

"That wouldn't be a surprise, Lu Qian Gong is always devious and coward since he was a kid" Lu Jiang Yi scoffed in contempt.

"Is there no other way to get inside?" Wu San Bo looks around him but everything is cover with protruding root tree and thick leaves but a place like used to have several hidden doors for escaped.

"I know the way, follow me!" Lu Jiang Yi beckoned them to follow him.

Lu Jiang Yi lead them away from the front gate, the place he took them is cover with tall bushes and giant tree than they arrived at the stone wall cover with root tree, Lu Jiang Yi search the wall it's been a long time since he come to this place so his memory a little bit blur.

Then suddenly he feel the cold air from the stones gap, he presses the stones on the left hand then suddenly a secret door opens up, Lu Jiang Yi elated "This is it!" he exclaimed.

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Mong Liu and Mong Tan lit up the torch and all of them get inside, its a long but tight and winding passage cover with spider web and the sounds of rat, the air is damp and the odor is slightly musty and moldy it is clear no one has used this passaged for a long time.

"How do you know about this place?" Lory asked Lu Jiang Yi.

"Shin Jiu's father shows me this place when I escape with Shin Jiu," he said bitterly.

Shin Jiu didn't say anything but he feel sad and happy that his Father thought about him but sadly he can't meet him again and that's all because of the Lu clan.

"Is a the dead-end!" said Mong Liu suddenly.

The passaged is blocked by large stones, now there understand why no one used this passage again, Lu Jiang Yi exasperated "This must be Lu Qian Gong doing, that Bast**d!" he cursed loudly.

"What should we do know?" Bei Li Yan feel dejected.

"Let's search around, on my experience, there should be another way that no one would know" Lory took the torch from mong tan and begin to search on her own while Girsha perch on her shoulder.

Bei Li Yan chuckles "You have colorful experience don't you think Ri Yi"

Lory smiles wryly "You have no idea…."