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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 350 - Lazarus Curse II
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The emperor was still struggling to comprehend with the new situation suddenly a vicious cold voice as if coming from the depth of hell suddenly heard "Where's my fiancée?"

'IT'S COMING!!' ​​

Out of nowhere, Zhao Li Xin appears with his two loyal subordinated, his expression is tensed and his eyes filled with blood lust, when he heard about what happened he almost killed the messenger which is one of the shadow guards, if not because he remembers lory would be upset if he killed his owned people for petty crimes.

Even though he knew the empress will give Lory a hard time but he never have thought they're would be three Lo Tie send to kill her, are they out of they're mind, is it because he getting milder so no one fears him again? how dare he treat his fiancée like this.

"Don't let me repeat myself, where is she?" the anger surged within him he ready to lash out to everyone and everywhere.

The high ranking official is too terrified to open they're mouth, the soldiers also not better, the arrogant general trembles in fear and the Emperor….he depend on his eunuch who props his back from behind so he still able to stand up. they all look at Yuan Shao for help, Yuan Shao sigh in perplexed expression. Its embarrassing to have this kinda emperor to served.

"Miss Luo is left with Ming Yue Yin, she looks fine as far as I can see but…." He hesitated slightly.

"But what?" Zhao Li Xin's voice becomes stern.

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Yuan Shao shook his head in confuse "She urged Yue Yin to leave in hurry I don't know why though?"

Zhao Li Xin frown, without saying anything he turns around but before he left he suddenly stop "I want everyone who involves in this incident held accountable for what happened or else…." After he throws his warning he takes a leap and disappeared in thin air.

The Emperor and the other sigh in relief, the emperor's face turn to ashen this all his empress fault, because of her he must aginst Long Ming and Empress Ming at the same time and why he never heard the empress Ming is very close with Luo Ri Yi he thought Empress Ming and Zhao Li Xin have some kinda romantic relationship, why everything is falling apart?

"Summoned the empress, I want to know what happened today!" The emperor roar furiously.

"Ye….yes. you're majesty!" the Eunuch bow his head than tottering to the Empress living quarter.

The Emperor suddenly become tired, the other eunuch brings the stool for the Emperor to sit.

The emperor massages his temple with somber expression than he shifts his gaze to Yuan Shao "General Yua do you any advice with our problem here?"

'Our? Is you're problem!'

"As long Miss Luo is fine, we can dodge the calamity outcome but someone must take the blamed to appeased Lord long ming and empress Ming anger," Yuan Shao said casually didn't feel worried at all, his sister already safe and well and he already decide to leave this wretched Kingdom when everything is settled so why must he cared if this kingdom ruined or not.

Not long after the Empress arrived with Qian Mu Ting, all of them look disheveled and shaken from what had happened. The empress didn't have time to bow but the emperor leaps towards her and gives her a harsh slapped. The empress falls on the sides and tumbling on the ground, Qian Mu Ting shouted in shock "Mother empress!"

Everything suddenly becomes white and she can only see stars, her cheeks feel numbs, for a minute she doesn't know what happened until Qian Mu Ting hold her shoulder "Mother Empress, are you okay…..are you hurt?" her eyes moist with tears.

The sting on her cheeks awaked her from her stupor, she rubs her cheeks and stares at the emperor with the bewildering expression "You're majesty…you" she gasped in shock, they've been married for decades no matter what she had done the Emperor never lay his hand on her even when she killed his favorite concubines the emperor only ignored her for a month never once he hit her but why now?


On the other place far from the Imperial palace, Lory is on the table, the wings spread behind her back and hit the old lampion to the ground, she clenched her fist the blue flower cover the black scales than gradually the black scales disappeared and her skin back to her normal skin.

The black color in her wing slowly faded like ink on paper sheets. The wing flapped once again and both wings turn white and lory plop on the table.

Ming Yue Yin reflex is to approach her in hasted but something grow from the cracked on the floor and bluebell flower grow and spread all over the room than climb slowly to the wall and ceiling and suddenly the whole room cover with bluebell flower, Ming Yue Yin eyes grew wider she watched everything in awed and disbelieved, this is like miracle….

The door suddenly kicks open, Ming Yue Yin startled, she turns her head around and they're she found Zhao Li Xin standing quietly. Just like Ming Yue Yin, Zhao Li Xin is awestruck, not just because the flower that covers the whole room but the appearance of giant white wings, the wing crossed each other than slowly spread and show Lory on the table lay on the table face down.

"Lo…rient" he mutter.

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Slowly he approaches her, the first he does is check his pulse on her neck. He relief when he feel her faint pulse than he lifts his head, he was awed with the giant white wings in front of him, its funny he always thought if Lory decide to leave him she might grow some wing and fly away from him….who knew she actually able to do that.

He tucks the hair behind her ears gently "What happened?" he asked without turn his head around.

"Nan Yu Wei….he had prepared to kill us…" Ming Yue Yin eyes turn dark in anger "I never thought they dare to attack us blatantly in the open like this, she even sends three Lo Tie to kill us…..she…." her chin tremble to hold her anger.

"Where's Nan Yu Wei" Zhao Li Xin fixed his eyes on Lory's beautiful face. a woman likes to show off they're beauty but his Princess does painstaking effort to cover it.

"Aunty kills her…" she replied shortly.

His hand halt on the air, he stares at Ming Yue Yin from the corner of his eyes.

"I don't know hoe but Lory kills her, she froze that b*tch to ice" she disgruntle how easy Nan Yu Wei's death is.

"And Lory hurt because of her…." Zhao Li Xin's voice deepens.

"Yes…" Ming Yue Yin grit her teeth in remorse "I said I will protect her but I failed….I'm sorry"

The wings on her back suddenly disappeared in thin air and the white orbs flew out of his chest, the orbs fly incoherently, Ming Yue Yin catch the white orbs and the orbs transform to a small white bird, Girsha lay unconsciously on Ming Yue Yin hands.

"Lord Girsha?" she anxiously called him but Girsha close shut tightly as he falls in deep slumber.

Zhao Li Xin takes off his outer robes to cover lory torn dress and her face, she's not the only one who eager to cover her real appearance, but he hides her face for a different reason unlike her. Carefully he lifts her in his arms "This kingdom should pay for this" he with a cold voice.

"I can't agree more" Ming Yue Yin replied with sinister smiles.