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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 364 - The Fight For The Engagement III
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"WHAT! The ex-Empress arrange engagement between Yuan Shao and Qian Mu Ting?"

"That's the news…" ​​

"I thought Qian Mu Ting like my husband…..I guessed I'm wrong"

"I think she was a force to it"

"I thought Yuan Shao has 'Thing' with you?"

"Hey! It was called No-Thing, you know!"

"Really? I'm sure it was Some-Thing"



"When will you get off from the bed" Ming Yue Yin feel speechless, how much does Uncle torture her?

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"When I can feel my legs again…" Lory feel uncertain, even with the amulet and his little healing power why she still feel exhausted. She thought the first time and the second time they 'doing' it Zhao Li Xin has overly excited but she was wrong, compare with last night the other was considered to be mild, that man stamina is terrifying, that's it, she will forbid him to climb her bed for a week! forget about cursed, if this continues he would be the death of her.

"Its almost lunch, how long you need to recuperate?" Ming Yue Yin whines, her moods have been dropped since Su Feng tells her about the news, suddenly she has the urge to break Yuan Shao Limbs.

"Let me eat my lunch here maybe later I will have enough energy to get out of this bed"

"Where is Uncle, this is his fault, why don't he's here to take care of you" Ming Yue Yin snort in disdained, how can he torture Lory and leave her after he got satisfied.

"I kick him out, you thought I can rest with him around?" Lory faces scrunched while she massaged her shoulder.

Ming Yue Yin sees how much trouble lory been through because of Zhao Li Xin suddenly she feel worry "Aunty, is this normal? Are all men like this?" she suddenly feel hesitant to get married.

Lory tilted her head "I don't know? I never pay attention…should we ask someone?" Lory becomes curious too.

"Who? No women talk about this?" Ming Yue Yin becomes flustered.

"Really, Nobody?" she was stunned, so how they learned about this stuff? Is it 'learning by doing' kinda things, like riding a bike? No, the real question is, where's Zhao Li Xin learn about this? She's sure he never b with any women before, then how…..?

"Hey, Aunty, why you become quiet? You're not sleeping with eyes open isn't it?" Ming Yue Yin clicks her finger in front of Lory.

Lory smacks her hands "I do not!" she glared at Ming Yue Yin, Lory than sigh and lean her back on the headboard "back to a serious matter, what Yuan Shao said about this?" Lory will not believe Yuan Shao will accept this arrangement peacefully even if he doesn't have a feeling for Ming Yue Yin there's no way he let himself become the Emperor son In-Law, his deep hatred to the Emperor family is ingrained to his bones.

"I don't know, I haven't got any news about him" Ming Yue Yin shrugged her shoulder indifferently.

Lory would believe her indifferent attitude if only her eyebrows didn't crease so much, she clearly annoyed by this news but she just too stubborn to admit it.


Meanwhile, the morning at Yuan manor is far from peaceful, it was rare for him suddenly to be called by his father to the family main hall, his stepmother Qian Qin Wei and her step-sister also present, the eunuch wit dark grey uniform and black hat welcome him with sly smiles.

"General Yuan" the eunuch cupped his fist courteously.

"Eunuch Qin, for what honor you visited Yuan Manor?" Yuan Shao nods his head politely, although he doesn't like everyone from the palace but he must maintain his courtesy.

Eunuch Qin slanted eyes stretch into a thin line, his smile becomes dubious "General Yuan Shao, kneel and accept the emperor decree!" he said with high pitch voice.

The words from eunuch make everyone in the room kneel on the floor simultaneously, Yuan Shao heaved heavily but he kneeled anyway. The eunuch open the scroll and begin to read "With the blessing of the great emperor of Liu yan kingdom, his majesty bestow the engagement between Yuan Shao the son of Yuan Fei with Second princess Qian Mu Ting the daughter of Emperor Liu Yan Kingdom, may the heaven become the witness and blessed this union"

Yuan Shao feel his heart drop to the ground, its feel like a déjà vu for him but at that time it was his father who received the decree with an ashen face and her mother….he just a child at that time but he never forgets how helpless and lost she was. Yuan Shao didn't realize he clenched his fist so tight the blood trickle from his palms.


It is not enough they destroy his father's life, now they want to destroy his life too, NO MORE!

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"General Yuan, accept this decree" the eunuch served the golden scroll with a ninety-degree bow, but Yuan Shao froze, his eyes remain placid no one knows what he has thinking right now. Yuan Fei feel cold sweat drench on his back he has a very bad premonition about this.

"General Yuan?" the eunuch thought Yuan Shao froze because he is too happy to receive the decree. Who doesn't want to marry a beautiful Princess like Qian Mu Ting?

"I…..can't" Yuan Shao Muttered in a low voice as if he talks to himself.

"General yuan?" The eunuch feel she heard something outrageous but he not so sure, he took another step forward than he shoved the decree closer to Yuan Shao's face "Its an honor for you to become the Emperor son-in-law" the eunuch smiles meaningfully.

Yuan Shao grip on his hand got tighter, he raised his head with a calm expression he said "I cannot accept this decree"

"YUAN SHAO!" Yuan Fei holler he utterly petrified by his son's words.

"Yuan Shao, what are you thinking?" Qian Qin Wei bewildered.

On the other hand Yuan Shan agape, the room suddenly becomes pin drop silence no one dares to make a sound, the male servant and the maids suddenly stop breathing and the air inside the room becomes cold as ice. The eunuch feel he was dreaming, but even in his dream he never heard anyone dare to reject the emperor decree, who is Yuan Shao? He only a young General, he was blessed with a good decree but he dares to refuse.

"General Yuan, do you understand what you just have said?" the Eunuch narrowed his eyes.

There is no doubt in his eyes, he answers solemnly "I do and I also announce myself to leave the general position and also as the first son of Yuan Family, from now on I'm no longer the son of Yuan Fei!"

"YUAN SHAO!" Yuan Fei raised from the floor "You cannot do this, how can you disowned yourself! Don't be reckless!" Yuan Fei becomes frantic, even though he has no good relationship with his Son but deep down he loves his Son dearly, how could he not? This is the child of his beloved woman how could he not love his only Son.

He ignores his father words, he maintains his composure as he cupped his fist and said with a firm tone "Eunuch Qin, send my deep apologies to his Majesty and also tell him this man is no longer related to Yuan family so I will accept the punishment on my owned" Yuan Shao bow his head courteously.

Eunuch Qin scoffed at him "If that what general Yuan wish, this eunuch will comply but general, I hope you don't regret this" The eunuch sneered.