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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 409 - The Test II
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Lory was keen enough to notice Zhao Li Xin's mood change. She knew she needed to salvage the situation before it turned sour. She blinked a few times to remind Zhao Li Xin to stay cool and said cheerful, "You… you are right. The space is good. Isn't that right husband?"

Zhao Li Xin noticed Lory's signal. He didn't want to ruin the bigger plan and disappoint his Princess. He snorted with disdain and left the room. The young man didn't know why Zhao Li Xin was angry. He thought the new recruit did not know how to be grateful since the space was good enough.


Lory gave a wry smile and nodded politely. Her voice was timid when she responded, "Thank you for showing us this place."

"Hump!" The young man stifled with anger as he flicked his robes and left the courtyard.

Lory sighed with relief when the young man left. The courtyard was more spacious than the first one they had been given but it did not meet Zhao Li Xin's standard. The rooms in Zhao Li Xin's manor and Underground Palace were much better. Lory searched for Zhao Li Xin and easily found him as the courtyard wasn't very big. He was in the small pavilion drinking his wine with a gloomy expression.

Lory leaned on the Pavilion's pole and smiled gently, "Still angry?"

Zhao Li Xin took another sip of his wine and tried to swallow his anger. He heaved heavily and muttered, "I can't stand the way they treat you."

A warm breeze lingered in Lory's heart. She could easily read his thoughts. Zhao Li Xin always fussed over Lory from the moment they met. He would worry even when she got a little scratch. He could even go to extremes as he fussed over her. Zhao Li Xin was seeing the depths of darkness within the human heart because of her and it annoyed him. He was unlike Lory who easily overlooked what a person could do to fulfill their desire. Lory understood this flaw and it was also the reason she let Zhao Li Xin chose how to deal with their enemies. She also trusted him with her whole heart to know his decisions were never wrong.

"This should be expected especially since it is all part of my plan," Lory sat next to Zhao Li Xin cramping the small pavilion. "Oh! I have news for you. Mo Ning Yuan has a relationship with someone from the Chen Family. He could be her backer." 

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"Chen family?" Zhao Li Xin frowned and asked, "Which Chen?"

"I don't know yet. However, I'll figure it out later." Lory shrugged casually and squinted at Zhao Li Xin. She was still upset with what happened the previous night. "The man, a Chen, visited her after you left and the two were involved in an illicit relationship. It's actually not shocking judging from how Mo Ning Yuan behaved with you."

Zhao Li Xin felt like a cat had scratched his heart with a paw as he listened to her. Lory's angry face only excited him. He gave her a wicked smile and sipped his wine. "Keep making that face and you will not get out of bed for days."

Lory's face turned red like a ripe tomato. She knew Zhao Li Xin never joked about bedroom matters. She pursed her lips as she felt wronged. "You said I need to rest for a few days."

"Not when you keep making that kind of face," Zhao Li Xin flashed Lory a seductive smile.

Lory was flustered. People said Zhao Li Xin was a cold man but he was like a blazing fire, engulfing her with love and passion whenever he was with her. She could never get away from it from the first time she met him. Lory rubbed her steaming cheeks, "Stop joking! I don't blame you… just… don't get to close to the woman again." 

"I won't! You know I don't like being touched by other people. You are the only one who can do that," He dotingly patted Lory's head. 

He thought he would spend the rest of his life alone but meeting Lory changed that. He at times wondered why it was unbearable for him when others touched him, or why he was apathetic with others - Mong Ki and Mong Yi were the other exceptions as they had served him since he was a child. He couldn't stand others when they got too close to him. There were even times he didn't want Mong Ki and Mong Yi to bother him too much. He was comfortable with his solitude.

Darkness was a commonality in his life until he met Lory. Meeting her was like the sun coming out after a long and dark winter. She made him feel reborn. He saw everything differently. He started to notice the things and people around him, even the taste of food and the air smelt different around him. He got to learn what he liked and didn't like. He even began to enjoy the simple things that he only considered to be necessities before. 

Although he still did not like people getting too close to him, he had accepted more people in his circle and their existence had become more than a symbiotic relationship. It grew to be something more, something he never expected before.

"What are you thinking?" Lory held Zhao Li Xin's hands. It was rare to see him lost in his thoughts.

Her touch woke him from his daze. Their fingers were laced together. He gently kissed her hands and said truthfully, "I only love your touch. There was no one else before you nor will there be another after you."

Lory's face heated once again and her heart beat increased at his full-blown flirting. She worried she would have a heart attack. She feared she wouldn't be able to control herself if he kept it up. The urge to drag her sexy husband to the bedroom was strong. The toll on her health didn't matter.

"I have to leave. I will be gone a while. It will be better if you stay in our courtyard." 

Lory snapped out of her lecherous thoughts at his words. She complained, "Eh… What? Why?"

"The Nan woman has given me a test. She wants me to catch a shadow tiger for her," He sneered when he mentioned the insolent Nan Yu Qi who dared to turn him into her lackey. He could not wait to make her pay when all was over.

"Is it dangerous?" Lory worried. Hunting beasts was not a joking matter.

"Not for me," He raised his eyebrows with confidence. "They are only Saint Level beasts." 

"You told me Saint Level beasts are dangerous," Lory remembered they had encountered Saint Level beasts in the ancient tomb.

"Only because you were there and I was unable to control my immortal flame at the time. This is now different and my cultivation level has also tremendously increased. A Saint Level beast is nothing to me now," He assured in a relaxed manner.

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"Okay, I believe you," Lory sighed as she gave in.

"I'll have one of my people watch over you when I'm gone. His name is Mong Gui. He will contact you secretly after I have left."

"Okay," Lory nodded obediently. "When will you leave?" 

He could tell Lory was reluctant to separate from him. Zhao Li Xin's heart felt like it was being tickled by a gentle feather as he watched her. It put him in a dilemma of whether he should leave or stay. He preferred to spend his time talking with her or better making love with her instead of searching for a mountain beast.

"I leave tonight," He sighed as he knew he was the only one who could do it quickly. But he couldn't help but feel like he was leaving her in the lion's den.

"Ugh, that soon?" Lory propped her chin with irritation.

"I will be gone for two or three days. I could come back sooner but that could raise suspicion. So, you need to stay home and not do anything naughty," He reminded her like she was kid but Lory was not offended.

"Fine…" Lory pouted. She knew she would be bored without Zhao Li Xin's company but didn't worry about her safety. A normal person would have been worried if they were left in a lion's den alone but Lory was not normal. Facing danger was not new to her as it was almost a daily occurrence in her old world. This was the reason she was not anxious when Zhao Li Xin was not around. The only thing she couldn't bear was the loneliness without him.

"Keep yourself safe. The people in this place are cruel and savage. You must be vigilant when I'm gone, okay?" Zhao Li Xin warned with a serious face.

"I know, don't worry. You also need to take care of yourself. Others might not like it if you serve Xie Hua Ling."

"Silly, it's them you should worry about," Zhao Li Xin chuckled. There are not many people on the continent who could match him. Lory's worry was unnecessary but it still warmed his heart.