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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 492 - Father And Daughter
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'I'm here Lory'

Without care, if it's an illusion or trap, Lory chassed the voice without hesitation. She ignores Girsha's warning and she keeps running and running is like her feet have the mind of their own. Her logic told her that this is impossible, her father died a long time ago but her heart didn't care, because even is just an illusion or mind trick she wants to see him, she has to!


[FATHER!] Lory screams on the top of her lungs as she chased desperately.

Suddenly she was swept by bright light who came out of nowhere and all of the sudden everything around her become white, Lory crosses her arms in front of her face in reflex, she tightens the grip of her dagger, the bright light hurt her eyes she subconsciously shut her eyes then everything suddenly becomes quiet, is like the time froze and her breath hitched.

Lory thought she fell on the enemy mind trick, but then she hears the birds chirping and the leaf rustle, then a gentle breeze gently blow her hair, Lory opens her eyes slowly then gradually lowers her arms.

Lory look around her and she found the scene around her is very familiar, she sees the wide green fields lay in front of her, the trees arrange neatly, at far she sees the blue manmade lake and people ride the small boat with a happy expression, Lory blink her eyes a few times to make sure she's not dreaming but the scene remains.

This place....she had not come to this place for a very long time, this place is the royal city park, she uses to had a picnic with her family and friends in this place but since her mother passed away her Father never came to this place again and Lory rarely came too.

"You know this is my favorite place"

Lory stunned, she looks ahead of her, suddenly she feel the lightning strike her and her body become numbs. The man stands right in front of her with a dark blue well-fitted suit, he has tall and strong build as a middle-aged man, he has dark bluish hair and purple eyes he looks charismatic and dignified.

He looks at her warmly then he smiles "Can I have a hug, Princess"

The dagger that still on her grip fall on the ground, Lory's eyes become misty as her sight becomes a blur, she doesn't care if that man in front of him is her real father or not he seem alike and that's enough for her. Lory dash to her father and she jump on his embrace "Father, Father, I hope this is really you!" Lory buries her face on his father's chest.

Marcus stroke her head gently "It's me, Lory….it's me, well not all of me but…..it's me" he holds his daughter tightly like he never holds her before and it takes a long time before both of them finally calm.

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Lory lifts her head, she frowns as her brain start to work again "Father, how could this happen? You are…..this is not even Verrion" 

Marcus only smiles "Come follow me, let's have a seat" he leads Lory to the bench nearby. 

They took a seat and watch the calm lake right in front of them as they watch people ride a small boat, Lory know this is all not real, this place, the people, perhaps his father too….

Marcus takes a deep breath, he leans his back on the bench while watching the distance. Lory stare at his Father without blink "Father…is this all…real?"

The corner of his mouth rise slowly "Perhaps not but doesn't mean it ain't true"

Lory pursed her lips, she thinks she understands what her Father means "I miss you" she softly said.

Marcus patted her head "Me too sweety, me too…"

The gentle patted remain her when she was a child, only now she realizes how much she missed his father touch. 

"Father I…..I do something, you may not approve but I…"

"I know" Marcus let out a long sigh "I know more than you do…"

"You do?" Lory stares at her father with doubt.

Marcus stifles "Lory I….I also do a lot of mistakes, I have my own regrets but if I have to start all over again I might just do the same, don't you think so" he smiles at her.

Lory nod "Yeah, I know" she leans her back comfortably on the bench "But I release a powerful demon and jeopardize the entire world just for one soul, oh I don't know I might risk Lucas life afterall in the end"

"No sweety, you just speed up the inventible" Marcus gaze to the lake "Soon or later that snake will found the way out"

Lory startled "You know Lazarus?"

"Our first Lucient who put that thing on caged" Marcus said.

"I Know but why caged him, why doesn't he kill Lazarus" Lory frown as this matters had bothered her for so long.

"That's why Lory, we send you here," Marcus said calmly then he crosses his legs comfortably.

"We?" Lory raised her brows as her question raised.

"Your mother, me and…..Arthea" Marcus rub his chin.

Lory stupefied and she becomes quiet "Why so many secrets, why can you told me…. me and Lucas could do something and after all, this is my life"

"I'm sorry princess, I just want to give you a normal life, at least as normal Lucient could have. I don't want you to be burden by something you can't change, I want you and Lucas have a normal life and not just about God, Demon, faith, death and whole that mumbo-jumbo things, Me and your Mother want more for both of you…even just for a while"

She can refute him because she does have a good life, all that sneaking around making trouble like a normal teenager, that would never happen if she knew about the future, just like that time she knew about the prophecy about Lucas she becomes obsessed and her life turn to a very different direction.

"So why you send me here?" 

Relief because Lory seems to understand him Marcus lift his chin "Because that man name Zhao Li Xin is here…" 

Lory's eyes bulged and her mouth hanging open "Wait, how do you know my husband? Wait, I forgot to tell you I'm married"

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Marcus chuckles "I know, a good fella a bit crazy but you need to be a little bit crazy to marry with Lucient heir" he laughs heartily.

Lory blushed and she was elated knowing her father approved her husband, although she always thought her Father will fond of Zhao Li Xin but knowing from the man himself make her feel delighted.

"So…where's the wedding? You just tie the knot without any formal procession" Marcus stare at Lory with a fuddled look.

Lory perplexed she rubs her hands together "Well, I don't like big party, and the wedding process in this world is more complicated and long so…it's a hassle and…I don't know, I don't feel like it" Lory shrug and look away.

Marcus who knows about lory temperament stare at her deeply "Come on, tell me your real reason"


Being pressed by her Father gaze lory press her lips into a thin line, Lory scratch her cheeks nervously "I…uhm, it doesn't feel right"

"Marry him?"

"No, you and Lucas weren't there" Lory weakly smiles "I always thought all of you will be there when I got married, is not like I think about married all the time, I don't think I'll ever be married but when I met Zhao Li Xin, I know is a right thing to do but when I think about the wedding I just….." Lory heavily sighs "Wedding should be an occasion where the family gathers and I don't….I don't have…I'm alone" Lory bitterly smiles "It reminds me that I'm alone…."

"Oh, my dear princess" Marcus pulls his daughter then he hugs her "But you not, you have friends, lover, Girsha, and people who care about you, people that love and would die for you. How could you say you are alone sweetheart…we send you here because of the possibility for you" Marcus releases his hug, slowly she lifted her chin.

"This world, those people and Zhao Li Xin, they all need you as much as you need them. We send you here because of the possibility for you to survive, to be happy, the possibility may not big but it was there…we want you to be alive, to be happy, that's what we fight for you and we fought so hard so Lory don't hesitate, be happy you deserved it"

"Can I?" Tears roll on her cheeks like a pearl "I make terrible mistakes…"

Marcus cupped her face gently "Lory, remember this not all your fault, you maybe the catalyst but is not you who start it but Lory…I'm afraid is it you who have to end it"


"Oh, I think is about time now..." he suddenly lifts his head, he shifts his glance back on his daughter his expression seems reluctant, Marcus kisses her forehead softly "It's time to part Lory, I love you, my dear princess…"