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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 537 - A Safe Passage
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Zhao Li Xin's expression remains placid like a pond surface, he doesn't look surprised nor delights his dark eyes dimmed while he fiddles his long fingers with indescribable looks. His silence make the air feel heavy, no one dare said anything, Jiang yu ran could feel her back is drenched with cold sweat, but she can't back down…not went she get this far.

Zhao Li Xin straightens his back then he shifts his gaze to the side "What do you think wife?" he casually asks.


The door opens then a woman with dark blue hanfu and silver long skirt enters the room, she is wearing a blue veil cover with intricate embroidery, her face hidden behind the embroidery but from her silhouette, Jiang yu ran could guess how beautiful the woman is but she doesn't understand why she hides her beautiful face.

Zhao Li Xin's cold face melted slightly when he sees lory enter the room, it seems Yang Xi Ying has done a great job to accentuated his princess beauty without the need to show her face. What an ingenious plan she got!

On contrary, Lory was so embarrassed, Yang Xi Ying dress her like a bride-to-be, at first, they purposed is only to hide her hair and face but after Yang Xi Ying touch Lory bluish, smooth and silky hair that's when Yang Xi Ying can't hold herself anymore, whatever hairstyle she apply on Lory it turns out to be different and unique because of her naturally wavy hair and color tones.

That's why the ten minutes preparation dragging into a half an hour makeover, Lory keep reminding yang Xi Ying that she will not show her face, so makeup is not necessary but of course, Yang Xi Ying ignores Lory reminder, in the end, it become for her owned satisfaction and Lory deemed to lost.

When she has done, Girsha mocked her [ Here comes the bride!] 


Lory throws a grape to the bird and the bird received the grape with open beak.Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Don't move!" Yang Xi Ying glare wit brush on her hand, she looks like a villain who wants to kill the protagonist.

"So…sory" Lory's face turns stiff as Yang Yi Ying smear rouge on her lips carefully.

'Where's my gentle Xi Ying, hiks…' 

Back to the present, Zhao Li Xin walks towards lory he feel very satisfied with how his beloved princess look, the beautiful long dress suits her very much and the veil add more mysterious charmed on her. He wishes Lory would dress like this more often but again his wife is not a dainty princess but a wild one there's no way lory would wear this type of dress if not necessary. Zhao Li Xin feel regretful but he will tale whatever he can.

"You dress so beautifully, are you tend to seduce me, wife?" he stares deeply with seductive smiles.

Even behind the veil Lory still able to see Zhao Li Xin's passionated gaze, her cheeks quickly turn red fortunately the veil covers her face, if not she would feel embarrassed in front of the guest.

"I don't know you are easy, Milord" she teased him.

"I always easy if it's for you" Zhao Li Xin whisper right to her ear, he make Lory heart stop beating for a second.

Lory can't handle his teasing, she hit his chest lightly to warn him to maintain his attitude. Their sweet exchanged is watched by Jiang Yu Ran, so the rumor is true that Long Ming is head over heels for his wife, but of course, he is if not why a man like Long Ming who can marry any princess and noble ladies that she won't choose a woman with a humble background who can provide him benefit and support if is not loved then she doesn't know what it is.

Jiang Yu Ran thought all-powerful man is more or less like Zhuang Mu Tao and her father-in-law, calculated, selfish and greedy they treat women as an object to support their need and produce heir, there is crazy love, blind love, puppy love, stupid love but there's never be true love.

That is what Jiang Yu Ran belief but turns out she is wrong, perhaps there is love but she chooses the wrong man.

"Madam Zhuang, I'm Luo Ri Yi nice to meet you" lory bows her head slightly "Please excuse the way I dress, my body is not…healthy, I hope you don't mind me" Lory's voice doesn't sound too humble but not arrogant either, she speaks eloquently just like culture woman, Jiang yu ran begin to doubt Lory background because this is not how a woman from lower-class behaved.

"Of course not Miss Luo, I'm the one who came without notice, please forgive my audacity" Jiang Yu Ran politely said.

"It's nice to meet you again, Miss Luo" Zhuang Mu Zi also follow his mother suit, after all, Lory is his benefactor, he doesn't know what happened but after that blinding light he able to walk again and slowly regain his old cultivation and the dream who used to be haunted him every night now disappear, he feel stronger and clear mind in a very short time.

"Please take a seat" Lory make a hand gesture to invited them back to their seat.

Zhao Li Xin lead Lory sit on the chair next to him, the overbearing Lord mood lifted after his wife arrived and the air become lighter even the guest feel more relaxed now.

"Madam about your offer before, are you sure? You will put yourself in a high risk, not just from your owned family but also Lao Min Na, I believe she already plants her spy in your manor, if she knows what you had done she will make you suffer than dead" Lory warned Jiang Yu Ran, although her proposition sounds tempting however Lory can't disregard someone else life even she is a stranger like Jiang Yu Ran.

Jiang Yu Ran sigh heavily "Even without this my family life is already on the line, I heard from Zi'er that Lao Min Na used a 'witchcraft' not only to hurt Zi'er but also the whole manor, I don't know why she would go that far or what grudge she had to Zhuang family but I'm certain soon or later Lao Min Na would bring harm to all of us" 

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Lory can't refute her, because she also has the same thought "Fine, as long you understand the risk" Lory understand Jiang Yu Ran will not change her mind, Lory take a deep breath and said solemnly "So, what do you need?" 

Jiang Yu Ran elated, she finally able to breathe "I need a save passage for Zi'er and also my children's" she tightens her fist, is easy asking help for Zhuang Mu Zi but her biological children it's a different matter because they had provoked Long Ming and his wife, so she doesn't know if they would agree or not.

Zhuang Li Yu's haughty face and Zhuang Bao Jie's arrogant attitude pop up in lory's mind. Zhuang li Yu wanted to steal Li Mo Zhen from Yang Xi Ying as a best friend how could Lory side with Yang Xi Ying's enemy. Jiang Yu Ran could feel Lory hesitation, but how could she blamed Lory it was all Zhuang Mu Tao's fault for spoiling her daughter even more than Zhuang Bao Jie she grew as a haughty little princess who can do everything she wants without consequences.

Is not like Jiang Yu Ran never tries to straighten up her daughter's attitude but her husband and father-in-law never let her. In the end, it's always Jiang yu ran who got earful whenever she tries to disciplined her daughter and this is why her daughter grew up like this, part of it is her fault too.

"Is not like I don't want to help your biological children, but you must know that your daughter is eyeing my best friend husband this something I cannot overlook, I don't mind with your biological son behavior, I can't understand his ignorance for being young and lack experience but aiming someone else husband is not laughing matters for me" Lory make a clear stand about Zhuang Li Yu attitude, she will not disregard her best friend for a little benefit from Jiang Yu Ran, it's not worth it.

Jiang Yu Ran darted her eyes to Zhao Li Xin but the man remains to sip his wine and remain indifferent, it's clear that he will follow whatever his wife decision, in a split second Jiang Yu rand understand who has the dominant voice in their marriage, Jiang yu ran was shocked but she immediately understands whose she needs to coaxed to.

'It's the WIFE!"

Jiang Yu Ran look down as she contemplated her option then she lifted her head again "I'll make sure my daughter will never bother Li Mo Zhen again, if I could do that, will you help my children?" her expression is a mixture of worry and hope, she believes this is the only way she could save her children from demise.

Jiang Yu Ran's desperation to help her children reminds her of her Mother Lorenna, every mother loves their children regardless. Lory takes a deep breath before make up her decision "If you can promise me that Zhuang Li Yu stay away from Li Mo Zhen and your Son didn't try to harm my people, then yes, I will help you" Lory then shift her glance at Zhao Li Xin "What do you think?" as a wife she still needs her husband approval.

Zhao Li Xin stroke lory back with indulgent smiles in his face "Whatever my wife wishes, I'll follow…"

Jiang Yu Ran and Zhuang Mu Zi stupefied as they lament the same thing 'So, this is the legendary henpeck husband, huh!'