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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 551 - The Power Couple
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The water washed over them so strongly make them hard to breathe, everyone on the ship squats down and grips anything that can hold them down, the waterspout spin in high speed created pillar that connects the ocean and the sky make the sea surface raging like a wild beast. Zhao Li Xin headed through the wind and rain at a steady pace to the heads of the ship, the water dripping from his cold face and his dark eyes stare at the giant water pillar in front of him.

The ship still drag with the current right into the vortex, everyone stumbles and jolted like dice in the cup but Zhao Li Xin remain stable as if his leg is nailed to the floor, he spread his arms widely then the golden flames ignite on both his arms. he make a long jump to the tip of bowsprit1 as he tries to keep a further distance between him and everyone else because what he about to do would make other people uncomfortable.


He raised his arms in front of him the fire getting stronger and bigger as if someone adds fuel on it. his wet sleeves that have fire-resistant on it starting to burn, he clenched his fist, and the flame released from his body and thirl around him just like a fire tornado.

Everyone in the ship moves to the back of the ship as they can't differentiate which water and which is sweat.

"Do you ever wonder that the Lord is not human?" Bei Li Yan stares at Zhao Li Xin with his mouth fell open, his gaze filled with awed and feared.

"Really? I always thought he is not human" Jin Hao said with a casual look.

Meanwhile, the ship is getting closer to the water vortex, Zhao Li Xin sneers in delight, a flashed of excitement frank in his eyes. He only cultivated for a long time but he never pushed his power to it potential so he never knows how strong his immortal flame was, but today he finally able to put the test all his hard-worked.

He throws both his hand to the air, a rotating inferno pierce to the sky, just like a pillar made of blazing fire it created hissed sound on the water, and the steam rise up, everyone used their protective talisman to protect them from the sudden heat. The flame moves like a tornado and it grew bigger and thicker is almost the same as the waterspout.

Zhao Li Xin make a thunderous roar as he sends his blazing tornado into the waterspout, the two giant pillars collided, the white smoke came as a result from the collision, the ocean surface suddenly covers with steaming smokes, it's star feel like a sauna. Zhao Li Xin who never have a problem facing anyone else before finally found his match, called Mother Nature.

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The water pillar and fire pillar spin at the opposite directions it make hissed and growling sounds as if two beasts fight each other, both contradict pillar slower their spin as they try to pressed each other. no matter how strong Zhao Li Xin he still just human, how could human win against the wrath of Mother Nature, the flame gradually swallow by the water.

The water tornado almost extinguishes his flame and if that happened everyone in the ship would die including his Princess, how could he let that happened, how could he lost against simple water when his true enemy is a full-pledged Demon if he can save her from this than he had to stop bragging himself about saving her from Lazarus claws.

He tightens his fist, he make another roar and used all power left on him, suddenly the flame tornado burst and it grew even larger than before it illuminated the sky with golden light, the steam smoke got thicker the temperature suddenly increased even with protective talisman they all still drench in sweat, then soon the water spout swallow by the flame and turn to a mist and it disappear into thin air together with the immortal flame.

Zhao Li Xin becomes limp instantly he staggers backward and loses his foothold, it thanks Jin Hao's swift movement he catches Zhao Li Xin before he falls to the water.

He put his arms around his shoulder then jump to the deck, blood trickle from the corner of his mouth, everyone watches Zhao Li Xin weak state with a befuddled look because they never saw Zhao Li Xin like this since he was cured of his poison.

"How is he?" Bei Li Yan crouch beside Zhao Li Xin with a worried look.

Jin Hao check Zhao Li Xin wrist "It's fine, he only used too much power"

Zhao Li Xin who rarely used a pill suddenly takes out a pill from his spatial pill then he swallows a few pills in one gulp, then throws the empty jade bottle to the side "There still more of that thing" he disgruntled, he doesn't have time to lay down here.

The other waterspouts still remain and not show any sign to stop, in this situation the ship would drag to another vortex, Zhao Li Xin forces himself to stand but Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan stopped him.

"Are you crazy, is already a miracle you can stop that giant water spout, if you do this one more time you will break your dantian, do you want to be crippled!" Jin Hao grab his arms and blocked his movement, he never felt so angry and worry for Zhao Li Xin like this before.

"Great Lord I already question whether you are human or not if you stop another waterspout, you already done enough, do you want to be a gid or something..." Bei Li Yan pleading and hold Zhao li Xin's arms and refuse to let him go.

Zhao Li Xin grunted in anger, normally he would kick anyone who tries to block his path but right now he had lost to much power, he found himself unable to get away from the grip two sovereigns cultivators.

"They right Li Xin" a sweet voice came from behind him. Lory pushes his shoulder and make him sit on the floor then she smiles confidently "It's my turn now" she winks.

"Everyone, hold on into something!" she warned her friends.

They don't know what happened but they all tied themself with rope or grip something as hard as they could as if their lives depend on it. 

Lory clasped her hands and look down and close her eyes as she begins to pray [All my Lucient ancestors, hear my prayer, I Lorient Jean Frau Lucient beseech your power…] her body illuminated with purple light and her purple eyes gleam with dimmed light [Come, SHIELD!]

From beneath her feet, a purple circle with a strange rune appear and it shined brightly, the circle grew larger and floating to air then gradually engulfs the whole ship inside like a crystal ball, symbol of rune glow and floating around the ship. Everyone realizes they are not hits by rain and wind again, they exchanged each other indescribable look, only Ming Yue Yin who guffawed uncontrollably.

"I never thought, I'm gonna see Lucient shield with my own eyes, can you believe it!!" she shakes Su Yi shoulder excitedly but Su Yi and the others were still in awed, their jaw dropped as they still try to comprehend what they saw right in front their eyes, Su Feng even slapped her cheeks a few times to make sure she's not dreaming. 

Lory raised his hands to the sky [GIRSHA!]

Suddenly a dark shade hovers above them, they unconsciously look up, and there they saw a humongous white figure flew above them, the long glimmering golden feathers make their eyes bulged from its socket.

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Girsha make an earth-shattering squawk that echoed to the sky, the strong cultivator cover their ears with their hands in reflex. For Jin Hao and Bei Li Yan, the giant bird aura is more intimidating than Huwang Shen Zi, what kinda creature is this. their mouth open and closed but no sounds coming from it, Only Zhao Li Xin and Ming Yue Yin who remain calm.

"Mong Ki which way we should go?" 

Lory shout snapped him from his amazement "Ah, uhm…..that way!" he points his finger at his right were a few waterspouts blocked their way.

[You hear that birdie!] Lory looks up to the sky as they talk through telepathic connection [Can you handle it?] she teasing him.

Girsha scoffed [Only if you strong enough Princess]

[Ha, let's not make my mother sacrifice in vain] Lory snickered.

Girsha flapping his giant wings, the wind cames from his wing is enough to change the direction of the waves [Hold on Lory, my wind will send you out of this crazy water park!] he guffawed.

The wind around them suddenly changes direction, Girsha flicked his even faster, the ship turn their course by itself, knowing he had no control of the ship Mong Ki squat down and hold the railing next to him tightly, they can't feel the wind inside the shield but they can see the waves hits each other wildly, just like water in the shaking bowl. the ship slightly lifted from the water surface and the front ship face at the waterspout.

Zhao Li Xin could guess what would happen he break from his subordinated clenched then pull Lory in his embraces, he takes out a sword from his spatial ring then pierce it to the floor, Zhao Li Xin holds lory in one hand and another hand holds onto the swords, soon the ships slide in very high speed, everyone screaming loudly. 

'Just like a bullet' as Girsha said, and he is not kidding.

The ships hit the waterspout like a cannon everyone screams even louder in panic but the ship penetrates the giant water pillar without a scratch, but it didn't change the fact that they are scared shitless, one waterspout is not enough then they march to another waterspout, the same screaming is heard again, at this situation Lory has a silly thought that this remains her with roller coaster ride she used to right where everyone screams in the same tune. 

is a spar extending forward from the ship. It provides an anchor point for the forestays, allowing the fore-mast to be stepped further forward on the hull