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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 553 - The Sanguan Family
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The next morning, Zhao Li Xin is cultivating, he had used too much power and need to recuperate so he enters the spatial ring to stabilize his cultivation, the other men also cultivated in their own room, the girls should also cultivate but they got bad influence name' Lory' 

Lory want to explore the fisherman village since she never visits a place like this before and perhaps not ever again so the naughty princess wants to satisfied her curiosity while she can, of course, Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying would not let her having fun alone, especially Yang Xi Ying she had been raised inside the boudoir when she had the time to explore a different place like this, is thanks to Li Mo Zhen who taken her everyone she can experience this sense of liberty.


Girsha turn to the orb then penetrated her chest, because Zhao Li Xin is not here so someone has to present to make sure Lory did not hurt herself. Yang Xi Ying got interested when Girsha penetrated Lory's chest because no beast that she knew able to do that, contractual beast used to store inside a beast ring of its owner and they would got out when the owner summoned them, it's so different with Girsha who can come and go whenever he likes.

"Is all beast in your world could do that?" Yang Xi Ying asked with an amazed expression.

"No, usually beast in my world not cooperated with human, especially a special being like girsha but we have.....special relationship" Lory smiles and her gaze turn warmed as she speaks about her relationship with Girsha.

"He is very special, isn't he?" Ming Yue Yin throws meaningful smiles, in her dream, it was girsha who accompany lory through thick and thin, Girsha is the only thing that keeps Lory together and when he's gone, she fell apart.

Lory rests her hands on her hip "So where should we go first?" she looks around her excitedly.

"Let's go to the harbor, Su Feng said because of that crazy thunderstorm many ships are disappearing, it becomes quite the talking" Ming Yue Yin said.

"You right, Bei Li Yan said a lot of ships docked after we came, they waited for the thunderstorm to passed before they continue their journey" Lory tilted her head.

"Uggh, I got nausea just remember that storm, if not because of you, Girsha and Lord Long Ming joined hand we all surely be dead that day" Yang Xi Ying shoulder quiver.

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"Don't worry brat, I will never let you die as a virgin" Lory patted Ming Yue Yin shoulder with sincere expression.

"Heeyy….!" Ming Yue Yin shoves Lory's hands angrily, but she did not refute her either.

Lory guffawed "What? I have a responsibility as an elder to marry you off isn't it, where is Yuan Shao anyway?" 

"Shut up!" she puffed her cheeks but then casually said "He is fine…he said he will return sooner, who knows…" she pretends not to care but the sparkle in her eyes gives her away.

Lory and Yang Xi Ying look at each other with smiles.

"Hey, do you think this is Lao Min Na doing?" Ming Yue Yin bit her lower lips as she raised the question that's been bothering her the whole day.

"Impossible, how could she know there would be a storm there? She is talented but she is not a fortune teller" Yang Xi Ying thought Ming Yue Yin's words are ridiculous.

But Ming Yue Yin can't shake that thought, especially when she knows Lazarus is involved with Lao Min Na "What do you think Lory?" she shifts her glance at Lory.

"I'm not sure, but she does do everything she can to delay our departure, if we leave Ching Su city according to the schedule we would not face the storm…." Lory pinches her chin as she contemplates then she shrugs her shoulder "Oh well, whatever happened, happened anyway, I just face it like I always do"

It's too tired for Lory to calculated Lazarus or Lao Min Na moves, she didn't even understand the basic relationship between Lao Min Na and Lazarus, are they partner in crime or master and servants, and why Lazarus who used to be picky interested with Lao Min Na, even though Lao Min Na is pretty, talented, witty and everything else but that quality is deemed nothing in front of the demon so what make Lazarus taken interest with Lao Min Na?

Lory knew at least she understands this she could never predict their moves.

"Look, someone is coming" Ming Yue Yin raised her chin as she stares at the ship who just came.

The ship is not as big as Hei Shen ship but it looks more luxurious with red and gold paint on the ship railing, a handsome young man with purple robes and a small gold crown place neatly in his head the man look imposing and charismatic with his hand clasped behind his back. The man identity seem not simple, Lory stares at the moment for a few seconds before she then turns away and feeding Girsha with grapes.

After surrounded by handsome men all her life Lory is immuned withy every type of hunks, except Zhao Li Xin. She admits she could never get enough of him, thankfully he is her husband if not it would be called 'Harassment'

Yang Xi Ying and Ming Yue Yin also unperturbed the reason is simple they already found their soulmate so they don't pay attention to other men, they just curious about that man's identity.

"Look the flag, it's from the Sanguan family" Yang Xi Ying points pointing it with her eyes.

Both Lory and Ming Yue Yin follow her gaze at the top of the ship, there's a red Qilin on the flag represent the Sanguan family, lory brows gradually furrow, why that family emblem looks familiar to her? 

Soon a man got out of the ship with a pompous and arrogant look, beside him older men who dress a luxurious as that man walk in the same manners as him and behind him a woman with a petite frame follow by three maidservants walk closely behind that man, then more men with muscular body and green uniform tailing them, it seems they are that man bodyguard.

"What an entourage" Ming Yue Yin snort in disdained. 

"Some people like to go with style…." Lory jokes.

"I don't like them" Yang Xi Ying suddenly said. 

"Why?" Lory surprised the with the sweet Yang Xi Ying harsh judgment.

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"The young man looks arrogant, the old man looks sly and that woman…..she looks like a white lotus, I see too many women like this before, this group will make trouble is better to avoid them," Yang Xi Ying said with certitude.

"I do agree with you Xi Ying" Ming Yue Yin who also raised in a harem had seen many concubines like this, they hide their viciousness under that innocent face. The type she hated the most.

"Isn't Lao Min Na in relationship with Sanguan Family right now?" Lory eyebrows knitted closely.

Ming Yue Yin and Yang Xi Ying turn quiet, Lory then leads everyone to the quiet place she make sure no one is here except the three of them plus Girsha of course "Mong Yi!"

Mong Yi suddenly appears behind her "You need my assistance young madam?" he cupped his fist respectfully.

"You saw that people from sanguan family, I want you to following him, let's see what they up to!" Lory said.

"But, It's my job is to protect you, young madam" he feel hesitant to leave Lory out of his sight.

"Don't worry, with Girsha, Ming Yue Yin and yang Xi Ying, what could happen to me?" she reassured him.

"I'm here, what could happen with aunty? You see yourself how strong Lory is" Ming Yue Yin rests her elbow on Lory's shoulder casually.

He recalled how Lory showcases her power, and that bird turns out to be a magnificent beast, Mong Yi realizes how capable his young madam is, he following her just because it becomes his habit after so long. Mong Yi nodded his head "Then, I will excuse myself, young madam"

"Godspeed!" Lory make a victory sign with her fingers, Mong Yi doesn't understand but he takes it as encouragement and so the loyal servants disappear to carry his order.

"What should we do know?" Yang Xi Ying suddenly asked.

"Let's go somewhere we can eat and hear gossip" Ming Yu Yin says with a big grinned.

"I see small tavern over there," Lory said.