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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1098
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Chapter 1098 The security here might outrun that of a bank vault.

May chuckled to Arabella, “This wine cellar alone is comparable to a small bank vault. | heard from the cellar keeper that the worth of just a few of these bottles would be enough to buy a villa." Arabella wasn't particularly fond of wine, but, influenced greatly by her grandfather since childhood, she knew good wine when she saw it and had an eye for quality.

"Let's take these two,” Arabella said, pointing at two bottles. May immediately had them brought over.

"Ms. Bella, could wine be considered a form of investment, its value appreciating over time?" May asked, curious.

"Fine wine appreciates quite rapidly." "No wonder there are so many members under Mr. Sampson's vineyard. They're all collectors. After buying the wine, they store it in Mr. Sampsor's cellar. These members have personal wine racks engraved with their names, each bottle of wine has a number. If they want to retrieve their wine one day, there are people who will deliver it to them" "Do you like wine?" Arabella asked.

"I've been allergic to alcohol since | was a kid. But | admire Mr. Sampson's business acumen. Being around him has really broadened my horizons." They chatted away. After getting the wine, Kenneth, Louisa, and Sampson had already gotten up and finished breakfast.

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"Bella, can you ski?” Sampson asked, visibly excited upon seeing her.

"l can a little" "Great! It's snowing today, let's go skiing.” Sampson had the vehicles prepared, and the group set off with great momentum.

In this country, Sampson owned multiple ski resorts. The largest and most scenic one was the Ski Resort.

The mountain there looked like a ram's horn.

There, the beautiful snow lines allowed skiers to overlaok the distant snow-covered villages, a true feast for the eyes.

The snow there was excellent, large and dense, soft and fine. The snow on the ground was pillowy, attracting many wealthy people.

The key was that the skiing here was very smooth, even if you fell, it didn't hurt.

When Arabella first arrived at the ski resort, a group of staff cto greet her.

"This is my dear niece. From now on, whenever she comes, notifyimmediately and take good care of her!" Arabella responded with a smile.

Sampson had brand new skiing gear brought over.

Since those who chere were either rich or noble, there were not as many tourists as in ordinary ski resorts.

Each skier could even enjoy a ski track all to themselves, making the experience quite enjoyable.

Arabella changed into her gear and went skiing. Sampson watched her fiqure from a distance, couldn't resist taking out his cell phone to snap a few photos of her.

"This kid seems to be able to do anything,” Sampson said to his sister beside him.

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"She can do a lot more. Kenneth and | are going to play over there, you should relax a bit too." Sampson asked the staff to keep an eye on Arabella and to attend to her needs immediately if necessary.

Arabella slid down the high snow track, snow splashing around her like waves. It had been a long tsince she had had so much fun.

At the stime, a foreign man sitting in the cable car, looking at the imposing Romeo in front of him, was at a loss for words.

The outside world was covered in snow, yet he was so nervous that he wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Originally, the one who was supposed to negotiate with their group was a business manager from the Lidaria Branch under McMllian Corporation.

But now, with Romeo personally stepping in, he was so scared that he couldn't utter a single word.

He didn't understand why Romeo would personally negotiate with him. Was it because the benefits he proposed were too small, or was there another reason? Because he couldn't figure it out, he was uneasy for a while.

At that moment, he inadvertently caught Romeo's gaze, which was fixed on a girl skiing below.