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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1239
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Chapter 1239 "So this is the notorious Ms. Bennett? It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

“Young people sure do things differently. | heard you rarely show up at the office yet, but you still draw a salary every month." "Not even attending regular meetings, | wonder, how does one get such treatment?" “We here are always working day in and day out, like spinning tops. Everyone is either losing hair or gaining weight. You seem to be in quite good shape, your work must be relaxing." At the entrance, Hans, his eyes suddenly icy, didn't expect this crowd to dare speak about his sister in such a way! Julian, too, was surprised at the number of people who had turned against Ms. Bella. He was about to intervene when a lazy voice rang out from inside.

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Arabella's gaze swept over everyone, stating nonchalantly, "There are many reasons for hair loss, and weight gain just means you're eating too much. If you want better treatment, work harder, stop being so two-faced.

When you make progress, the people around you will realize that. Besides, whether | am in good shape or not has nothing to do with whether | am lazy. If you guys are spending so much tat work, it just means you're not competent enough.” Hearing this, Julian was surprised but also secretly gave Ms. Bella a thumbs-up in his heart! Indeed, she had the saura as anyone from the Collins family.

Hans was also surprised at his sister's eloquence, his eyes softening.

But the rest of the crowd was not pleased. They all stood up in anger! “You little brat! Speaking so audaciously, are you implying that you're better than us?" "Have you achieved more than us?" "Do you dare to say we eat too much and move too little? We were working before you were even born!" “I've been around for a long time, which means I've been with this corporation for many years. My abilities have been recognized by Mr. Collins, that's why I've been able to hold this position for so long. And you, a little kid, dare to talk tolike this? Where are your manners? Has no one ever taught you manners?" In the face of everyone's criticism, Arabella remained as calm as ever.

“Respect is mutual. From the moment | stepped into this meeting room, which one of you have shownany tespect? You are all older than me, yet you're givinga hard time. In terms of experience, you're giving a hard tto a newcomer. You have more experience than me, but it seems that maturity and wisdom have nothing to do with age, it depends on the person: As Arabella finished speaking, the room went silent.

Arabella leaned back, radiating an aura of authority.

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“You all represent the highest authority of the subsidiaries of the Collins Corporation, yet you behave like impulsive teenagers.

Shouldn't you be more cautious?" "If you feel that | have better treatment and you're not satisfied, why not express your feelings to the higher-ups? Do you think | can give you a raise or approve your holiday?" “Those who are brave enough, why not just quit instead of wasting there?" Standing at the door, Julian was surprised by Ms. Bella's audacity. She had left the crowd speechless.

Hans also didn't expect his sister to have such courage and authority. No wonder she could manage her subordinates so well, those veterans were no match for her.

“Moreover, to my knowledge, sof you have clawed your way up from the bottom of the company over the course of decades to reach your current positions. Sof you have been transferred from the group to subsidiary companies and have been in charge for seven or eight years. To my understanding, the achievements you've made during your tenure are indeed not as brilliant as mine in the past six months." As she spoke, all eyes turned to her, surprised at her audacity! Indeed, ever since she took over the Group, she had made one big move after another.

Under her leadership, the company had transformed from a state of near-death to an industry benchmark. Itsprofit each month was higher than their companies, leading them to once suspect she was fabricating data.