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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1418
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Chapter 1418

On the other side of town.

Martin had just wrapped up his work and was about to dash off to keep a date when he ran smack into Fitch.

"Buddy, | need a solid,” Fitch was waiting for him right outside his office, a look of sheer desperation on his face. "I've got this

developer who's being a real pain. We've been haggling over this contract forever, and my grandpa is running out of patience. If |

don’t seal the deal today, I'm toast. Cwith me, will you? Just pretend you're part of my team."

Fitch hadn't even finished his plea when Martin cut him off, "Sorry, man. I've got plans with Serena today. Can't bail on her"

"What, she didn't give you enough grief yesterday? Now you want an encore?” Fitch gaped at him in disbelief. "Are you skind

of masochist?

After the way she's been acting up, you're still indulging her?"

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"That's none of your business."

"Alright, alright,” Fitch tried to reason with him. "You and she have got a lifetto sort things out. But this contract is urgent. You

know how my grandpa's temperament."

"Today's really not good,” Martin said, stopping in his tracks to emphasize his point. "Serena's been really down lately. | need to be

there for her"

"What's she got to be down about?” Fitch was at his wit's end with that woman. "This contract is critical, man. You've done a ton of

deals, you've got the chops. At least tellwhat the other side is thinking. How to move this partnership forward? What

concessions do | need to make?"

"Fitch; Martin said, his gaze soft yet resolute, leaving no room for argument.

"Serena really needs me"

Fitch wanted to blurt out, "Aren't you just her backup plan? How important could you be to her?” But not wanting to hurt his good

friend, he simply suggested, "Can't you reschedule with her for tomorrow?"

"It's a sensitive tfor her. | don’t want her jumping to conclusions"

Martin decided not to keep Fitch in the dark any longer and spilled the beans about Serena not being the true heiress of the Collins


Fitch's jaw dropped in disbelief, "What are you telling me? She's known for half a year she’s not the Collins family’s golden girl, and

she’s still playing up in front of you?"

She should be grateful anyone wants her at all!

The status and standing of the Cooper family eclipsed her birth family's by miles!

And she's got Martin: a handsome, promising, devoted guy who's head over heels for her and treats her like a queen.

What's there for her to be dissatisfied about?

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"I'll see what | can do about that developer. If | can get back early today, I'll swing by and help you out,” Martin offered.

"Hey, Martin, | wasn't finished.” Fitch muttered under his breath as he watched his friend walk away, frustration and concern

mingling in his heart.

That guy, why did he have to be such a soft touch?


Florence had gone to her son Martin's company, just missing him. No one knew when he'd be back as he'd left in a hurry,

seemingly on surgent business. So, she refrained from calling or texting him, fretting in silence instead.

After a half-hour wait, the office door finally swung open. Florence lifted her gaze, filled with anxious anticipation, and blurted out,


But it wasn't her son who entered. It was her daughter—Diana.