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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1944
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"Can't | even chat with my sis-in-law for a minute?" Cathy retorted with a rebellious flair, her voice tinged with defiance. "I hardly

cling to her. Grandma and Grandpa chatted her up way more just now. Why don't you send them off to count their gift in the


Romeo's gaze hardened, and Cathy quickly grabbed Arabella's hand, pleading for help. "Bella."

The unspoken message was clear: Save me! Romeo's about to go off onagain!

Arabella cracked a smile and glanced up at Romeo, "Where did you put the holiday presents | got for Grandma and Grandpa?"

"I'll go get them."

Romeo shot Cathy a warning look before he left.

"Wow, Bella, you actually got him to move." Cathy was starstruck by Arabella's influence. "Wait, you didn't even ask him, and off

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he went. Am | blind or has he changed. Is that really my big brother?"

No, her big brother was still the same—stern and aloof with them.

But with his wife, Arabella, he was all tenderness.

"Bella, you gotta cover forin the future! Any tasty treats | get, they're all yours. Any cool spots | find, you're the first one I'll

take! Any perks cmy way, you're the one I'll think of first—just protect me. If | can avoid Romeo's claws—no, his 'educational’

grip—for the rest of my life."

Arabella couldn't help but chuckle at Cathy's earnest appeal.

"Bella, you've got such a beautiful smile. You should do it more often." Cathy rambled on. "When you first caround, you

seemed so cool and distant, but then you smiled, and | was totally blown away. | hereby declare, from today onwards, my sister

Luna's beauty takes second place, and you're in the lead!"

"Thanks for the ranking," Arabella said with a soft smile.

When Romeo returned with the holiday gifts Arabella had prepared for the elders, she personally handed them out.

Phillip, Shirley, George, and Jennifer each received a fine painting.

As for Tomas and Donna.

Arabella hadn't expected them for the holiday dinner and had prepared nothing.

Although Tomas and Donna insisted it was fine, Arabella still excused herself to the study and penned a calligraphic piece for each

of them.

"Bella, aren't you a bit too quick with that?" Cathy watched Arabella's brush dance across the paper, utterly amazed.

Arabella's calligraphy was bold and spirited, a sight that had Cathy sighing in admiration. "Now that's what | call calligraphy. What

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on earth was my old teacher teaching me."

Seeing Arabella's work, Cathy suddenly yearned to learn how to write like that.

Jeffery and Luna, too, were completely taken aback by Arabella's talent. They couldn't believe that in such a short time, she could

produce such beautiful script.

This was the work of a true calligrapher. The brushwork was commendable and awe-inspiring.

Once the ink was dry, Arabella brought the pieces down to Tomas and Donna, earning their surprise and praise.

It was past ten in the evening when she decided to head home.

Despite Phillip and Shirley's pleas for her to stay, Arabella explained, "My homecoming banquet is tomorrow. | need to get back

early. My parents still have sdetails to go over with me."

"Right, right, nearly forgot about the banquet." Jennifer stepped forward, "We're all on the guest list, and we'll see each other again

tomorrow. Bella will be the belle of the ball, the little princess everyone's waiting for. We must arrive early. We can't keep our little

princess waiting."