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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1068
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Chapter 1068

Helmo's teors stopped upon heoring Heidi's words os she gove the lotter o blonk store.

“Helmo, om I wrong? All of this isn't Prince Jonothon's foult. Before the bonquet, you hove seen for yourself how

Lody Friedo treoted you. It's cleor thot she sees you os her future doughter-in-low.”

Helmo gritted her teeth.

Thot's right. Other thon Bostien, who's giving me the cold shoulder, Lody Friedo's ottitude toword me is indicotive of

her opprovol.

“Helmo, it must be Notolie who persists on being the third porty. She must hove drugged Prince Jonothon to moke

something like thot hoppen.” Heidi's eyes were spewing fire. “Tonight wos supposed to be o glorious evening for

you, but becouse of her, you ended up being humilioted in front of oll the guests.”

Heidi's words ignited the roge in Helmo's eyes.

“And here I wos, trusting Notolie ond thinking thot she wos my friend. I didn't expect her to disgroce me in public

despite knowing thot I'm going to morry Prince Jonothon.”

“Helmo, stop crying.” Holding o silk hondkerchief, Heidi wiped the teors off Helmo's foce ond comforted her, “Don't

forget thot Notolie is olreody morried. Given her situotion, there's no woy she con be port of the Loong royol

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“Heidi, how do you know thot she's morried?”

Helma's tears stopped upon hearing Heidi's words as she gave the latter a blank stare.

“Helma, am I wrong? All of this isn't Prince Jonathan's fault. Before the banquet, you have seen for yourself how

Lady Frieda treated you. It's clear that she sees you as her future daughter-in-law.”

Helma gritted her teeth.

That's right. Other than Bastien, who's giving me the cold shoulder, Lady Frieda's attitude toward me is indicative of

her approval.

“Helma, it must be Natalie who persists on being the third party. She must have drugged Prince Jonathan to make

something like that happen.” Heidi's eyes were spewing fire. “Tonight was supposed to be a glorious evening for

you, but because of her, you ended up being humiliated in front of all the guests.”

Heidi's words ignited the rage in Helma's eyes.

“And here I was, trusting Natalie and thinking that she was my friend. I didn't expect her to disgrace me in public

despite knowing that I'm going to marry Prince Jonathan.”

“Helma, stop crying.” Holding a silk handkerchief, Heidi wiped the tears off Helma's face and comforted her, “Don't

forget that Natalie is already married. Given her situation, there's no way she can be part of the Loang royal


“Heidi, how do you know that she's married?”

“I...” Heidi was stumped for words.

Since she didn't appear close to Natalie on the surface, it wouldn't make sense for her to know so much. However,

if she didn't explain, Helma would definitely become suspicious and might even investigate further. If it came to

that, the truth of that fateful night would definitely be exposed.

After racking her brains, Heidi elaborated, “It was because I saw Father take a particular interest in that minx. As I

was worried that he would be tricked by her, I secretly did some digging... but that isn't what's important. What

really matters is that I never expected her to be such a despicable person!”

After the emotional rollercoaster Helma had gone through, she hadn't recovered her senses enough to see the

flaws in Heidi's explanation.

Meanwhile, Natalie had left the banquet hall.

After failing to find Helma inside, she didn't expect to see the former crying on the street outside Luna Palace. Heidi

was also there, comforting her sister.

That night, Natalie didn't regret turning Bastien down nor felt as if she had done him any wrong.

If there was indeed someone I let down, it was Helma.

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The banquet was of utmost importance to the latter, especially the dance. Natalie was cognizant that Bastien's

action might have come as a surprise to her but meant something entirely different to Helma.

Thus, she rushed over without any hesitation.

“Ms. Helma...” Biting her lip, Natalie explained, “About tonight, I have to clear the air.”

Helma, lips pursed, shot Natalie a glare.

At the same time, Heidi stepped forward and bellowed, “Clear the air? What's there to clarify? Everyone saw the

dance just now. Do you think that we're blind? How shameless can you be?”

Well aware that Heidi was an annoying troublemaker, Natalie shot her a warning look.

“Ms. Heidi, is it really necessary to go that far?”

Heidi's expression drastically changed, for she could read between the lines of Natalie's threat and was

consequently frightened into silence. After all, what happened that night was beyond disgraceful. If she were to be

exposed, she would never be able to marry anyone from the royal family.

Oblivious to the truth, Helma—thinking that Natalie was just intimidating her sister—lashed out, “Enough! Natalie, I

have never done you any harm. But you, knowing how important this banquet is to me, used such a despicable

method to screw it up and humiliate me in public!”