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The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 226 Long Meihui’s Belief Shattered! (2)
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After what felt like an eternity, Long Meihui's voice barely escaped her lips, a mere whisper carried on the wind. "You are despicable... You should never toy with a woman's heart like this..." Her delicate hands trembled as they hovered above Xia Tian, who teasingly traced patterns on her thighs.

In Long Meihui's eyes, there were only two things she cherished above all else: intelligence and wisdom.

Gazing up at Mount Tai, which stood proudly above her, forever out of her reach, she couldn't help but feel its symbolic weight.

In that moment, an overwhelming surge of acceptance washed over her.

She had surrendered completely to him and his allure.

Xia Tian's laughter filled the air, a cocky smirk spread across his face. "This wicked man is capable of many things. Now go on all four already, my time is not free!"

He has provided so much new information to her, she obviously needs to pay the price. 

Long Meihui audibly clicked her tongue, a mixture of annoyance and anger brewing within her.

She placed Xia Rouyan on the ground and gracefully positioned herself on all fours.

The coolness of the grass prickled against her hands and feet, while the evening light cast a warm glow upon their entangled bodies.

Her soft, tempting buttocks danced provocatively, involuntarily igniting a desire within Xia Tian.

Under normal circumstances, he would have had to coax and persuade her. But now, she willingly assumed this position, her eagerness apparent.

Of course, the coaxing and persuasion in Xia Tian's language held different meanings, full of deceptive and coercive techniques, aiming to make the proud women fall to their knees and beg for mercy.

"Hahahaha!" Xia Tian laughed, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he reached out to catch Long Meihui's shining blonde hair, using it as a reward.

In one swift motion, he pulled her hair, causing her neck to arch back, exposing her delicate throat.

With a hunger in his eyes, he pressed his lips against her neck and chin, leaving a trail of passionate kisses.

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Long Meihui squirmed uncomfortably, feeling the sharp pull of his grasp.

When Xia Tian finally released her, her face and neck were adorned with bruised red marks, a painful reminder of his idea of reward.

What brought pleasure to Xia Tian was nothing but short of torture for his women.

Taking a deep breath, Long Meihui mustered the courage to ask, her voice laced with curiosity, "Do you not worry about Long You?" She glanced past the throbbing sensation on her neck and face, wanting to understand his thoughts.

After Long You true plans and ambitions were far greater than she initially assumed. 

She wanted to know Xia Tian's thoughts.

Xia Tian chuckled, his fingers still wrapped around her chin, holding her gaze captive. Her anxious eyes stared back at him, silently pleading.

And then, without warning, he leaned in, capturing her red, flushed cheeks in a fiery embrace, kissing her with a fervor that left her breathless.

*Slurp... Slurp...*

Long Meihui tried her best to cooperate, but her movements were clumsy and erratic, limited by her inability to use her hands or legs to hold him. 

She couldn't help but make a mess in the throes of passion.

Finally, Xia Tian released her chin, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, before he licked her lips, savoring the sweet lingering flavor that danced upon his tongue.

The taste of these women was always exquisite, their essence leaving him wanting more.

After all, among the precious jade, they were the epitome of finest quality.

Each encounter a decadent delight.

Long Meihui's eyes grew hazy, her mind clouded with the intense stimulation she had endured for so long.

Her panties had long been soaked, a testament to the arousal that had built from their earlier play.

With every defense shattered, she succumbed to the alluring darkness of desire.

But Xia Tian still had something to make clear to her. He firmly caught her chin once again, his sharp gaze piercing into her eyes.

"Remember, Big Breasts, whatever games these gray-haired individuals may be playing, they are nothing more than child's play in my eyes. For you, it may be complex plans of politics and manipulation. For Long You, it may be the result of decades of hard work. And for those immortals in the sky, it is simply a shift in power structures and mortal hierarchy that they don't even care about."

"But for me, it's all just a game! I have the power to end it all whenever I please. I could storm into your Long Family and eradicate everyone today! Who would dare to stand in my way? I am the fear that consumes Long You, hahaha!"

"Even if he were to pluck every hair from his body and accumulate them, it still wouldn't be enough to measure the number of years I have lived! He is nothing but an ant!"I think you should take a look at

"A mere bug that I can crush with a flick of my finger! And it's not just him! Everything and everyone is just a bug to me! The entire realm of heaven is nothing but a mockery, and if I so desire, I can demolish it all in a single day! These mere ants exist solely for my entertainment and nothing more, just like you!"

As Xia Tian's words reverberated through the air, a heavy silence settled between them, causing Long Meihui to tremble with a mixture of fear and surprise.

The onslaught of new information was overwhelming, and for a brief moment, everything felt surreal.

'Long You is a bug?' she muttered to herself, her mind struggling to comprehend the implications of Xia Tian's words.

'Heaven can be crushed at whim? All for entertainment?'

'Age surpassing the number of hairs on a human body?'

If anyone else had uttered such audacious statements, Long Meihui would have dismissed them as pure fantasy, even if she were beaten with sticks.

But it was Xia Tian, the man who had been turning her life upside down and thrusting it into chaos from the moment they met.

She had come to realize that he didn't hold anything in high regard.

In that moment, all her worries seemed insignificant. She recalled the immense power of the single immortal guardian standing behind Xia Tian, capable of slaughtering phoenixes and members of the god clan.


A gasp escaped her lips as she imagined the deadly consequences if any normal person were in their position.

The god clan and the phoenixes should have sought vengeance for their fallen comrades by now.

Yet, as she felt the presence of Xia Tian's handsome face against her neck, she knew without a doubt that he was not only alive but more vibrant than ever.

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Xia Tian deliberately spoke those words. He needed to assert his power and ensure that there were no enemies lurking within his own ranks, despite his immense strength.

It was crucial for his women to be aware of his capabilities; otherwise, it would only lead to potential betrayal and danger.

She should have already grasped a rough idea of his powers and capabilities, for if she remained unaware, others could easily manipulate and deceive her.

Long Meihui realized that her worries were unfounded.

Xia Tian had already proven time and again that he was a force to be reckoned with.

It was a reminder to her and to all his women that he was not a man to be underestimated.

Speaking of being underestimated and keeping a low profile, Xia Tian couldn't help but recall an amusing anecdote from the past involving an idiot son of destiny, Ye Chen.

Ye Chen, much like other sons of destiny, had chosen to hide his true powers from his women. Seizing the opportunity, a man sneaked in when Ye Chen was absent and threatened his wife and concubines, demanding that they give in to his desires if they wanted to save Ye Chen's life. This man exuded an aura far more powerful than anything Ye Chen had shown them before, instilling fear and worry in the women, who became more concerned about Ye Chen's safety than their own well-being.

And what were the man's demands? A room with one man and many women alone—did it really need to be spelled out? Of course, that man was none other than Xia Tian.

Sons of destiny often don't find themselves in such situations because their destiny charm protects them. However, it's not uncommon for such incidents to occur when destiny charms are at work. After all, sons of destiny are nothing more than inexperienced individuals who obtained power through luck.

Xia Tian certainly didn't want a similar scene happening to him. Just imagine an immortal kidnapping one of his loyal toys like Xia Shuiyao and threatening to kill Xia Tian unless she complied. A woman as loyal as her would undoubtedly bend to the threats and eventually succumb to guilt by taking her own life.

But that would only be the case if she didn't know who Xia Tian truly was.

Does he fear few immortals?

Even if the whole heaven came for him, he can handle it!

In the current scenario, even if Xia Shuiyao, who knew the reality, was abducted, she would laugh as if watching a good show, if someone threatened her to do things solely on the basis of threatening to take Xia Tian's life.

Does she not know who Xia Tian is?

Want to kill him? Go ahead! Thousands are already on the line!

Xia Tian needed the woman with big breasts to possess the same mindset.

Long Meihui needed to understand that regardless of the threat's nature—whether from an immortal or a mortal—she should reveal any secret that might endanger her to Xia Tian, for he was the strongest and could handle any situation.

The enlightenment she gained from her ample bosom, coupled with the hint of Xia Tian's age, made her realize that he was not as simple as he appeared.

However, there were certain things that shouldn't be asked, and she was smart enough to refrain from probing into unnecessary matters.

In this area, at least, she showed her intelligence by knowing what needed to be asked and what didn't.