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The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind-Novel

Chapter 591
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Chapter 591

What was a sword that should be with Lyla doing in the middle of a battlefield? Was this proof that Lyla was awake? If that was the case, how did she manage to send that sword here? Did that mean that Lyla was near here? All sorts of thoughts passed through Zich’s head, but unlike his mind, his body was already quickly moving.

“Please buy me some time!”

“Umph!” Til responded with a short but trustworthy answer to Zich’s sudden request, and Zich ran forward. It appeared that Glen’s attention was also on Windur and his face was turned in its direction—of course, while he was still unleashing his attacks.


Glen scowled. He couldn’t forget the sword’s peculiar and unique form; it was the sword that Zich used to push him into a corner multiple times in this timeline. Yet, even while Zich was running toward this sword, Glen didn’t feel threatened. Although he knew that Windur was a good sword that possibly surpassed even Estellade and Tonium, the current power difference between him and Zich wasn’t something that could change because of one sword. However, even while thinking this, Glen didn’t want to let Zich do as he wished, and he concentrated his attacks on Zich.

“Go!” Til approached Zich and supported his back. He was full of wounds, just like Zich, but Zich didn’t even turn around to look back. Zich could easily guess how severely injured Til was. After the two walls shielding them disappeared, it was easy to picture the state of his party members as they dealt with Glen’s attacks. Yet, Zich didn’t even have the time to express his thanks to Til. Instead of opening his mouth to say his thanks and nodding, he should spare those short moments to push forward a couple of more steps.

But then, Zich grabbed Windur.

For the first time since this battle started, all of Glen’s attacks were deflected. The clumps of mana disappeared far away to the island’s shore, lake, and into the sky. Glen’s attacks stopped. He was stunned by the abrupt occurrence, and was shocked to see his toy suddenly resisting with newfound, unexpected strength. Yet, Zich scoffed at Glen for stopping his attacks just because he was surprised.

‘As I thought, that guy is hopeless,’ Zich thought after gulping down a potion. He took out a couple of more potions and poured them over his entire body. Then, he passed over the ground that had become all messy from Glen’s attacks and approached Til, who was in a truly dire state. Til had holes all over and his left arm was missing. Fortunately, he was still breathing. Zich poured potions over him, rapidly healing his injuries, and Til's breathing returned to normal.


“Good work. You can rest now.” Zich lifted Til over his shoulders and approached the rest of his companions. There, Lubella was healing herself, Leona, and Walwiss. Although Lubella had already healed a majority of their injuries using her great holy mana, the blood stains all over their bodies and their ripped clothing showcased the turmoil they had all gone through.

<What…hey…what…what happened?!>


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“It seems like the water will flood this place too. Let’s first move to higher ground,” Zich said.

“Ugh! Yeah, it seems like it.” Walwiss pulled himself up with his now worn-out staff. “As expected, the Saintess’ holy energy is really great. My back pain has completely disappeared.”

“Sir, the holy energy I just used on you wasn't meant to alleviate back pain,” Lubella replied.

Leona replaced her broken bow with a new one and said with an incredulous tone, “What’s up with the sudden back pain? You’ve always talked so big about how healthy you are at your age.”

“Did I? My memory is getting worse as I age. It’s seriously concerning. I’m worried that I might be suffering from dementia.”

“Is one of the symptoms of dementia feeling pain when you’re completely fine?”

“It might be.”

Til had recovered while Walwiss and Leona talked, and he got up.

“Are you all right?” Zich asked Til.

“Thanks to Lady Lubella, I was able to completely recover. Thank you for saving me.”

“Mr. Til, you were the one who helped me in the first place. It’s also natural to save the lives of my comrades.” Zich felt that he could talk as smoothly as usual. What he said about saving the lives of his comrades was something that would have made Zich Moore break out in hives. Now, he was just amazed that such words came out of his mouth.

“Yeah, I agree. It’s natural for comrades to help each other,” Walwiss said.

“It sounds like you’re merely saying that to get me to do a very big favor for you.”

“Geez, Zich, I’m sad to hear that you’re so distrustful of me. It feels like I’ve lived my life in vain.”

“Stop acting so dramatic when you don’t even feel like that in the slightest.”

“This is why you can’t joke around with a person with no sense of humor.”

“I would have actually laughed if the joke was funny,” Leona sarcastically replied, and Walwiss shifted his gaze to Zich’s Windur.

“Is that the backup you were relying on?”

“I couldn’t say what it was specifically, but yes, you’re right.”

“It’s the sword that you used before, right?”

“Yes,” Zich replied and swung his sword behind him.

Walwiss saw this and nodded. “I don’t know what that was, but it sure is effective.”

Zich nodded and said, “Everyone, please wait for me a short distance away. From now on, I’m going to be educating that hero idiot who doesn’t know his place.”

“That’s great. I’ve been feeling fatigued these days because I’ve been overdoing it with my old body. I should eat something good and rest well.” After saying this, Walwiss looked at Leona and said, “You’re not going to say anything to me this time?”

“Do you think I’m a child who always has to pick a fight with you after every single sentence?”

“What? You weren’t?”

“Stop saying nonsense and get going. The water is slowly coming in here.” Before they knew it, the water from the lake was already flowing beneath their feet. All the party members except for Zich slowly moved to a higher ground that had not yet collapsed to the bottom of the lake. Even though they had been in a crisis not long ago, everyone acted leisurely. Since they were all skilled and had a keen sense of judgment, they knew all too well that Zich would not be pushed back by Glen Zenard anymore.

“Zich, we will be watching from a place with a great view, so give him a good beating,” Walwiss said.

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“Do your best, Zich!” Leona cheered him on.

“Sir Zich, I hope you fully bring out your special character and mercilessly crush that worthless insect!”

“…Good luck.”

Zich gave his party a wave and turned around.

<Why…! Why aren’t you….dyiiiiiiiing!>

“It’s because you’re too weak.”


Zich’s sharp mana pierced through Glen’s defense and hit him. Glen’s mana armor seemed to have protected him as there was no direct injury, but for the first time, Glen screamed. Glen’s scream seemed to relieve all the stress he had accumulated so far.

Zich smiled brightly—if Lyla had seen it, she would have said it was the expression he made when he was about to completely destroy someone’s mind.


Glen hurled a lump of mana at Zich again. Zich’s party had been forced to crouch and defend themselves whenever Glen let out his mana, but the situation was now completely different. Zich moved Windur; he moved much faster and stronger than usual. A number of mana slashes rose into the sky and collided with the large mass of mana. Without a single exception, every one of Zich’s attacks cut through the lump of mana.

Glen watched this sight in a daze and quickly tried to defend himself. However, the slashes broke through and tore Glen’s mana wall. Glen managed to stop Zich’s attack once again, but the difference in their power was crystal clear.

Zich grinned and spoke softly, knowing that Glen could hear him perfectly.

“How was your sweet moment of hope?”
