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The Return Of The God Level Assassin (WN)

Chapter 825: AS AN ASSISTANT
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AFTER the drama in the drawing room, Luo Yan suggested for them to disperse in order to 'calm down their emotion'. Of course, he didn't forget to remind them to act in pairs. After all, there might be criminals hiding somewhere and might try to kill them if they wanted.

The last part was definitely filled with exaggeration. Luo Yan only said it to scare some of the NPCs and also to show the real culprit that he believed the narrative they wanted him to believe.

After partnering up together, the only one left without a partner was 'Sofia'. So naturally, Luo Yan asked the other if 'she' wanted to go with him. 'Sofia' naturally didn't refuse.

"Detective, do you really think Eddie had something to do with the killings that had happened?" 'Sofia' asked when they walked out of the drawing room. 'Her' voice was pretty low. 'She' probably didn't want others to hear 'her' question.

Luo Yan glanced at 'her' and only gave a mysterious smile. "What do you think?"

'Sofia' stared at him for one second before showing a helpless look. "I don't know. I'm not that smart after all. But I just want to tell the detective that Eddie might be a lot of things, but I'm pretty sure that he didn't have the guts to murder anyone."

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"Why don't you work with me to prove his innocence?"

Luo Yan gave the other this suggestion so 'she' could help him with his plan without worrying that 'she' would go OOC. Knowing his cinnamon roll, he would definitely have an idea of what was really happening. But because of the constraint of his role, he couldn't do anything about it.

So, by offering 'Sofia' a chance to help him with his investigation, he would also give 'her' an excuse to move more freely without the game system judging 'her' action as a violation to the rules.

"Can I really work with you? Won't I just be a hindrance?" 'Sofia' asked.

Although 'she' had a worried look on 'her' face, Luo Yan knew that it was only some sort of formality. So, he just smiled and said, "Of course not. I need an assistant for my plan. I think Sofia is perfect for the job."

'Sofia' blinked those charming eyes at him and asked, "Do you really think so?"

Luo Yan stopped in his steps. If he didn't know any better, he would think that the other was actually fishing for compliments. With mirth filling his eyes, he decided to humor 'her'.

"Yes. Sofia is not only witty but also very charming and beautiful," he looked down, gazing straight at the other's eyes. "How could I not want you?" Then his serious expression quickly turned into an easygoing smile. "As an assistant, of course."

'Sofia's' whole face had already turned bright red at that moment. Hearing the last bit of what Luo Yan said, 'she' quickly turned 'her' gaze away. Then 'she' let out a fake laugh most likely to cover 'her' awkwardness.

"I see. Then, it will be my honor to be your assistant."

Luo Yan smiled, thinking how cute the other was. Then, he told 'Sofia' his plan. Of course, in a very hush manner.

Luo Yan walked towards the room where George and the footman were. He and 'Sofia' separated at some point. For the plan that he had conceived, the other had to go to her and Edward's room. He asked 'her' to check something. And if his guess was right, 'she' could proceed on to the next step.

Reaching the room, he knocked on the door. It didn't take long for the footman to open the door for him. He walked inside and the footman closed the door. Luo Yan glanced at the man on the bed. The other still had his eyes closed. Obviously, George still hadn't regained consciousness.

"Should I leave now, detective?" the footman asked.

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Luo Yan turned to the other. "No, stay here for a while."

The footman looked like he was confused by this. After all, the detective would now be accompanying Master George, was there really a need for him to be here? But since he's only a footman, who was he to argue?

Of course, there's a reason why Luo Yan asked the other to stay. If the footman left now, at least one of the culprits would definitely ask the other why he left the room. Then, they would probably do everything to listen to the conversation he would have with George. Either to monitor if Luo Yan truly believed the narrative they're trying to push or if George actually saw something when he fell down the window.

It's the reason why Luo Yan was so careful on his way here. He had to check a couple of times to make that he wasn't being followed.

He walked around the room. Touching the walls as he did, checking for any hollowed sound. He did a full turn and did not find one. Then he did the same thing to the floor. He tapped his foot on the floor and then stopped around the area where the footman pulled a chair to sit.

He tapped and a hollow sound was produced. Luo Yan smiled. He would bet that if he removed the carpet, he would probably see a door that would lead to the room below.

He was already expecting this. He would probably be more distressed if he actually didn't find one. Because it would mean that some of the things he guessed was actually wrong. It would definitely put a damper to the plan he just made.

Luo Yan then heard a groan. He glanced towards the bed and saw George's eyelids twitching as if the other was about to wake up.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, George finally opened his eyes.

"W-where--?" Then as if remembering what he just experienced, he abruptly sat up. "What happened? I—" He looked at his own hands as if he couldn't believe that he was actually still alive. "I- I'm alive."