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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 1100
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Logan hesitated for a moment before suggesting, “Let’s have breakfast tomorrow.”

On the other hand, Jasmine was smiling at his weird suggestion, as she never had anybody ask her out for

breakfast on a date; people normally would do that for lunch or dinner. Nonetheless, she nodded before replying to

him, “Okay, so are you coming to fetch me?”

Grunting, Logan told her after a few seconds’ delay, “I have something that I need to speak to you about.”

Jasmine froze as soon as he said so, whereas Logan heaved a sigh. “Alright, you should get some rest. We will talk

tomorrow morning.” After that, he hung up. Though not exactly knowing what he wanted to tell her on the next

day, he felt something bubbling up inside him that he wanted her to know.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Tossing and turning in bed, Logan only managed to doze off past midnight. He had a chaotic dream in which Lola

and him were both present. In his dream, Lola was yelling at him with a nasty attitude, not unlike back when she

harbored a dislike toward him while constantly raiding his clubhouse.

Although Logan didn’t retaliate in the beginning, he couldn’t help but come back at her with malicious retorts when

he was riled up by Lola’s scolding. They continued to bicker for a while before she suddenly resorted to violence by

kicking him in his groin. The kick landed right on the spot, and the imaginary pain somehow managed to wake


When he opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling, he could still feel a throb in his crotch area, which didn’t dissipate

until his brain was fully awake. Grimacing, Logan sat up on his bed, wondering what he did to Lola to warrant such

treatment from her even in his dreams.

Now that he thought of that, Logan recalled that despite never finding any substantial proof that she could use to

declare him guilty, Lola seemed to hold a firm belief that he was indeed guilty, so she had categorized him as scum

right from the get go. To be fair, Logan used to dabble in drugs, but he already banned their use within the

clubhouse a long time ago, so he figured that should count as him turning over a new leaf.

After spending some time wallowing in self pity, Logan checked the time, only to find that the sun was up, so he

gave up altogether on falling back asleep. Instead, he got up to wash up. Then, he spruced himself up in front of

the mirror before putting on the gold chain after some thought. When it was almost time, he left the clubhouse to

drive to Jasmine’s place. She came downstairs upon getting a call from him. She seemed different compared to the

other days, as she had put on some makeup, as well as her dress and high heels. Not only was her makeup slightly

thicker than usual, but her heels were also taller, while her skirt was a little too short. Logan said nonchalantly after

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

glancing at her, “Get in.” Pursing her lips, Jasmine got into the car while figuring that Logan didn’t seem to notice

the changes in her appearance. It wasn’t until they covered some distance that she asked with a smile, “Where are

we going for breakfast?” In fact, Logan hadn’t planned anything, so he told her, “We’ll go somewhere nearby.”

Without a word, Jasmine nodded her head in agreement. True to his word, Logan randomly picked a place from the

multiple eateries that were open for business in the morning. Upon getting out of the car, they entered the place.

Sitting down carefully while holding her dress down, Jasmine seemed slightly overdressed considering where they

were. Meanwhile, Logan called for the boss to order a few dishes. Despite the amount he ordered, he didn’t really

have much of an appetite. .