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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 863
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When Sophia came around, she was instantly disgusted by someone reeking of alcohol. She then instinctively

pushed that person away and told him off, only to hear John’s laughter. “Haha. It looks like someone is still

wandering in her dreamland. How could you not recognize me?”


Soon, Sophia opened her eyes widely, finding herself alone in the room with John. Since when did everyone leave?

How did I not realize that? After that, she slowly sat up straight and spoke in her defense. “You’re reeking of alcohol,

so how was I supposed to know that it was you?!”

John sat beside her and let out a long sigh. “Alas! That dinner back there was an unpleasant one.”

Sophia chuckled in contempt and replied, “You are responsible for ruining it too, so stop complaining!” After that,

she proceeded to ask, “By the way, who did Madam Flintstone leave with just now? Master William or Richard?”

Nevertheless, John told her that he couldn’t remember, as he didn’t bother paying attention to that since they were

leaving just when he arrived. However, he believed Matilda left with William judging from his father’s gleeful

attitude and Richard’s moody appearance. Besides, Matilda’s obvious behavior also suggested that way, in John’s


“Well, everyone was already getting a little tipsy toward the end, but maybe Dad and Richard took it a little too far

when a simple toast became a battle of egos. Dad was the first guy Mom noticed out of the two staggering drunk

men. Soon, it became even more obvious when she got closer to help him walk, nagging him for drinking more

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than he could handle. After all, I bet Mom still cares for Dad deep down.”

John didn’t understand any of this previously until he witnessed Matilda’s caring behavior. Nonetheless, he reckoned

he wasn’t alone, as Richard should also understand what that meant. After a while, Sophia followed John out of the

room, finally deciding to ask John upon hesitating for a long while, “Where is Ian? Is he drunk?”

John responded with a sarcastic grunt and asked, “Look at me. Do you think there is any chance that he is in a

better state than I am?”

How cocky he is! As for Logan, Sophia didn’t bother asking about him, probably thinking that he was back to being

drunk again. When they got outside of the clubhouse, they saw Zack, who had been waiting beside his car. As soon

as he saw Sophia, he politely greeted her. “Long time no see, Sophia.” Oh, how long was that ago when we last



Witnessing Zack’s new hairstyle and outfit, Sophia couldn’t help but ask herself how much he had changed. I

wonder what else is new about Zack? His girlfriend, perhaps? Soon, Zack opened the car door for Sophia and John

to get into the car and proceeded to start the engine. “Your car has been sent for repair, boss. It looks like it’ll take

a few days.” However, his words were met with silence as he quickly noticed John leaning back on his seat with his

eyes closed.

A few moments later, Sophia asked Zack how his job had been. Feeling more relaxed when talking with Sophia,

Zack responded with a laugh and shared his happy work life with her, including the pay raise that John had given

him earlier. In that instant, Sophia peeked at John and realized that he was seemingly asleep, so she asked Zack in

a hushed tone, “What’s wrong with John’s car?”

Sophia’s question caught Zack off guard while the latter stammered in a panic. Not long after that, Sophia smiled

and asked, “Come on! What’s so secretive about it?”


Upon taking a turn at the junction, Zack answered, “Um. Well, it’s just a simple scratch, so I was told to send it for


Hmm. That sounds fishy! Apparently, both of them didn’t discuss a cover story, which is why they’re giving two

different versions of answers. Nevertheless, Sophia only replied with a prolonged and affirmative hum. “Oh—I see!”

Even so, she didn’t expose Zack but instead kept quiet. In the meantime, Zack was relieved to see Sophia backing

down, fearing that she would press ahead with her questions. Therefore, he decided to keep quiet and say nothing


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