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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 104
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Chapter 102 Couple Outfit


The next day, when she opened her eyes, she felt much better, and the fatigue in her body had


She initially thought about giving Henry the cold shoulder for a few days. He was so rude last night. But when

Evelyn saw his handsface, she couldn't help but be mesmerized again.

In the sunlight, the sleeping Henry, like a newborn baby, drawing all of Evelyn’s attention.

She couldn't help reaching out, dotting on the man’s thick eyelashes, then his nose, lips, and Adam's apple.

When her shy yet bold fingers silently tried to move down the neckline, a large hand suddenly grabbed her hand.

Henry opened his eyes abruptly, giving her a wicked smile. His big hand swiftly climbed to the back of Evelyn's

head, pulling her closer and delivering a deep kiss.

The alarm clock by the bedside suddenly rang. Evelyn quickly got up, and threw a set of clothes from the

wardrobe onto Henry.

“Get dressed. Let's get an early start..”

After saying that, she rushed into the bathroom, washed up, changed clothes at the fastest speed. When she

cout, Evelyn was wearing a youthful winter sportswear set - black pants and a red top.

The cartoon character on Evelyn’s dress depicts a person with puffed up cheeks eating ice cream. Henry glanced

at the sone he held, wearing a somewhat helpless expression.

“Why haven't you changed yet?” Evelyn was a bit dissatisfied. She directly took Henry's suit,

saying, “Why wear something so rigid when we are going out to play? Isn't the couple outfit | prepared good-


Since the last tshe bought it, she hadn't had a chance to trick Henry into wearing it. She couldn't miss such

a good opportunity this time.

Upon hearing the words ‘couple outfit,” Henry visibly froze for a moment.

After a moment, he silently stood up, picked up the top, and put it on...

Evelyn knew Henry was in great shape, but she didn’t think he'd look this good even in


This sweatshirt seemed tailored for him, fitting seamlessly from head to toe, front to back

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Chapter 102 Couple Outfit

Every part hugged him perfectly.


Especially under the broad neckline, his delicate collarbones were subtly visible, as if

beckoning Evelyn, shouting, ‘Cand bite me.”

She swallowed hard, forcing herself to turn her head. “Let's go downstairs.”

David had been waiting for half an hour.

Seeing Evelyn coming down, he immediately gripped the documents, “Boss, there's an urgent document for this

project. Before reaching the client’s company, you need to...”

When he saw Henry's appearance, his voice abruptly stopped, followed by endless horror.

Boss, was this still his boss?

It's too... too terrifying!

Evelyn keenly caught the point, smiling as she asked, “David, what did you say? Client? Work?”

David: ”

‘Aren't we going to work? Are we here to have fun?’

Just as he was about to speak, he caught a warning look from his boss. “No work, as Boss instructed. This time,

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it’s just for relaxation.”

Evelyn, with a puzzled frown, clearly didn’t believe it.

Henry suddenly approached, encircled her waist, and added, “David needs to work.”

Evelyn visibly relaxed. “It better be.”

After saying that, she kissed him on the lips as a reward.

David: “?”

Under Henry's suggestive gaze, David yielded again and nodded. “Yeah, boss is right; | need to


“Let's go then.” Evelyn led the way out.

When they got to the airport, the boarding for the flight had already begun.

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Chapter 102 Couple Outfit

David went to check in the luggage, Henry exchanged boarding passes, and she quietly

walked at the back holding a icecream.

Evelyn licked her lips, about to take a big bite when her body was suddenly bumped into.

She couldn't steady herself, and the icecream flew out of her hand.

Evelyn's expression darkened instantly. Before she could say anything, her shoulder was heavily pushed by


“Are you blind? You idiot! How dare you bump into me? Do you know how much this dress I'm wearing is worth?”

A woman dressed extravagantly pointed at the cream on her clothes and glared at Evelyn viciously.

Evelyn patted her shoulder with disgust, silently withdrawing her gaze from the icecream on

the ground.

“You little bi tch, are you not listening to me? | said you dirtied my clothes.”

“1?” Evelyn pointed at herself, smiling, “Auntie, are you blind or just plain foolish?”

“Or perhaps, your sen ile dementia is making you forget things. You can go find the airport staff and check the

surveillance footage to see whether | dirtied your clothes or you knocked.

over my things.”

“What did you call me?” The rich woman exploded with anger upon hearing the term ‘Auntie, She glared at

Evelyn in annoyance, “Your whole belongings are not worth as much as one of my sleeves. Even if | did bump

into you, so what? You still have to compensateat the full price.”

Chapter 103 Run Away

Evelyn lowered her gaze. She didn’t argue and silently crouched down, carefully picked up the


Seeing this, the woman beceven more disdainful. “You pick up things that fall on the


Evelyn chuckled lightly, “If | bought something new, it wouldn't match you, Auntie.”


“What did you say... Ah!” Before the woman could finish her sentence, she let out a scream,

“You b itch, are you crazy?”

She looked down, staring at the icecream on her clothes thrown by Evelyn, she was on the

verge of madness

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Chapter 104 The Cuc kold

Henry grabbed her lap, and hauled her up as her back against the wall. Then he peeled off her black sweatpants.

He forced her white legs dangling on either side of his hip where he had trapped her.

He licked his two middle fingers and slid his hand between her thighs.


Evelyn let out a breathless moan as she felt his strong hand swirling around her cl it till her legs began shaking.

He pulled his co ck out of his own pants, then plunged his enormous firm co ck into her wet hole, stretching her

co*re to its limit until he was totally buried inside her before he began to

pound move inside her...

The approaching footsteps were getting closer and closer. They straightened their clothes.

“It's all your fault; we're going to get caught!” Evelyn's forehead was sweating.

The man’s slightly cool hand landed on her forehead, gently wiping the sweat, “It’s okay, I've got everything

under control.”

ww grasp th

Before Evelyn could meaning behind his words, Henry led her forward. At the end of what she thought was a

dead-end corridor, there was a hidden dark door that led straight into a shopping mall.

As the two entered. Meanwhile, Alexander, who was standing upstairs eating a burger,

couldn't believe his eyes.

“Noah, guess what | saw?”

Noah's gaze shifted from his phone to downstairs, “You didn’t see it wrong.”

“Did you see it too? Henry's little darling.”

After saying this, Alexander's expression becsomewhat unpleasant. “Why is she here? And who's the man

wearing matching outfits with her?”

“Oh no, Noah, I think I've discovered a scandalous secret. Evelyn is getting involved with another man outside.

What if | tell Henry, will he kill me?”

Looking at his worried expression, Noah's gaze was like staring at an idiot, “He won't.”

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Chapter 104 The Cuc kold

Fully immersed in his own thoughts, Alexander paced in place for a few rounds before finally

calling Henry.

“Henry, where are you?”

“What's the matter?” Henry replied.

“First tellwhere you are, or | won't say,” Alexander insisted.

Glancing at Evelyn, who was waving at him, Henry nonchalantly said, “I'm at home.” Then he quickly hung up

the phone.

Alexander listened to the busy tone on his phone...

‘Oh no, oh no. If Henry finds out that Evelyn is secretly dating another man, he will go crazy.”

Anxiously, he asked Noah, “Bro, givesadvice. How should | delicately tell Henry?”

“I said you're meddling in other people’s business.” Noah held Alexander's head and redirected his gaze

downstairs. “Your Henry is right there.”

“Nonsense! | just confirmed it a moment ago; he’s at home.” Alexander pushed Noah away. “If that person down

there is Henry, I'll eat sh*t.”

Noah: “...”

He glanced at the bathroom, “The toilet is over there. Remember to clean your mouth after eating, | don’t want

to see it.”

Alexander shrugged, still convinced of what his eyes saw. Henry, that stiff and arrogant guy, could not possibly

be running around in such flamboyant red in public.

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At this moment, Evelyn had already cupstairs. She was about to search for her favorite food among the

many options when a figure suddenly blocked her way.

“Evelyn, where’s that man just now?” Alexander squinted.

Unexpectedly Seeing Alexander here, Evelyn quickly understood what he was talking about and smiled, “He's

behind me.”

Alexander was taken aback; he didn’t expect Evelyn to admit it so boldly.

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Chapter 104 The Cuc kold

“Let him cout; | want to have a one-on-one battle with him.”

“Are you sure?”

Alexander nodded decisively.

Evelyn, with a glint in her eyes, looked behind him and said with a smile, “Look, here he



“Darling! He said he wants to have a one-on-one battle with you.”

She stepped past Alexander, reached out to hold Henry's wrist, and playfully shook it.

‘Darling!’ Listening to this, Alexander angrily turned around but froze when he saw Henry.

“Hen... Henry!”

Henry looked at him with a stern face, “I heard you want to have a one-on-one battle with me?”

Alexander regained his composure, shaking his head repeatedly, “No, no, no, | misspoke. | never intended to

have a one-on-one battle with you.”

Considering Henry's skill, he could have easily broken three of his ribs with one punch. He must have been crazy

to challenge him.

“Henry.” Noah stood up, glanced indifferently at Evelyn, and then looked at Alexander. “It’s tfor you

you to have your ‘meal’.”

Alexander's face turned dark instantly. He accused Henry, “Why are you running around in

such flamboyant clothes?”

Henry's voice remained cold, “Do you have a problem with that?”

Alexander stuttered, “I... I...”

Noah smiled, “It’s been a while. Today is Alexander's birthday. Shall we have a meal together?”

“Yes, today is my birthday, and today I'm the boss. You...” Alexander proudly puffed out his chest, ready to

criticize Henry. However, he was met with Henry's chilling gaze.

Alexander: “I didn’t say anything...

Henry showed no interest. After sthought, he turned to Evelyn, “Do you want to go?”

Evelyn asked, “Where to go?”

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Chapter 104 The Cu ckold.

Noticing that his good friend was still too attentive to this woman, Noah's expression darkened slightly. He

turned his head, not intending to answer her question.


Alexander, on the other hand, was not bothered. He enthusiastically suggested, “It’s a place where you with us,

Pleas can eat and have fun. | misunderstood you just now. | apologize, please come

Evelyn raised her chin, “Considering your sincerity, Okay, | agree.”

In fact, Evelyn felt that if she returned to the hotel with Henry now, he would surely bury himself in work, and

she would be bored to death.