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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 500 The Wonderland Of The Spirit Plants
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Empyrean Warrior Labyrinth, inside the final trial;

A group of 6 cultivators were in the spiritual plants wonderland and they had found something extremely rare.

It was a million year old plant that was called the Celestial Shadow Fern and it was useful to concoct many powerful potions and could even be used on a divine weapon to upgrade it.

Moreover this was a one million year old plant and the effects must be extremely potent.

All these 8 cultivators began to pull at the small plant, hoping to uproot it.

They had all made an agreement, whoever managed to pull it, was able to keep it; they had decided to do it in a most civil way.

So they began to pull this small plant.

This may be a small plant but all 8 cultivators were now breaking in cold sweats as they exerted all their profound strength.

It was not as easy as it sounded for this small plant had one million year of growth and it was extremely difficult to pull it and they probably need several hours to do it.

One of the cultivators suggested, "Why don't we use our weapons?"

Another cultivator angrily rebuked him, "While it cut down the time but we still need the spiritual roots. It is also extremely valuable."

"If you cut it, who shall get it?" Another cultivator was also rebuking at the same time.

While they were arguing, a dark shadow was suddenly looming above me.

Everyone looked up with horror as the profound animus of an eighth rank profound desolate beast had suddenly emerged on top of them.

They were all terrified and had all drawn out their weapons.

"8th rank profound desolate beast?!"

"How the heck can we win this thing?"

"Shall we run?"

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"And give up this million year old Celestial Shadow Fern? Never!"

The 8th rank profound desolate beast was huge and it had 6 legs and 6 claws. Moreover, it was lashing tenacles that were 40m long and whipping the surroundings with its profound might.

The most powerful of the cultivator attacked its leg but he was shocked to see that even his mortal-step divine sword had failed to cut it.

A power cultivator was weakly punching it with his fist to no avail, "This monster profound aura is stronger than my profound power and I am a saint…"

Two cultivators were already injured.

And one more had almost died when he had quickly thought of his golden talisman and had used it.

A cultivator with a strong profound art managed to cut one of its 20 tenacles and was smiling how awesome he was until the cut tenacle began to regenerate instantly and whipped him to explode onto a mountain wall, instantly dispelling his profound aura and causing his golden ribs to crack.

The remaining cultivators were despaired and one of the cultivators shouted, "Run in five different directions. This is our only hope!"

Just as all the cultivators were fleeing, a small shadow had suddenly jumped from the mountain top and had punched against the body of the 8th rank profound beast with his profound power and a sword spirit could be seen in his forearm.

Everyone was shocked because a cultivator with six spirit animus wings had suddenly appeared and he was even levitating!

One cultivator stammered, "He is flying?!"

Many could not believe their eyes.

The cultivator with six spirit animus wings had immediately turned to them to gently rebuke them, "I am technically levitating and not flying. Haha…"

While he got distracted, the 8th rank profound beasts attacked with its 6 claws and 20 tenacles. No cultivators would be able to evade such massive attacks that flooded almost everywhere.

A cultivator below muttered weakly, "Did he just got himself distracted…"

Another cultivator said, "He is going to be dead."

But this cultivator with six spirit animus wings moved with such agility to evade all the attacks that all the onlookers were stunned.

Then they saw that the cultivator with six spirit animus had suddenly raised his profound aura to the eighth realm and had flashed two saint-step divine sword.

He moved with so much profound power in his strokes that the 8th rank profound monster was chop and slice to hundreds of parts as he flashed his miracle sword art the Thousands Sacred Sword.

All five of the cultivators were stunned…

"There is a cultivator that can reach the 8th cultivation realm? Isn't he an immortal already?"

"He has two saint-step divine sword…"

"Two sword spirits…"

"He has even divine harmony with his divine swords and so did his sword spirits…"

"And also a miracle sword art…"

The cultivator with the six spirit animus wings was of course Ji Yuan.

He grinned and said, "I actually did not want to come to this wonderland. I am actually in a rush to reach to the furthest end of the final trial. But when I saw that the five of you are in trouble, I can't help coming to your aid."

All five cultivators were extremely touched and they bowed with their hands respectfully, "Thank you senior… may we know your name…"

As they said that, they noticed that the cultivator with six spirit animus wings had pluck the one million Celestial Shadow Fern as well as all the rare parts from the 8th rank profound desolate beast to his spatial ring before waving to interrupt them, "No need to thank me! This place is really dangerous! Don't stay for too long and good luck with your cultivation finds!"

And he had taken off.

Suddenly all five of the cultivators had a most ugly look before they said with great exasperation, "Let's go elsewhere to look for another spirit plant. This one is taken by that unknown cultivator…"

Ji Yuan had immediately sped back to where his companions were waiting as he said to them, "See! I told you that I will be fast."

Four days had quickly passed and they had already left the Gods' Monument City. And another three more days had also passed.

Ling Feiyue said weakly to Ji Yuan, "You are the one that just tells us that we mustn't enter this spirit wonderland to pick any spirit plants because all the rare spirit plants are guarded by one or more desolate monsters. But you went nevertheless."

Ji Yuan said weakly, "I can't leave them to their deaths and moreover we are quite near to them even though we are passing through only. It didn't really take a long time…"

"It didn't really take a long time to showoff how awesome you are, right?" Bai Qianfeng had suddenly teased him.

Ji Yuan chuckled, "My Qianfeng knows me so well. Haha…"

Xiao Muhan was grumbling, "Why I am feeling so weak now…"

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Ji Yuan patted him, "That is because you are a living furnace now and you are not touching any of my beloveds. So day in and night out, either me or Senior Mo Bei will be taking turn to watch over you."

Mo Bei stroked his beard while smiling at Qin Shuang, "That is right."

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan: …

Xiao Muhan looked weakly at the other maidens for some help.

But Dream Mist, Yun Chi, Bai Qianfeng, Ling Feiyue, Feng Minyue, Little Princess, Yang Mi and Yu Jingjing were all moving away from him and it seemed to him that they were all saying, "Please go away and don't touch us!"

Even Mo Bei was protective over Qin Shuang and moved to protect Qin Shuang from him.

Ji Yuan grinned to Xiao Muhan, "As long as you don't touch any maidens for ten years, you will live long. It is just a little cultivation loss."

Xiao Muhan muttered helplessly, "Do you know how much cultivation resources that I have expended to become a saint? I don't want to become a golden supremacy again."

Ji Yuan had suddenly walked away, not paying much attention to Xiao Muhan as he said, "Come! We must hurry!"

Xiao Muhan: …

The reason why Ji Yuan was hurrying, was due to his conversation with Feng Minyue when they had set off from the Gods' Monument City.

He was saying, "The final trial is so vast and there are only 3000 of us. We don't need to hurry."

Feng Minyue replied to him, "3000 cultivators are only for day 1. Everyday thousands of cultivators will arrive at the final trial. It is estimated that 10% of the 300 000 to 500 000 cultivators will be able to reach the final trial. So, 10% of 500k is 50 000 cultivators. This year, it looked particular crowded so I guess there may be more than 50 000 golden celestials this year."

Ji Yuan was stunned when he had heard the number of cultivators that would be in the final trial.

Feng Minyue continued, "Also, most of the experienced golden celestials will be rushing to the middle and interior of the final trial. This is because there is nothing much to see at the exterior final part when compared to the middle and interior. And we have wasted a lot of time already. I gather that more than 20 000 cultivators are actually ahead of us by now."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

He had quickly said to everyone, "Everyone! We are going all the way to the middle final trial. No stopping!"