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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 702 Cult Of The True Devil God (1)
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The new hideout was dimly lit and was filled hundreds of men; there were no maidens because the Spiritas maidens were the enemies of the rebel Spiritas men.

As more and more of them regrouped in this hideout, the angry men were also complaining bitterly to one another: 

"Kill all the maidens…"

"These maidens have been lording over us for thousands of years…"

"We can't take this lying down…"

"These decadent maidens have been destroying the Spiritas for thousands of years…"

"How did Divine Consort Sun Dingjun discover our hideout?"

"She is really vicious!"

"This Divine Consort Sun Dingjun is really strong…"

"I can't win her…"

"I will make strip this slut of a Divine Consort Sun Dingjun and make her into my depraved slave the next time…"

"Next time we shall parade Divine Consort Sun Dingjun in all her naked glory in the streets…"

"A fitting punishment for Divine Consort Sun Dingjun would to make her serve all the men here…"

"Did you even try to fight her at all? I saw you running at the very first instant…"

"We salute the fallen men that have fallen into the debauchery of Divine Consort Sun Dingjun…" 

Ji Yuan was bitterly smiling at Xiao Muhan and the two of them were shaking their heads with soft sighs of bitterness; how in the heavens did they even get involved with the rebels?

Their only other option was to stay in the dark streets but then they would get misunderstood as one of the rebels in the darkness. 

Also, they did not want Divine Consort Sun Dingjun to have a bad impression of them and affect their Trust Points.

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So in the end, they had decided to flee away from the scene like the rebels did. 

It just that they did not expect that they would flee into a new hideout like this.

Xiao Muhan whispered to Ji Yuan, "How do we get out of here?"

Ji Yuan said bitterly to Xiao Muhan, "I was following you…"

Xiao Muhan laughed weakly, "That is not the point now. The most important thing now is not to get discovered and escape out of here alive. There are too many of them now…"

"I can tell that they aren't really good in fighting." Ji Yuan interrupted with a bitter look.

Xiao Muhan kicked Ji Yuan with an angry look, "Why are you so stupid Ji Yuan? There are always some concealed fighters in this place. Even if you are a Sword Saint, you can't fight them all."

Ji Yuan whispered with a mocking look, "I'm glad that you've remembered that I am a Sword Saint. I am just worried about you and not about me…"

Their conversations quickly escalated into a war of words.

But in this place, they looked as normal as the other Spiritas men and everyone else was also complaining loudly to someone else.

So, Ji Yuan and Xiao Muhan quickly mingled with the crowd and did not receive any unwanted attention to themselves.

All of a sudden, an elderly old man had stepped in front of them and there was a sudden silence; this elderly old man seemed to have commanded a great deal of respect among the Spiritas men and he seemed to be their leader.

Indeed, many of the men were now shouting excitingly. 

"It is Elder Xie Tianzun! He is here!" 

"Elder Xie Tianzun is our current leader…"

"I didn't expect for him to grace our presence…"

"Are we going to make our counter-attack on the Divine Consorts anytime soon?"

"The Spiritas Resistance now is now on full swing!" 

"Long life Elder Xie Tianzun!"

"Elder Xie Tianzun is very ancient. He has been leader as long as I can remember…"

"He has saved uncountable of us from being the depraved slaves of the maidens…" 

The elderly old man who was also called Elder Xie Tianzun began to cough weakly before he raised his profound voice to say, "Once again, the evil Divine Consorts have destroyed one of our hideouts. But rest assured of this, we are like vermin that can never be truly completely eradicated!"

Many of the men were now shouting with great fervor, "We are the vermin! We can never be eradicated!"

Ji Yuan rolled his golden eyes to look bitterly at Xiao Muhan before he whispered weakly, "I am not any vermin…"

Xiao Muhan was also weakly saying, "Same here. We are not of the same kind as them… we are just a different type of vermin you know…"

Ji Yuan: …

Elder Xie Tianzun began to sigh and there was a deep regret in his old eyes, "I still remember the good golden days of our great Spirit Race when the Divine Lords dominated the Spiritas Cities and there were still no Divine Consorts…"

Many of the men were greatly moved and they were shouting, "Down with the decadent Divine Consorts!"

Elder Xie Tianzun continued, "With every generation, the men of the Great Spiritas Race have to bear witness to the continued decadent life that are brought to us by the Divine Consorts. And that is why we have to fight back. It is now or never! For the glory of our Great Spiritas Race!"

Many of the men were now shouting loudly, "For the glory of our Great Spiritas Race!"

Elder Xie Tianzun raised his fists and he was trembling loudly, "One day, even our true god the True Devil God shall return with his immortal soul to the Spirit Divine Realm and we shall make all the maidens bend their knees in front of front of us! We want them to beg us for their mercies but we shall not grant it to them until they are willing to pay with their depraved nakedness for an equivalent price!"

Many of the men were now shouting excitingly, "We shall make the maidens bend their knees before us! We shall make them pay with their depraved nakedness!" 

Ji Yuan was startled as he stared at Xiao Muhan, "The True Devil God?!"

Xiao Muhan returned a curious looked at him, "This is a cult?"

Ji Yuan had suddenly remembered that Xiao Muhan had never been to the Goddess Star Palace so he muttered weakly, "Yea. This seems to be a cult…"

Elder Xie Tianzun began to sigh deeply, "I am getting old now and can no longer lead our great Spiritas Resistance against the Divine Consorts. Therefore, I am thinking of stepping down to allow a new and energetic blood to lead us in our great battle against the Divine Consorts…"

"Unfortunately for us, we have been discovered by Divine Consort Sun Dingjun and many of our brilliant leadership have now been either killed or captured…"

Then he raised his old voice to say aloud, "Therefore this is what I am going to do to announce our new leader. Only those of you that are here today are eligible to be elected as the new leader of our Spiritas Resistance…"

Immediately many of the men were excited and were now talking among themselves with great excitement…

Elder Xie Tianzun said aloud, "Whoever can donate the most high grade spirit stones to our great cause shall be the new leader! As you know, we need funding for our hideouts and to run our operations…"

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"…And of course, 8 others of you that have also donated the most shall be the new elders and you shall assist the new leadership." 

Immediately all the men were buzzing excitingly! 

This was a great chance for them to advance in their ranks.

Immediately, there were great shouts from all the men attempting to make their donations.

"7000 high grade spirit stones…"

"10 000 high grade spirit stones…"

"3 000 high grade spirit stones…"

"30 000 high grade spirit stones…"

"5000 high grade spirit stones…"

Ji Yuan giggled at Xiao Muhan, "I wonder how rich you are?"

Xiao Muhan laughed as he shouted jovially, "100 000 high grade spirit stones!"

He was determined to become the new leader of this group. 

Ji Yuan: …

Immediately all the men were gasping with shock; it was because they had struggled to earn only a pittance amount of spirit stones under the oppression of the Spiritas maidens and could not afford to donate more. 

Ji Yuan muttered weakly to Xiao Muhan, "You are serious?"

Xiao Muhan patted at Ji Yuan and he was grinning at him with a cunning look, "Ji Yuan, you are still too young, too simple. Once I am the new leader then I would have access to the entire treasury. Then my investments will pay off by itself. This is how I am always richer than you."

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …

Ji Yuan: …


Author Note

1. This is not the end yet. The main plot in this major story arc is only starting to be slowly revealing.

2. JY has found himself in a Cult of the True Devil God and their main objective is to revive the 'manly' glory of the Spiritas Race over the female Spiritas Race.