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The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 721 Ji Yuan Got Killed By Xiao Muhan
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Spirit Divine Realm;

Snowy Pavilion City, in the hideout of the spiritas rebels.

Elder Xie Tianzun was casually in one of the rooms of the hideout when a spiritas man had suddenly barged in and he was panting breathlessly. 

He began to frown with irritation because he had just received a bad news yesterday that Red Mane City had just decreed that from now on, there would be no more male gynecologists. That was the last city to be still holding onto the old spiritas tradition and it was a blow to the rebels' pride. 

To the rebels, it was perfectly alright for them to open the legs of the maidens when they were giving birth because they were the alpha males! 

He had just informed the acting leader of Red Mane City to create more havocs to show that the rebels were unhappy with this decision and he wanted Red Mane City to suffer the wrath of the rebel resistance.

"What is this? This have better to be some good news or I won't be too pleased."

The breathless man panted heavily before he stammered, "It is our new rebel leader…"

Elder Xie Tianzun was startled, "What is it? Is he alright?"

The breathless man gasped, "We saw him with the Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er in the city…"

Elder Xie Tianzun began to roar with laughter, "Our Great Rebel Leader is taking action for our resistance cause so quickly. This Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er is always alone and she is too cheapskate to bring her followers everywhere. Our Great Rebel Leader Ji Yuan has picked a good target to assassinate this time…" 

Then he shouted excitedly, "So what is the outcome of their fight? Speak quickly! Who has won? Is our Great Rebel Leader alright? Is he injured? Come tell me quickly! Bring me to him now! I will tend his wounds with my best profound pills…"

The breathless man said weakly, "Not that. We saw him with the Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er in the most expensive fashion shop in the city and they were hugging each other's waists…"

Elder Xie Tianzun was shocked, "This is impossible?! They know each other? This Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er never have a dao cultivation partner as far as we know…"

The breathless man took in a deep breath before saying bitterly, "Not only that, we saw our Great Rebel Leader paying for the expenses of the Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er. We dare not go too near but we have heard that the expenses come to a 1.2 billion high grade spirit stones…"

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Elder Xie Tianzun gasped, "This is too rich, too rich…"

The breathless man said most bitterly, "He has used our resistance's spirit card to pay for the tag."

Elder Xie Tianzun was now shocked beyond belief, "He did what?!"

He had suddenly remembered that the rebel resistance total fund amounted to exactly 1.2 billion high grade spirit stones…

He gasped again, "Don't tell me that he is being sent by Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er to infiltrate into our rebel resistance? It was just a setup that fateful day when our resistance's hideout was attacked by Divine Consort Sun Dingjun? Divine Consort Sun Dingjun and Divine Consort Ding Jie'Er are the best of friends…"

The breathless man interrupted Elder Xie Tianzun, "Now our entire resistance can't trade our contribution points for any spirit stones and everyone is angry…"

Elder Xie Tianzun was suddenly shaken and he was stammering with shock, "I haven't finish paying the expensive mortgage for my villa in the city yet… this is a most terrible news…"

The breathless man said most bitterly, "This is not the most terrible news. We have also checked that our Great Rebel Leader is staying at Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei's tavern…"

Elder Xie Tianzun felt like banging his head, "He is also in cahoots with the Fairy Concubine Xu Yifei?! Then he is also a friend of Divine Consort Tang Manni?!"

In the past, their rebel resistance was almost driven to extinction in Snowy Pavilion City by the then Great Divine Consort Xu Yifei before she had fallen from grace. To this day, Elder Xie Tianzun still had nightmares about it when he had to flee from hideout to hideout constantly and there were many times that they had to hide in the sewage.

At one point of time, he had even requested to be sent to the other city states…




Ji Yuan had just stepped foot in the tavern when he had heard Xiao Muhan telling Maiden Flower Ju, "Let me tell you a secret of Ji Yuan. Do you know why he is conferred the title of the Gentleman of the Sword by the fraternity brothers?"

He was actually thinking of showing off his fantastic profound toga to Xiao Muhan and the others...

Maiden Flower Ju shook her head gently as she smiled sweetly, "I don't know. Maybe he is a gentleman?"

"Wrong!" Xiao Muhan laughed aloud. "That is because he is disinterested in any maidens and that why we have conferred upon him this title. Haha…"

Maiden Flower Ju was startled, "He is uninterested in any maidens?"

She was thinking it was no wonder that Master Ji Yuan was not interested in Divine Consort Tang Manni…

Ji Yuan had heard Xiao Muhan telling Maiden Flower Ju about his black history so he quickly interrupted from behind, "Ahem!"

Xiao Muhan looked a little flustered as he turned to smile bitterly at Ji Yuan, "Alas Brother Ji Yuan, you are back now."

Ji Yuan had rushed forward to pull the robe collar of Xiao Muhan and he was saying angrily, "Bruh!!! Dang!!! You have promised not to tell anyone about this. What a good brother you are!"

Xiao Muhan protested weakly, "This is just something harmless. Why are you so panicky about this…"

Ji Yuan angrily said, "Fine! Then what if I tell all the maidens here that you are an expert in painting life-like portraits and you are the Saint of Painting here? And that you are always shifting your dirty eyes on their bosoms and below so that you can paint them secretly in your room…"

When Ji Yuan had said that, Maiden Flower Ju was gasping and she was covering her bosoms.

And so did the dozen maidens on the first floor of the tavern as well as they used their hands to cover their bosoms and they were even screaming panicky as they looked at Xiao Muhan…

They were now wondering if this Xiao Muhan was a depraved spiritas man now...

Xiao Muhan was truly angry now, "Ji Yuan, how dare you! Why did you say that out?!"

Ji Yuan had calmed down a little after seeing the angry look that was on Xiao Muhan and he was weakly saying, "Sorry my friend. Guess I was erm… a little upset and didn't mean to spill your secrets…"

Xiao Muhan began to shake his fist furiously and he had actually punched Ji Yuan…

When Ji Yuan got punched by Xiao Muhan, he did not really feel any pain; it was because he is a cultivator and as long as he has any profound strength, his innate profound defense will automatically kick in to protect him from harm like an invisible force shield. 

  But at his moment Ji Yuan was in a daze and he felt like his heart was in great pain; it was as though something in him had suddenly died and he was feeling unbearable pain. 

In fact, without knowing it, there was a shed of hot tears in his golden eyes as well…

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For unknown reason, he was suddenly recalling the last moments that were between the Great Beyond Goddess and the True Devil God…

And in that scene, the Great Beyond Goddess was weeping and her tears were like the dazzling stars that were around her…

In that scene, he could not move because he was now seeing through the eyes of the True Devil God…

But he was able to feel the unspeakable pains of the Great Beyond Goddess in this scene…

Because he was also feeling the same unspeakable pains now…

He had wanted her to live so he had to die...

But instead, he had sensed her unspeakable grief just before he had died...

Something in Ji Yuan had suddenly died…

Ji Yuan had suddenly stumbled onto the ground in a loud bang and he appeared to be knocked out cold; this quickly stunned Xiao Muhan and Flower Maiden Ju at the same time.

Maiden Flower Ju was shocked as she looked at Xiao Muhan, "You have killed Master Ji Yuan?!"

Xiao Muhan quickly inspected Ji Yuan and he was panicky saying, "No way! He is only playacting. We have been fighting like this for such a long time and this has never happened before…"

Maiden Flower Ju was also inspecting Ji Yuan and was shocked that there were no vital signs in Ji Yuan all of a sudden. She panicky shouted to the other maidens in the tavern, "Quick! Bring him to our mistress! Maybe she can help him…"

Xiao Muhan said panicky as he reached out to carry Ji Yuan, "Let me carry him..."

But Maiden Flower Ju had pushed him away and she was upset, "Go away! You are a murderous male!"

Xiao Muhan: ...

Xiao Muhan: ...

Xiao Muhan: ...


Author Note:

1. In this chapter, poor Xiao Muhan got blamed with murdering Ji Yuan:X