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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 1449
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Chapter 1449

With the chaghting Wayne couldn’t see her face clearly, but he knew she was crying

His heart started racing

Why was she crying?

Was that guy not treating her well?

As he thought about this, his steps started drifting towards her uncontrollably.

Zenobia had just grabbed some food and was heading back to the second floor of the inn to give it to Wayne

But when she opened the door, he wasn’t there.

Zenobia was taken aback

The first thing that popped into her head was that Alan had gone after that woman!

Driven by feat Zenobia sprinted downstairs and burst out of the door.

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Scanning the crowd, she immediately spotted Wayne, standing in the dark, his gaze fixed on a praying figure.

Without thinking, she followed his gaze.

What she saw was Rosalynn, having finished her prayers, throwing flowers into the fire under the guidance of

McGills wife

In that moment, Zenobia’s jealousy and fear peaked.

When she looked back at Wayne, she saw him stepping out of the darkness, seemingly heading towards Rosalynn

Zenobia was terrified.

She started running towards Wayne.

Just then, a group of rowdy kids ran by, one of them bumping into Wayne’s leg.

He grunted and lost his balance, falling to the ground.

“Alan!” Zenobia screamed, rushing to his side to help him up.

Perhaps alerted by the commotion, Rosalynn glanced their way.

The kids circled Wayne, worried about the trouble they’d caused.

Rosalynn’s gaze lingered for a moment, then was drawn back by the sound of McGill’s wife speaking

“You’re much more easy-going than we imagined.” McGill’s wife said with a smile, “It’s a shame we didn’t get to

meet your kids this time! Next time you leave, remember to take our gift back to them!”

“Why would you want to meet my kids?” Rosalynn asked, puzzled.

“We want to thank them, of course! If it wasn’t for your daughter’s insistence, how could we get so much money

and move to the big city?” McGills wife quickly replied.

Rosalynn was clueless about this.

“My daughter’s insistence?”

“Yes, the boss who was in charge of dealing with us previously, we met him again in the big city. He told us that

when President Silverman was approving our compensation, there wasn’t that much initially. But your daughter

asked him if the money was enough for us to live well, and President Silverman immediately added so much more!

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Mentioning Wayne, the smile on McGill’s wife’s face faded slightly. She carefully watched Rosalynn, afraid she might

have said something wrong. and hurt this kind and friendly woman.

“Really? I wasn’t aware of that.” Rosalynn laughed, “My daughter and husband didn’t tell me.”

When McGills wife saw that Rosalynn didn’t have a big reaction, she breathed a sigh of relief, her courage growing

She sighed softly. “People say Mr. Silverman is a cold-hearted president, but i think he’s a good man.”

No one would know, how much Rosalynn wished during this time, that someone, anyone, could talk to her more

about Wayne

But it seemed that everyone thought Wayne was an unhealable wound in her heart, untouchable and


“Why do you think he’s good?” Rosalynn asked

“See that house over there?” McGill’s wife pointed to a small building a few hundred meters away, near where

Wayne planned to build the overwater bungalows “That used to be an inn run by me and McGill’s mother On the

day Mr. Saverman bought this island, heated

asked him if he was buying our island, he said yes, he was. I then asked him why he had to buy our stand, he said

that the sea and the beach here were like what his lover had described the beach they wanted to go on a vacation

Rosalynns heart suddenly tightened