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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 137: This Girl Is Scary!
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Chapter 137: This Girl Is Scary!

(Zrudread University- Saint Theodore Building)

(Classroom 1A)

“Good day new students and welcome to your first day of university,” came a cheerful voice from the front of the class.

Classroom 1A was the place where the freshman elite class students would have a brief morning home room period before leaving for their various lecture locations.

Professor Gracie Robinson was the teacher assigned to the class and she was overflowing with excitement and charm.

Gracie was a kind looking elderly Mendolesa warrior, but the only signs of her age were small patches of white fur scattered around her once brown coat.

She was shorter than the average Mendolesa at around five feet in height and hobbled around with a wooden cane.

Sophie had taken quite the liking to her new teacher who reminded her of a friendly neighbourhood grandma.

The classroom itself was very comfortable with chairs made out of memory foam that adjusted their shape to match the image of the students sitting down on them. 

The room could hold up to one hundred students but only thirty students were placed in the elite class, so the desks were spaced out nicely.

Sophie had even spotted a few familiar faces from the training camp who recognised her as well. 

Ethan had smiled and waved at her with a cheeky grin while his desk mate Terrance gave her a short nod.

Celestia and the hybrid boy from her poison cultivator sessions were both in the class as well but neither had approached Sophie to talk just yet.

“Elite students are entitled to two grade S genetic serums every month, five cultivation techniques and unlimited usage of the battle arenas,” Professor Gracie continued as she listed out various benefits.

“How generous,” Cleo gave out a small whistle in admiration.

Grade S genetic serums could boost the cellular activity of the body which would enhance the speed of cultivation.

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There was even a small chance that beneficial mutations could occur, and certain lucky individuals had gained strange new racial talents.

“Well we are the elite class after all,” Qiana muttered half-heartedly as she lay on the desk while trying to catch some sleep.

Astrid was not present at the moment as her magic teacher Archmage Hollystorm had whisked her away to learn some more spell craft.

Honestly, Astrid’s position in the university was a bit strange… 

She did not need to attend any classes and would automatically be placed in the elite class if her skills met the requirements set by the principal.

Archmage Hollystorm was to be her exclusive teacher but Astrid had told her friends that he also acted somewhat like a father figure.

Sophie would be lying if she said that a tiny part of her wasn’t a bit jealous of the special treatment that Astrid got for being so talented in magic, but a bigger part of her was simply happy for her friend.

“However!” Professor Gracie banged her cane against the floor to get the attention of the class.

“I need to remind you students not to slack off or take things easy now that you have arrived at the elite class.”

“The workload in university is going to be a step above the material taught in high school. Please use the free resources provided by the school and manage your time carefully.”

“Also keep in mind that thousands of students are fighting for a spot in the elite class and one slip up can see you transferred out almost immediately.”

Professor Gracie was not exaggerating. The goal of the regular class students was to move up to the elite class.

The only problem was that places in the elite class were capped at thirty, so the higher ups created a situation where the demand far outstripped the supply.

Elite class students were under great pressure to maintain their position at the top.

First year and second year in particular were the two years that saw the greatest number of changes in the members of the elite class students.

By third and fourth year, a sizable gap would have emerged between the regular and elite class students so it was highly unlikely that any transfers would occur.

Professor Gracie smiled in approval as she saw the now serious looks on the faces of her students as they digested the new information.

“Anyways that’s enough of all that doom and gloom! Why don’t we start off the new semester with some introductions?” 

“Starting from the front of the class. First, I want you to stand up and then say your name and finish off with some fun facts about yourself,” Professor Gracie pointed at Qiana to begin.

Sophie was going to head to the middle of the classroom when the girls entered the room, but Cleo insisted that they sit at the front since it was the first day of class.

In fact, the three girls were the only ones sitting at the front row as most students were spoiled for choice with all the empty desks laying around.

Professor Gracie continued to point at Qiana who was now regretting listening to that stupid princess.

“Oh god I fucking hate stuff like this,” Qiana muttered as she stood up with a weary sigh.

Qiana was not the biggest fan of icebreakers as she always felt that they were nothing more than a waste of time.

She was already in a bad mood since Astrid was not with her, so she decided to just say something quickly and sit back down.

“My name is Qiana Abazin,” she spoke in a monotone voice.

“I enjoy reading.”

Qiana paused her speech for a moment before ending it on a short note,


Sophie and Cleo applauded softly when she sat back down, and the rest of the class soon followed suit. 

Although some were wondering about the girl who only spoke in brief sentences.

Oddly enough, even though their classmate had just stood up and spoken…. 

no one could remember what her facial features looked like. 

In fact, no one could even remember what she sounded like. 

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The only one who seemed immune other than Sophie and Cleo was Professor Gracie who thanked Qiana for speaking first and then pointed at Sophie.

“Alright you can do this,” Sophie clenched her fists and whispered to herself.

It was time to leave a good impression!

The most important part of any decent impression was the projection of an image. 

Sophie wanted herself to seem like a warm, friendly, and open person in the eyes of the other students.

Sophie closed her eyes for a moment and briefly ran over her improvised plan to project a warm and kind image before standing up with confidence.

“Good day, my name is Sophie Peterlor…… 






(Nameless Classmate’s POV)

The girl who stood up in front of the class instantly stole the attentions of everyone in the room. 

It was not due to the fact that her face was drop dead gorgeous or that she had the body of a seductive goddess or even that she spoke in a clear voice.

She commanded respect due to her intimidating aura. 

Her seven-foot-tall stature, fierce golden eyes and four razor sharp spider appendages projected the image of a warrior or killer.

I would later learn that her name was Sophie Peterlor but at the time I was distracted by the strange scent coming from her body.

Mendolesa warriors have powerful olfactory senses that can detect certain characteristics about individuals and that hybrid girl smelled….
