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The Spider Queen-Novel

Chapter 217: Side Story- Black Lotus
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Chapter 217: Side Story- Black Lotus

(Lunarea Star System- Planet Europa)

(Atlas University- Holodeck Training Room- 0123)

A cool wind could be felt as a sharp sword kept swinging relentlessly at the moving targets flying around the training room.

The cultivator practising her sword techniques had been in the room for hours on end with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Even as beads of sweat ran down her forehead and she could feel her tired worn-out muscles begin to give out.

Every time she felt like quitting there was a certain face would flash in her mind.

She needed to change.

She needed to become a better person.

Leona bit the corner of her lip and tasted the sweet metallic tang of blood as it filled her mouth. 

This sudden painful sensation prevented her from falling unconscious.

Just one more sword technique….

Leona closed her eyes and felt the sword qi travelling through her meridians begin to circulate in a strange new pattern.

She exhaled slowly and a thin white cloud could be seen. 

This was the state of concentration necessary to become a sword cultivator.

No unnecessary thoughts.

Just the feeling of the sword and the user finally becoming one.

Broken Blade First Form- Heart Sword!

Rings of golden light entered Leona’s body and her purple ringlets flew up into the air under the intense pressure.

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She could feel the harsh energy threatening to rip her body apart, but this still did not cause any fluctuations in her emotions.

“Kill!” Leona roared in fury and a white wave of sword qi erupted from the middle of her chest.

The target dummy in front of her had been reduced to a mere pile of rubble.

Leona swayed slightly before falling to the ground with a soft thud. She could not help the small smile forming along the sides of her lips.

She had gotten stronger.

Atlas University was indeed one of the four great universities of the Federation. 

Although noble students were given priority during the admission process…. these were not useless second-generation ancestors with no talent.

It was a harsh reality, but noble families had greater cultivation resources to pass down to their offsprings so even if the talent of a commoner was better….

Noble heirs would generally receive better training and be more equipped to deal with the entrance exam.

Leona lay on the floor panting slightly as she could feel every bone in her body protesting this unfair treatment.

Well, there was a reason why her nickname among the freshman was ‘Martial Queen.’

Talent always needed to be supplemented with hard work. It was a mantra that her father had always drilled into her since young.

Cultivation was not a sprint but rather a marathon.

Talent would allow you a head start but without moving, one would easily be passed by those who started behind.


A buzzing noise sounded out as the door to the training room was opened by someone with the knowledge of the password.

“Why do you always push yourself so hard?” a soft delicate voice echoed through the empty room.

“Sorry I got a bit carried away,” Leona didn’t turn around as she expected to hear the familiar nagging.

“You are such an idiot!” the voice yelled before walking up to Leona’s tired body and dropping a nutrient vial on her belly.

“Drink up.”

Leona muttered a quiet thanks and emptied the contents of the vial into her mouth without any hesitation.

She could feel a warm comforting energy flow through her exhausted body and her aching muscles seemed to no longer cause her any pain.

If any of the other noble students could enter the training room, they would simply be amazed at the sight before their eyes.

A dark-skinned beauty with a lean muscular physique and purple curly ringlets was lazily laying down on the ground.

Even in her tired state, this girl simply exhibited an aura of nobility and dignity that made others feel an innate sense of inferiority. 

Leona the heir of House Braveheart.

Many noble girls and boys had attempted to gain her favour, but all were ruthlessly dismissed by the mocking girl who scorned them arrogantly.

She was too lazy to involve herself in fake friendships and relationships based solely on benefits.

The only person who could pierce her shield of aloofness was the girl standing by her side and berating her ruthlessly. 

Vivian Green.

A lovely fragile girl with short cropped dark hair and two deep purple eyes that drew the attention of anyone who stared too deeply into them.

At first glance this would not be a shocking friendship as both girls were fairly attractive.

It was just that Vivian was a commoner.

Leona Braveheart who rejected the offers of friendship from other nobles, openly sought out the company of a commoner girl.

This had raised some eyebrows.

It was not that friendships between commoners and nobles were forbidden or even rare, it was just that for a noble with Leona’s status….

Why would you seek out the company of a girl with no backing?

House Braveheart was one of the elite noble families in the empire with the rank of Duke.

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And given the current head’s close relationship with House Peterlor, many were watching Leona’s every move.

“So, is anyone bullying you?” Leona broke the silence with an awkward question.

“No this isn’t high school,” Vivian chuckled slightly and exposed her pearly white teeth.

“In college no one really cares about popularity or any of that shit. If you don’t like someone you just ignore them.”


Vivian suddenly dropped down onto Leona’s fallen body and entwined her arms around the noble girl’s back.

She brought her face inches away from Leona’s and the two girls could heard the dull thuds of each other’s heartbeats.

“I thought you warned them to not touch me,” she grinned but in Leona’s eyes this fragile girl had turned into a seductive predator.

“I…I…” Leona stammered for a moment as the tips of her ears flushed bright red.

Before she could reply, Vivian pecked her cheek softly and got up from her chest with a teasing glint in her eyes.

She was what most people would call….

A black lotus.

Leona turned red with embarrassment and was about to lose her temper when a familiar face flashed across her mind once more.

Alright forget it.

Leona shook her head and got up slowly while wincing from the pain in her lower back region. 

She must have pulled a muscle while training.

“Any plans for the midterm break? I’m probably going to stay in my dorm room unless I get a special invitation to go out,” Vivian smirked while dropping a not-so-subtle hint.

Leona contemplated for a moment and then spoke, 

“Sure, I can take you to my family estate for a week, but I need to go to planet Gaia for an important event.”

“There is going to be a major gathering for the heirs of high noble families.”

Vivian nodded in understanding as she did have some idea about the high society of nobles from the stories that Leona shared.

Leona continued to chat cheerfully but made no mention of another thought that was constantly running through her mind.

I will finally get to see her again.