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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135 Pick Up Mrs. Augustine

Bounty pursed her lips stiffly.

“No, there was no need for that. I was afraid that you were busy with work.”

Elvis raised his slender fingers and unbuttoned the buttons of his suit. His handsome face was


The butler. Mr. Henry, respectfully handed a warm and wet handkerchief to Elvis. Elvis’s aura was that of

a rich big boss in the buisness world.

Bounty as well was not a regular individual. She could not forget her misfortune, thus the reason she

never liked. Elvis as a nephew. However, she couldn’t deny that Elvis Elvis had perfectly inherited the

Augustine family’s buisness traits.

As the eldest son of the Augustine family, Elvis had used a huge sum which was gifted to him by his

grandma to opening multiple crude oil businesses. In few months, his businesses flourished, yielding

massive profits. Seeing that Elvis was good at buisness, his father had pushed a few poorly buisness

project into his hands. As expected, Elvis managed the project perfectly. Elvis went on to become a

buisness genius in no time.

Bounty still remembered that Elvis had developed his businesses by himself, without seeking for help

from the Augustine family.

Elvis was most similar to his father, the buisness emperor. Elvis didn’t only inherit his father’s buisness

skills, he also inherited his handsome facial features, Even his calm and cold temperament was inherited

from his father. Elvis wiped his hands with the warm handkerchief. He narrowed his eyes and stared at

Bounty’s face.

“I can’t be too busy for my aunt. I hope you’ll stay in LA for a while. I’ll ask my secretary to free up my

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schedule, then I’ll take you around L.A. You know, to show you around.”

Bounty quickly shook her head,

“Elvis, don’t bother. I came to LA because I have something to 10. And, your brother is also in LA.”

Elvis furrowed his brows.

“Marvin is also in LA?”

“Yes, I’ve already called him to come over. I don’t get why he’s so late. Kids of this days. Let me give him

a call.” As she spoke about Marvin, Blounty’s eyes were filled with love. But with Elvis, the love wasn’t


Bounty took out her phone and was about to make a call. But suddenly, the Villa door opened and a

handsome figure leaped into view.

Marvin had arrived.

Bounty’s eyes shone with happiness. She quickly greeted,

“Marvin, why are you here so late? Come here.” She threw her arms wide. Marvin strode steadily and got

into her embrace.

Marvin disengaged from the hug almost immediately.

“Marvin, go on and great grandma.”

The two sons of the Augustine family, Elvis and Marvin, are both proud, yet talented. And they both

possessed a cold and domineering aura.

Marvin walked closer to the old lady and stared at her with his cold black eyes. He diverted his gaze and

stared at Elvis.

“Grandma, brother.” Marvin called out.

Elvis stared at Marvin and said gently,

“When you did you arrive LA? Why didn’t you visit?”

Bounty chipped in hastily,

“Marvin hasn’t been here for long. And he’ll be returning to Canada soon.”

Mrs. Samantha smiled tenderly.

“Okay, everyone, settle down. We haven’t sat together like this for a while. Let’s just sit and chitchat with

each other.” Bounty and Marvin sat on the sofa. Bounty smiled and broke the silence,

“***, Elvis, Marvin has reached the age of marriage. He’s ***and doesn’t spare girls a glance. My sister-

in-law is quite anxious about his marriage. I know a talented medical girl, and I’m throwing a party just so

Marvin could meet her. I really do think that they’ll be a perfect match!” Bounty clasped her hands as she

spoke excitedly.

Old Mrs. Samantha had taken away Marvin’s and Olive’s engagement token and had perfectly planned a

substitute marriage in which Olive married her favorite grandson, Elvis.

Now that she was told that Marvin was going on a blind date, her eyes had lit up and she said happily,

“That’s really great, Bounty. You’re perfect at making the right choices. I’m certain that the girl will be a

hone match for Marvin!”

“***, that medical talented medical girl is quite outstanding. She was sent to the first class medical

college in the Imperial at the age of thirteen. At the age of fifteen, she received a double master’s

degree. Setting a new record in the entire medical industry. That year, I had personally invited her to

study at Holy Nile academy, but she had declined, because she didn’t want to go too far away from

home. The girl I speak off is very smart and has a perfect character.”

“That sounds amazing. She seems like a good match for Marvin. I won’t attend the dinner party. Elvis,

please go on iny behalf. Do well to give me feedback on how it went.” Mrs Samantha muttered happily.

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Mrs. Samantha really didn’t care about who the girl was, and what her achievements were. As long as it

wasn’t her Olive, then she was fine.

Old Mrs. Samantha never felt like she had stolen Marvin’s bride for Elvis. The engagement token was

originally made by Olive’s mother for Elvis. Olive was initially betrothed to Elvis.

However, the old lady was still afraid. She was certain that if the Augustine family were aware of what

she had done, there was bound to be the opposite of peace in the Augustine family. Thus the reason she

protected Olive’s background as much as she could.

As for Marvin, he was also her grandson. The old lady knew that Marvin had Bounty, and she was bound

to make the right choices for him.

Elvis who sat beside the old lady nodded approvingly.

“Okay, grandma. I’ll attend on your behalf. Once I’m home I’ll let you know all that happened.”

“Thank you my dear.” Mrs. Samantha responded with a smile.

Elvis lowered his eyes and stared at his precious steel watch, which was clasped perfectly on his wrist.

“Aunt, Marvin, you both can stay for dinner. I’ll go ahead.”

“Elvis, where are you going this late?” Bounty questioned.

Elvis replied softly,

“I’m going to pick up my wife. She’s waiting for me.”

Marvin was speechless the entire time. But immediately Elvis mentioned” My wife” Marvin had raised his

eyes to look at Elvis.

“Elvis, I heard that you’re married. And I also heard that your bride only graduated from high school.”

Bounty muttered with a frown, obviously not satisfied with Elvis’s choice.

“Well, she just returned from the orphanage. She doesn’t really have any qualifications. She really hasn’t

had a grasp on the real world yet.”

Old Mrs Samantha waved her hand in a bid to end the topic.

“Bounty, what do they say about love, my dear? You really can’t understand, can you?”