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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 645
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Chapter 645: CHAPTER 615 THE ATTACK

Shadowslash starts to tinker with his new domain if he had some free time he realised that the more he kills the stronger the domain was.

Likewise the stronger his spiritual sense the stronger it was and its power peaks at night especially in a new moon.

With the darkness on his aide he could easily slaughter anyone that is inside his domain unless they have a domain of their own comparable to his but this would be quite rare since his domain consist of 3 no it is actually 4 domains he had only found out after countless of test.

2 of which are special high class domain and two high class domain, the king’s domain is a special high class domain, the stronger the king was the stronger the domain and if he was in his kingdom or any of his territory the power and strength of the domain would multiply.

Just like the king’s domain the slaughter domain is also a special high class domain but it is considered one of the most hardest domain to master not because it was hard to comprehend it but because of how hard to control it.

This type of domain would slowly corrodes ones mind causing the summoner of the domain to be just a mindless beasts that only lives to kill.

This wouldn’t happen to Shadowslash though as he had Hentai to warn him if he was walking close to his breaking point after all he and it are connected via souls.


The darkness domain is a high class domain that is hard to master or even just to comprehend, dark element is one of the rarest element there is so master of this domain is just few.

The illusion domain is considered just a mid quality domain bordering low quality but because of Shadowslash’s mastery over the law of imagery this domain have become high quality.

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With these four domains stacked to each other the Despair Domain is considered one of the most fearsome domain in this world probably only divine level domain such as the domain of space and the domain of time would be able to counter it.

Shadowslash thought of the two divine level domain and knew that it was close to impossible for anyone to comprehend it much less master it.

But he knew someone that have a high chance of mastering this domain, it is Banjo with his own mastery over the space law it would only a matter of time for him to create the domain of space but he needed to focus on one branch of space law to master it.

There is also Sans, his domain consist of death domain and overlord domain stacked together making it a dual domain of special high quality domain.

He knew that as long as Sans and the others continue to improve at this rate they would definitely be able to help him defending this world.

He just couldn’t do it all on his own even with this new domain of his and the strongest being in this world is still unknown to him so he just couldn’t trust them immediately.

He was deep in thought pondering over how to improve his control over his Despair Domain, he wanted to minimize the usage of spiritual sense in summoning this domain.

Suddenly he shook without any warning his expression changed as he looks towards a certain direction and his expression was extremely solemn.

He then transformed into his sea dragon form and swam towards the direction of the Sea Dragon Clan territory.

His burst of aura startled everyone in the kingdom upon seeing him in his dragon form once again they knew that it meant something serious.

Upon seeing where he was going the Sea Dragon Clan members couldn’t help but worry, they knew that he swimming towards that specific direction doesn’t meant that he was truly going to their kingdom but still they have a nagging feeling that there is something wrong in their kingdom.

In the Sea Dragon Clan territory a giant octopus is now rampaging in the area numerous soldiers of the clan and even the Sea Dragon King himself is now fighting against it but from their situation they were clearly losing.

Shadowslash’s clones were tangling with the octopus, the clones that were the same size as the octopus was clearly losing in battle.

But they are the only ones that are stopping the octopus advance if it weren’t for them the Sea Dragon Clan would have suffered a calamity right now.

The octopus looks like a giant demonic being as it had 3 horns on top of its head there is only one eyeball on it.

The giant eyeball on its head would shoot beams that was powerful enough to take a large chunk of the clones body if it weren’t for the fact that they could regenerate their lost limbs almost immediately they would have been killed long ago.

The strength of the octopus is quite great but what truly horrifying is it’s ability to suck the strength of anything it touches or hit.

It had latched one of its tentacles on each one of the clones and it had been absorbing their energy ever since.

The Sea Dragon King looks extremely gloomy he was acclaimed as one of the greatest ruler of his race actually he was proclaimed as second only to their first ancestor and yet he was totally helpless against the octopus.

The other princes of the kingdom is now shivering in fear as they realised that this might be it for their kingdom.

The Sea Dragon King then thought of his daughter that he had spoiled throughout her life and couldn’t help but smile thinking ‘At least she is safe.’

He was now powerless after fighting the octopus for a couple of hours now, with his stamina and endurance he could fight for countless of days but this enemy of theirs has a powerful ability to absorb their energy.

The octopus lifted one of the clones and slams it into the city and immediately half of the capital city of the Sea Dragon Clan was demolished in this one attack.

Cries of despair could be heard everywhere, the shark commander of the Sea Dragon Clan approached the Sea Dragon King and said “My lord we need to retreat!”

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Just as he was about to carry him the Sea Dragon King spoke “It’s okay commander Douglas, take the civilians with you and seek refuge to Invincible Kingdom, I will go down with the kingdom I might be able you guys more time.”

Hearing this the shark person seems to be choking he then shouted at his subordinates “Men take the others with you and immediately seek refuge to Invincible Kingdom me and others will buy you guys more time!”

His subordinates wanted to stay too but he shouted “Don’t disobey my orders! You guys will be the future generation of our Savage Brigade! You guys are needed to continue our legacy!”

The soldiers could only make a respectful bow as they quickly retreated, the Sea Dragon King looks at Douglas and smiled “I am lucky to have you as my right hand man.”

He then forces himself to stand up with the help of his commander both of them are ready to pit their lives against this giant octopus.

There are also some individuals that clearly have the same idea as them they transformed into their true form and let’s out a battle cry or roar and charged towards the octopus.

Suddenly a bright light came from afar and went flying towards the giant octopus and instantly the giant octopus falls down clearly the bright light was a powerful attack.

Shadowslash have finally arrived that attacked he had used earlier carried the law of slaughter so it was quite powerful but it had failed to injure the octopus.

He immediately asks Hentai what level it was and received the information that the octopus is half saint creature that meant he was now in the phase of transforming the laws into his spiritual image.

He knew all of this because of the mysterious shining individuals back on Thousand Forest Continent.

He was very excited upon hearing his opponent is a powerful half saint creature and unlike Leviathan this beast is born as chaos beast.

The octopus looks at him and knew that he was a formidable opponent it rose up and shot a laser beam from it’s eyes to him.

The laser beam was quite fast Shadowslash was nearly hit by it but he managed to dodge with the flexibility of his body.

He then transformed into his humanoid like form but also at the same time his sea dragon form.

[Emperor Slash] a powerful attack that carries his emperor Qi and slaughter intent flew towards the octopus.

The entire ocean seems to tremble as the attack hit the octopus it was now injured after suffering that attack.