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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 786
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Old man emerald then use his ability to control plants to create a barrier made out of wood, the type of plant he use is a tree that is known for its endurance, wether it was flame or thunder, the three wouldn’t shake.

The situation would still be visible for the audience because Old man emerald also created seats that rises above the barrier, it was much easier to watch from above and because of the barrier, no attacks would reach the audience.

Shadowslash nodded, he couldn’t finally watch the battle without using his spiritual sense to protect the surrounding area, there are also trained professionals that would stop the battle if it became life threatening.

Feng Shin would be representing the Shadowslash kingdom, meanwhile, on the Divine Heaven Sect side, it was a young man that wields a giant hammer that would be representing the sect.

Because he is uninformed about the knowledge regarding the new geniuses that had started to take the Beast Continent on a storm, he looks at Yan2 and asks “Little darling, is that person a titled genius?”

Hearing him, Mei2 pouted, Yan2 felt smug, he raise her head and started explaining “Yes, the person that big brother would be fighting is known for his strength and earth attribute skills and abilities, he had obtained the title called Earthquake Lord.”

Feng Shin and his opponent bows at each other, they then raise their weapons and attack, the two abilities were too different, one was a pure attacker and the other was a pseudo tank fighter with powerful strength.


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The entire area around the arena started shaking, Feng Shin have already anticipated this when he saw his opponent raising his giant hammer and smashing it into the ground, he has wings making the condition much more advantageous for him.

Seeing him fly, the sect disciple smirked, he then shouted and pointed his hammer towards his target, an illusionary mountain appeared behind him, the pressure immediately cause Feng Shin to be a bit sluggish.

Shadowslash nodded in appreciation, he knew that earth attribute users need this ability to fight against flying individuals, the greater the pressure the mountain their created exudes, the stronger their ability would be.

He could sense that the pressure is quite great for his age, too bad for him, Feng Shin have been trained by a battle maniac, not only his innate attributes are powerful but even his physical strength is abnormal.

FD also nodded but his appreciation was targeted at Feng Shin, he looks at his friend in a smug expression, Old man emerald just sat there calmly, inwardly he was laughing at his friend, he knew his sect disciple is much powerful than this.

Shadowslash also knew this, not because he use his spiritual sense to scan the sect disciple but because of common facts, if this person only has this amount of abilities then he wouldn’t be able to obtain a title.

Just like he had expected, the mountain was just a feint, the true attack was on the hammer, it glows in bright brown light, the pressure quickly increases abruptly causing Feng Shin to crash.

Boom! The impact shook the arena slightly, the sect disciple immediately use this opportunity to turn the ground beneath his opponent into quicksand, he then charges towards him.

But when he was about to slam his hammer towards his target, a powerful explosion occured causing the entire area to shook vigorously, this was Feng Shin’s plan all along.

Knowing that he was caught in a surprise attack, he could only use himself as a bait to cause a powerful explosion, just like he thought, his opponent got too close to him, he then use the force of the explosion to escape.

His eyes widen when he saw that his opponent was actually unharmed, the sect disciple was shaken inwardly, if it weren’t for his quick response and donning on his powerful earth armor, he would be heavily injured in that explosion.

Even though he could regenerate with the help of his [Heart of Earth] ability, he still would be helpless against his opponent while he was healing, it would definitely be a hard time for him to defend against an aggressive fighter.

The two of them looks at each other, but this situation doesn’t last long, Feng Shin is known for his aggressive way of fighting, watching and assessing his opponent isn’t his style, a powerful momentum burst out of him.

He then raises his saber and flaps his burning wings, he rapidly close in the distance, flaming dragons appeared around him, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to take all of this in even if he was encased with his armor, he slams his hammer to the ground once again.

Two giant earth golems appeared, Feng Shin didn’t retreat and continue on his charge, the two of them collided, the blast cause the air around them to tremble, the fire dragons managed to dispose the two golems but failed to harm their main target.

The sect disciple manage to use earth shift to get away, but his instinct immediately told him that it was far from over, he cursed inwardly and activate his armor hardening ability, Feng Shin appears behind him with gleaming eyes behind his helmet.

With a wave of his saber, he manage to pierce through the tough earth armor, the sect disciple grunted but he didn’t fall down, he spun with his hammer, Feng Shin decided to meet the attack with his own attack.

Bam! The flaming slash manage to pierce through his opponent’s earth armor once again and wound him in the front side but he was also hit by the hammer, he was shaken because of the force.

He thought that he would be able to easily take it because of his physical constitution and his armor but the force behind the hammer is much more than he had expected, he was thrown slightly to the side.

The powerful blow doesn’t scare him, he raises his saber once again and charge, a flaming dragon appeared above him, with a menacing look, it let’s out a roar and opens it’s mouth wide to swallow it’s prey.

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The sect disciple crouch down and created a wall of earth that blocked his opponent, the flaming dragon exploded but it managed to break the wall, Feng Shin was able to advance but what greeted him was the hammer of his opponent.

He use his saber to greet the hammer, a giant flaming lion appeared behind him, he decided to activate his bloodline, his opponent have already activated his bloodline, since he is a warrior, out of respect to the strong.

He decided to not hold back anymore, the two attacks cause the area to explode, no one was forced back, both of them are equal in strength, the sect disciple was shocked, other than his bloodline as an elephant beastman, he also had the help of the earth energy below him.

But even with all of this, his opponent have equal strength to him, this made the situation much more dire for him, Shadowslash who was watching spoke “This battle is already over, Feng Shin outclassed that sect disciple in all traits.”

Old man emerald couldn’t help but sigh, he knew that his friend was saying the truth, FD also expected this, Feng Shin isn’t only hardworking but he had been through a lot of battles, making him a veteran warrior.

Just as the three had expected, after a couple more blows, the sect disciple lost, he was thrown to the air by Feng Shin’s explosion and with that move, it was already check mate, being thrown to the sky is one of the fatal weakness of an earth attribute user.

After giving the invitations to Old man emerald, they then flew towards the Beast Buddha Sect, he would be visiting his friend, Gongniu Jinde, he was actually planning to invite more people but he decided to cancel this thought.

He decided to give the last invitation cards to Gongniu Jinde, also only Yan2 hadn’t fought, she was now feeling fidgety because of this, Feng Shin and Mei2 could understand what she is feeling.

They decided to cheer her up during their journey, the pressure was now on her, not only she would be the last one battling but she had to keep the win streak of their family, both her siblings won their battle, the greatest battle among the two were the battle between Mei2 and Houlong Youhuo.

She had won even though the matchup against their fighting style is disadvantageous against her, she wanted to surpass, they might be twins but they are also rivals, they don’t want to lose against one another.

Because of Shadowslash decision to increase their travel speed, it only took them a couple of minutes to arrive at their destination, his dragon form of course shocked the entire sect, fortunately, his friend greeted him making the sect members relieved.