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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 831
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An undead that is entirely made up of blood, there were three of them, he had to use large amount of souls that he had gained, other than these three blood devils, he had managed to create another eight skeleton undeads and 10 zombies, there were also 12 vengeful yin souls.

Even though the numbers of enemy he had killed is more than a hundred, he only settled with 37 undead subordinates, he wanted to use the corpses to increase their strength, with his powerful spiritual sense, he started inscribing runes around the cave.

Large amount of baneful yin Qi were being absorbed into the cave, the large amount of death and yin Qi seems to cause the undeads under him to go on a frenzy, they crazily started eating the corpses and souls that were inside the cave.

He doesn’t want to see such gruesome scene so he went deeper into the cave, he looks aroun and frowns, large amount of trash is scattered everywhere, it stinks quite a lot, not to mention, there are already corpses that were buried or just left aside inside the cave.

He sighed, just as he was about to go out of the cave to search for another location to reside, he froze, he recalls that according to Sans, undeads that have great obsession or hatred have greater potential compared to ordinary undeads.

He told his clone to carry all the dried up corpses and piled them to a corner, with his clone’s speed, it collected all of them in just a split second, he put his hand just a couple of inches away from the pile of corpses and started chanting.

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The death and yin Qi from the surrounding started to gather towards him, the vengeful aura that the corpses emits started to rise, then the eyes of the skeletons and the corpses started to lit up with green eerie light.


Crackling noise could be heard, unfortunately, some of the corpses were incomplete so the reanimation was unsuccessful but ten of them managed to rise back to the grave and finally achieved their transformation into low rank undeads.

Shadowslash was deep in thought, just like he had expected, the undeads that were in front of him have unique aura that seperates them from his other undeads, the only thing he is dissatisfied with is the fact that their starting point is much lower compared to his other undeads.

It is probably because their bones and flesh were already rotting, he then spent all of his time skillfully crafting a more perfect body for them, because most of them are already bones, he decided to turn them into death knights.

Only two of them are good at using weapons, the rest fights like low rank undeads, much weaker compared to the first four undeads he had obtained, he forcefully imprinted to them some martial art techniques that he had tweaked.

The entire cave became a land of death, the vengeful yin Qi that is scattered around Devil’s City and it’s surrounding started to gather towards the location, Shadowslash who was now decorating the cave to fit the undeads living inside couldn’t help but anticipate Sans returned.

With his talent, he is much stronger than him on nurturing undeads, also the world he is now in is much suitable for undeads, as long he and Leafinia returns, the strength of Thousand Race Empire would definitely increase drastically.

They’ll be able to conquer more worlds that way, thinking about this, Shadowslash started smiling joyfully, suddenly his eye started twitching, one of his undead approach him, this was the only undead that could speak, even though it’s voice was incoherent.

He is one of the prisoners that the group of martial artists have captured, even though he wasn’t a member, Shadowslash’s clone still killed him, in this place, mercy is too great of a weakness, besides, he could kill however he wants, this place is considered forsaken by everyone orthodox power or sects in this world.

“Master, group, cultivators-” Hearing it’s incoherent speech, Shadowslash was a bit irritated, especially because the thing talking to him smells horrible, he could only wave his hand, making it leave, he then smiles and looks at the entrance of the cave.

The prostitutes that he willingly let go finally gave him some results, he wanted to increase the number and quality of his force at a short amount of time, for this to happen, he needs to kill more people, judging from the reaction and the numbers of martial artists he had killed earlier.

There is a small chance that the group he had offended is one of the first rate power in Devil’s City or at least second rate, he became excited on the changes that would occur after his undeads slaughter these group of people, he only hope that there is at least one cultivator with them.

He had only been sacrificing martial artists, no cultivators yet, martial artists are a group of people that mostly doesn’t have spiritual root or have no Qi cultivation technique, they only have their physical body as weapons, cultivators are much more powerful compared to martial artists because they have the ability to turn spirit Qi into internal Qi.

He wanted for a while and finally the people that were going after him arrive at the entrance, he used his spiritual sense to scan them and excited light flashes on his eyes, there were more than a dozen cultivators with them, their realm varies on Bone Tempering Rank to Inner Core Rank.

He decided to at least turn them into powerful mid rank zombies, he wanted to know if they can emit corpse Qi after they transformed, at the present, the group of people look at the dark cave in front of them and frowns, they started taking out torches and force the weaker members to walk in front.

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The 27 cultivators vigilantly watch the surrounding as they travel deeper into the cave, Shadowslash immediately activate the barrier that closes the entrance of the cave once all the bandits entered, he then commanded all of his undeads to attack.

Ghostly wails sounded out as the twelve vengeful yin souls appeared, the martial artists became afraid, they don’t have any ability to fight against ghost, one of the cultivators waves his hand and flames came out.

As the flame blazes, the twelve vengeful yin souls became afraid and angry, Shadowslash then told his clones to deal with all the cultivators, suddenly a powerful pressure descended unto the cultivators, they then saw a devil like figure appeared.

Shadowslash have his clone transformed into a devil, even though it was hidden deep within him, he actually has a demon bloodline, he doesn’t access it much often, it is because his two beast bloodline is already enough for him to defeat stronger opponents.

Since he put a part of his soul on his clone, he decided to develop his demon bloodline on the remaining clone he has, even if the clone he is now using would disappear, the demon clone would still be present, too bad that he had to use his other clones to help hide Don Don’s unexpected breakthrough.

Inside the cave, the cultivators were startled when they saw the demon figure, the clone took out two swords and disappears from their view, it appeared in front of the cultivator that was using flame element and stabs his brain.

Shadowslash wanted the complete body of the cultivators, so the demon clone initiate the best action as possible, killing by destroying the mind, seeing how easy one of their own was killed, the people were shocked, they quickly reacted but they are no match no matter what they do.

The demon clone is on Xiantian Emperor Realm and because of his capability, it’s strength is comparable to elite Xiantian Emperors, cultivators that haven’t even reached Xiantian Realm are just ants on its eyes.

Seeing how the strongest one of them were killed, the remaining martial artists started begging for mercy but they received none, the undeads are relentless, they swarmed towards them and even though their numbers are clearly greater, the environment is against them.

The cave is now perfect for undeads, it would increase the strength of all undeads that exist inside it, meanwhile, every living being would become weaker as they continue to stay inside, the martial artists have also low morales now that their strongest members were killed.

Shadowslash silently appears in the center of their group, he started chanting, those that have died started twitching, then a couple of them rose back from the dead and charge towards their former comrades, the martial artists that were nearest to them were caught by surprise.

Some corpses were devoured by the zombies and the blood devils, the skeletons relentlessly kills their targets, with each skill, their yin soul flame burns brighter, it seems that they are absorbing the vital Qi of those that they have killed, the fastest ones to improve were the blood devils.