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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1125
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"Hmm... | can sense that the human kid who had the audacity to kill my demon's messengers is close by. He is in the Water City.

| have put so much effort, tand energy in creating the demon's messengers, and yet that despicable kid mercilessly

slaughtered so many of them. | find him so repulsive and disgusting!

He has piqued my curiosity and gained my attention. | would like to meet him and see how good he is at killing."

A chilling and evil voice was heard speaking from the massive demonic clouds.

"Ha-ha, another human city lies ahead of us. What a wonderful opportunity! It means more pigs forto slaughter!"

"Nothing delightsmore than seeing and tasting the blood of scared little human pigs, especially when their heads explode."

Shafts of evil aura engulfed the whole area and could be felt flowing through the suffocating air and through every crack on the

ground. Those ferocious and bloodthirsty demon race's troops flew in the sky rushing towards the direction of the Water City.

Moments later, the demon race's troops arrived in the Water City in droves.

Their evil aura filled the clouds, basically blocking out the sky and covering the sun. It instantly becpitch black inside the

Water City, a prelude to the calamity it was about to face.

"Go inside, and slaughter every disgusting pig that you cacross!" an authoritative voice issued an order expecting it to be

executed immediately.

Like a well-oiled machine, without any hesitation, thousands of soldiers from the demon race swarmed towards the Water City's

gate. They were not fazed, thinking the order was just a walk in the park and it would be business as usual, another easy job.

A lot of human warriors from the Heaven Palace had joined the demon race's troops and were part of the troops invading the Water



An order was given, as a dark and giant palm gleaming with a shaft of demonic light, slapped on the barricade that had been

erected in the Water City to deter any potential enemies.


The walls of the Water City made of solid rocks trembled and then collapsed in a heap.

The demon race fighters with hideous faces went inside the city through the newly created entry point from the broken barricade.

The Water City was only a medium-sized city in the Grand Dragon Empire, so it was relatively weak in terms of defense as

compared to other neighboring cities.

The soldiers manning the erected barricade and defending the city were not too strong and were generally Sky Realm warriors with

a weak cultivation base.

Apart from their lack of strength and skills, the demon race's attack was such a surprise to the humans that the warriors from the

Water City were caught off guard and unprepared.

They barely had a chance to fight back and could not survive the demon race's attack.

The soldiers defending the city were slaughtered ruthlessly without getting a chance to put on a good fight.

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Ssoldiers were blown into tiny pieces, as their blood cascaded down the street like a river.

In what felt like less than twenty heartbeats, the city's defense was broken beyond redemption. It was a lost cause and the city was

now open to those intruders.

Troops from the demon race and the Heaven Palace rushed into the Water City. Wherever they passed they cleared any human

with a pulse. The whole city was covered in streams of blood.

It was a massacre inside the Water City.

"We will fight to our death and take down as many bodies as we can from the demon race.

We'll never surrender.”

The sight of human bodies scattered all over the city angered swarriors. They were no longer frightened for their lives since

death was inevitable. They had only one wish to fulfill: kill as many demonic fighters as possible before they died.

They rushed to the demon race's troops at all costs, not caring about their lives.

However, shuman warriors afraid of death ran away at the first sight of demon race's troops storming the city.

The whole city looked like a chaotic slaughterhouse.

Out in the battlefield, a tall figure belonging to the demon race could be spotted not taking part in the fight. He was wrapped by

the intense and pitch-dark evil aura.

Apparently, his unique identity allowed him to stay away from the slaughter.

"Ha-ha! Now it's tto locate the human kid who killed my demon's messengers," his tone was laced with anger.

Suddenly, an overwhelming wave of demonic spiritual soul surged and flowed into the Water City, like raging torrents.

At the stime, Austin was cultivating. He adjusted his breath and directed his strength through his meridians, strengthening the

power which he had just acquired after his recent breakthrough.

Suddenly, he felt the ground tremble and heard that the whole city was filled with chaotic shrieks.

He immediately knew that something bad had happened.

He released then his spiritual sense trying to find out what was happening. In several heartbeats, he sensed the overwhelming evil

aura that had engulfed the city and the thousands of intruders from the demon race.

The demon race's troops were storming into the city.

Austin could feel it without anybody telling him.

"Master, the demon race's troops are coming."

the Sect Supremo, standing outside Austin's room, informed Austin of the impending attack through his spiritual sense.

"I already know that,"

Austin answered. He then opened the door, walked out of the room and took the Sect Supremo to the hall.

"Austin, bad news. The demon race is coming. What should we do?"

Emma asked Austin urgently the second she saw him.

All the family members of the Xian Clan had gathered in the hall, shocked and frightened.

Emma had experienced and seen Austin's unpredictable strength and power in action since they had spent a long period of time


As far as she was concerned, Austin was powerful and could always find a way out of any dangerous situation. Actually, he was the

only person in the hall who could do that, and protect them from the demon race's troops, who were set on slaughtering.

"Call your people together and chere, right now. We have to leave the city first and then think of other plans,"

Austin ordered Emma after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, you're the boss,"

Emma replied. She had been in Austin's City model several times, and she knew that Austin had the ability to transfer her whole

family into and out of the City model, safe and sound.

She had blind faith in Austin. So, she rushed out of the hall and called every one, asking them to gather together.

However, at that very moment, an authoritative voice was heard.

"Everybody from the Xian Clan mustn't leave the Water City. Otherwise, you'll all be treated as traitors. You must all go to the

shrine now.

We'll fight together against the demon race's intruders."

The voice echoed across all the buildings of the Xian Clan.

The voice seemed to have given an order which couldn't be disobeyed.

'What was that?’

Austin was stunned when he heard that voice.

"It's the clan leader!"

Everybody from the Xian Clan whispered in hushed tones.

"Austin, it's my grandpa!"

Emma whispered in Austin's ear as she saw his confused face.

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"Why? Why would your grandpa forbid your family from leaving the city?"

Austin asked incredulously.

‘Escaping from such a dangerous situation was the best option for the Xian Clan.

However, instead of urging his clan members to leave as quickly as possible, Emma's grandpa, as the clan leader, prevented any

person from leaving the dangerous city and asked them to cto the shrine and fight a losing war.

'Was there any smart weapon there that | wasn't aware of, which could be used to block the demon race's attacks?"

Austin thought in frustration. He just didn't understand that decree.

Hearing the clan leader's orders, everyone fell silent.

Despite their reluctance to stay in the city, every person from the Xian Clan still set off towards the shrine.

Obviously, the strict clan discipline and rules, as well as the clan leader's power and prestige, had convinced everyone that the

clan leader had made the right decision for them.

"Master, what should we do now?"

the Sect Supremo asked Austin anxiously.

"Let's follow the orders and find out what will happen there," Austin replied lightly.

The clan leader's orders had roused Austin's curiosity.

The Water City had been surrounded by the demon race. It wouldn't make much of a big difference whether they tried to escape

early or a bit later.

No matter what happened, the gncould always use the Space Teleportation to help them leave the city.

So, Austin followed Emma and Debby and walked towards the Xian Clan's shrine.

Located at the back of the residential quarters, the shrine was a splendid and secret building in the deep forest. It looked like a


It gave Austin a feeling of magnificence and fervency.

A few moments later, all members of the Xian Clan had gathered in the shrine.

So did Austin and Emma.

Austin immediately felt something different when he entered and he immediately looked up at the holy and magnificent shrine.

A very peculiar form of energy was being emitted from the shrine. It was eerie, mysterious and felt evil.

Standing outside of the shrine, Austin attempted to release his spiritual sense and probe into the internal environment of the

shrine. However, he failed. The mysterious energy blocked his spiritual sense and it couldn't go further.