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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1163
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When the elder in grey sneered at Austin, he activated his spiritual sense, aiming a forceful attack at Austin's Soul Sea.

'He is a Heaven Realm cultivator!" Austin marveled in his mind.

As soon as the elder in grey arrived, Austin could instantly tell that his cultivation base was at the Heaven Realm.

Although this discovery made the elder a formidable opponent, Austin was still confident that he could keep up. After all, his

spiritual sense was almost strong enough to be compared to a Heaven Realm cultivator.

After his spiritual soul fused with the spiritual tree, Austin could now withstand a spiritual sense attack that was even ten times

stronger than his spiritual sense.

Austin was therefore not worried by the spiritual sense attack thrown by the elder in grey. Dealing with it was a walk in the park. As

soon as the attack got into Austin's Soul Sea, the elder's spiritual sense dissipated it within a split second.

"What just happened?!"

The elder in grey was shocked when he realized that his spiritual sense attack just vanished into thin air upon its invasion into

Austin's Soul Sea.

The moment he arrived, he assessed his opponent and noted that Austin's cultivation base was at the preliminary stage of

Tribulation Realm. He was therefore dumbstruck when a mere cultivator at the Tribulation Realm like Austin could breezily take his

spiritual sense attack with no effort.

The elder in grey was at the medium stage of Heaven Realm. However he was much superior than cultivators who were at the

scultivation base as he was because of his years of cultivation experience. Even a cultivator at the medium stage of Heaven

Realm could hardly withstand his spiritual sense attack, while it was almost impossible for a Tribulation Realm cultivator like Austin.

"I hadn't expected you to be this strong. No wonder you had the nerve to stir up trouble in this city. | will not let you do as you wish.

Do you have any idea what you have done and whom you have offended?

You'd better let Mr. Faron go and in the process apologize to him for treating him so badly. You better be quick! The price for

offending a noble man like Mr. Faron is far beyond your reach and league. You are too poor to pay whatever would be required!"

the elder in grey sneered in disgust.

"You really think highly of yourself, little boy! | don't care who you think you are. But since you've offended Mr. Faron in the

Yellowstone City, that means by extension you have offended the whole Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom as well. It's tfor you to

face the consequences of your arrogance,"

a short and thin elder in a purple robe chimed in. He had accompanied the elder in grey and he had been shooting Austin a

menacing glare every the looked his way.

"Elder Bardolf! Elder Dane! Please help me!

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This young man has killed many disciples of the Sky Sect. We cannot let him go! We must kill him to avenge our brothers!"

Faron Chang yelled excitedly when he saw the two elders’ arriving. It was as if he had seen his saviors.

The two elders had all reached the Heaven Realm so he was sure they could defeat Austin.

The elder in grey was from the Sky Sect, and the elder in a purple robe was from the Ghost Puppet Sect.

In the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, both of them were influential figures known for their formidable cultivation base. Faron

Chang thought they would definitely defeat and kill Austin easily to avenge him.

"Ha-ha! Ha-ha! You are so ridiculous. Your live is totally under my control. | have the power to decide whether you live or die and

yet all you can think about is killing me. Are you serious?

Well! Now that you wantdead so desperately, | really have no reason to keep you alive. I'd rather kill you first right now!"

Austin said coldly, an intense killing intent reflected in his eyes.

When he heard Faron Chang asking for help, Austin was amused by his recklessness. But his words also ignited the slow burning

anger that had been festering in Austin's chest.

"How dare you!"

Faron turned to Austin, looking at him with eyes wide open in furry.

However, the minute his eyes cinto contact with Austin's, the killing intent surging up in Austin's eyes sent a chill down his


He finally understood that what Austin had been saying was not a mere threat. Austin was dead serious!

"No! No! No! You can't kill me! My grandfather is the superior elder!

If you dared to kill me, my grandfather would certainly not spare your life!"

Faron said in panic, and his voice was trembling in fear at his predicament.

"So what? | really don't care. You are going to die anyway!

Letting you live will only bring more problems to this world!"

Austin smiled menacingly as he brandished the long sword in his hand.


Before anyone could react, a thin line appeared on Faron's neck. It took them a while to comprehend that the line was gushing

blood. Then his head flew into the air simultaneously with the arc left by Austin's sword.

The execution was so fast that when Faron's head flew in the air, his eyes were still wide open. He never expected that Austin

would kill him without any warning.

Resentment could still be reflected in his wide eyes. It looked like he was struggling to accept that his life had ended so suddenly

and unceremoniously. His grandfather was the superior elder of the Sky Sect for goodness sake. He always got what he wanted and

nobody had dared to offend him since his childhood.

As long as a cultivator passed the Yellowstone City to get into the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, it was normal for the cultivator

to be exploited by him for his own personal gains. In only half a month, he had made a fortune.

How could he accept that his life had now ended? He had just begun riding on the crest of success; he was finally enjoying the

suprpower that the city could offer. But everything was over as soon as his head hit the ground.

"You! You! You! How dare you!

Well, you will regret what you have done soon, asshole!

You are dead meat!"

Elder Bardolf, the elder in grey from the Sky Sect, screamed angrily. He could not believe that Austin had just killed Faron without

hesitation. Elder Bardolf began trembling in rage.

His primary task was to lead members of the Sky Sect to set up checkpoints at the Yellowstone City and to scrutinize cultivators

who wanted to get into the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

His first responsibility was to prevent spies from the demon race and the Heaven Palace from entering into the Heavenly Dragon

Holy Kingdom and the second was to control the number of people who were entering the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Elder Bardolf of course knew how Faron exploited and bullied the cultivators in transit. If they refused to give Faron what he

wanted, they would never be allowed to set foot into the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

Although he knew very well that what Faron had been doing was inappropriate, Elder Bardolf didn't dare to say anything about it.

After all, Faron was the grandson of the superior elder. Even the sect leader of the Sky Sect had to show srespect to him.

What's more, Faron always secretly sent Elder Bardolf part of what he got from his extortion business.

Because of that, Elder Bardolf did nothing about Faron's secret exploitative business. Under the compliance of Elder Bardolf, Faron

becbolder in his dealings in the Yellowstone City.

At that moment, what worried Elder Bardolf most was how to tell the superior elder about the death of his grandson Faron.

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Everyone in the Sky Sect was aware that the superior elder spoiled Faron since childhood. After all, Faron was his only grandson.

Elder Bardolf could not even imagine how furious the superior elder would be when he heard the news that his only grandson had

been beheaded.

"Boy, you are in so much trouble!" Elder Bardolf roared with anger.

The only thought in his mind was how he was going to capture Austin. Austin should not get away; otherwise Elder Bardolf could

not bear the raging anger of the superior elder. He would never let such an unfortunate fate to befall him.

Elder Bardolf patted his waist, and in a flash a yellow silk belt flew out from his waist. As it flew up in the air, the silk belt turned

into a yellow dragon, emitting a forceful breath. Then the dragon targeted Austin non-stop.

The yellow silk belt was a high-grade holy weapon, a powerful weapon used to capture people.

"Hmm! Big deal! That's nothing but a useless belt!"

The queen rushed and stood in front of Austin to protect him. When she noticed that Elder Bardolf was at the medium stage of

Heaven Realm, she was worried that Austin would get hurt in the fight.

She channeled her evil energy to her palm, and aimed an overwhelming attack at the yellow dragon.

The yellow dragon froze as soon as it got hit by the attack from her palm. The queen reached out and when she touched the

dragon, it turned back into the yellow silk belt. Then the queen threw the belt to Austin.

"A Primal Holy Realm cultivator!"

Elder Bardolf was so shock that he involuntarily retreated more than ten meters away from her.

Elder Dane was also enamored in astonishment. His wide eyes were filled with awe when he stared at the queen in front of him.

He could not believe that the beautiful lady, who had been quite the whole time, was a Primal Holy Realm cultivator.

"Please pardon my ignorance, madam! But, could you please tellyour name?"

Elder Dane of the Ghost Puppet Sect asked, bowing to the queen reverently. His attitude changed completely when he realized that

the queen was definitely a cultivator at the Primal Holy Realm.

The Primal Holy Realm cultivators were few and far between in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, or even in the whole South


As long as a cultivator reached the Primal Holy Realm, his or her nwould soon be well-known to everyone in the South

Continent of the PrMartial World.

Elder Bardolf and Elder Dane were racking their brains trying to recall every Primal Holy Realm cultivator's nthat they knew.

They could not remember which Primal Holy Realm cultivator was as beautiful as the queen.