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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1292
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The elder who was dressed like a Taoist priest was none other than Colin; a powerful man who had been in charge of troops sent by

the Southern Alliances stationed in the Trinary Star City.

Baldwin was brandishing an overwhelmingly powerful sword aura. When he waved his hand, a vague figure, much like ssort of

hologram appeared in front of him. A couple of seconds later, the vision was made clear and the person's face could be seen


Though virtual, the image was clear enough for it to be recognized as that of Austin.

"Yeah, that's him," Colin confirmed through gritted teeth. There could be no doubt about it.

He glowered at the vision, as if even in virtual reality, Austin was his biggest enemy. His eyes were blazing with an infinite amount

of spite.

"l see.

Humph! No wonder he had the balls to take your place. The guy surely is a trouble-maker,"

Baldwin sneered.

If Austin had been here, he would immediately have recognized Baldwin as the person who had intimidated him into handing over

the Magic Sea Water to him in the Nonuple Isles.

"So. As it turns out, you were referring to this boy,"

Julius remarked with a smile.

"Buddy, is he that sbrat we met in the Middle World Waters?"

another elder in a blazing red robe asked Julius, who was sitting right next to him; and he chose to do so through his spiritual


"Of course that's him. Are those your eyes or coat-buttons?"

Julius rolled his eyes at the elder.

"Ha-ha, this boy always never ceases to surprise me.

You know what, just let him be. I'm looking forwards to seeing what he is going to do next."

This remark was coming from another elder, who was visible at a distance from his flowing white robes.

His nwas Godwin.

"From what | can gather, there's a gnawing suspicion on the back of my mind that Austin is a spy sent by the demon race.

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| saw that he was with a powerful demon when we crossed paths.

The guy did nothing, but that demon attackedand | was no match for him," Colin told Baldwin.

He could tell that Baldwin had ssort of trouble brewing with Austin.

"Oh, is that so? Interesting! The demon race is our enemy, but Austin roams around with a demon.

You are right. | am also willing to bet that he is a spy sent by the demon race.

Besides, he even stole your place. Obviously he infiltrated us and tried to eliminate us with the demons. He is an altogether evil


Guys, | think we should take Austin prisoner and interrogate him,"

Baldwin suggested grimly, coming to a final conclusion.

"A spy sent by the demon race?

Baldwin, it was only under Austin's leadership that our army in the Trinary Star City slaughtered over fifty thousand demons. Those

people wouldn't have survived that war if he hadn't been there to fight them off!

Do you really think he is a spy for demons?

Ever since the demon race declared war against us, we have seldom won a battle against them.

The only big victory we have in our repertoire is the one from the battle of the Trinary Star City; and Austin takes major credit for


But you're saying that he is on their side?

I'm afraid | can't agree with you," Julius retorted in a tone of disbelief and annoyance.

He was sitting opposite Baldwin.

"Julius, what on earth is the relationship between you two? Why do you always speak for Austin and take his side? Just because he

helped us, doesn't give us definitive proof.

Who knows, but that battle of Trinary Star City could be just a major farce.

| think that the demon race tried to make a little sacrifice so that their spy could win our trust.

And look at it this way: Austin is in charge of the Trinary Star City. What if he betrays us, right here, right now? What would happen

then? We would suffer an immense loss!

No, we simply can't take the chances. We must get Austin here and question him.

Besides, we have already appointed Colin as the commander and no one can change that," Baldwin snapped loudly.

He was determined to punish Austin somehow, and this seemed the fastest way to his humiliation and discomfort.

"Baldwin, this is just your assumption and conjecture. You don't have any proof of your claims.

| think that Austin is an excellent young man. | think we should stop being paranoid, and give that man a chance to prove himself.

He might surprise us for good yet.

And as for your pet Colin, | heard from excellent sources that he ran away from the battlefield that day. Do you really think he is

still qualified to be the commander?" the elder in the red robe sneered.

But support wasn't all that Austin received from the elders.

"I agree with Baldwin," an elder with a wrinkled face chimed in gravely.

"Anyway, the fact that Austin goes around with a demon in tow is suspicious at the least. We must figure it out."

"I second Baldwin too. We need to bring Austin in and ask him how he is related to the demon race," a stone-cold middle-aged

woman voiced out her opinion.

If a weak cultivator had been present there, he would definitely have shivered with fear.


Most cultivators agreed with Baldwin except Julius, Godwin and the red-robed elder.

"What about you, Godwin?" Baldwin asked with furrowed eyebrows.

It wasn't surprising that Godwin was silent; he usually preferred to reserve his words.

Baldwin originally had no intention of inviting Julius and the elder in the red robe to air their opinions. He had already cto the

conclusion that the two of them would definitely take Austin's side.

"I think we should be more tolerant of young people.

But | can see that you all want to find Austin and ask him squestions. If that is the case, | find no problem in that," Godwin

replied with a subtle smile.

'I'd like to see how my disciple is going to handle them.

If he really does get in sgrave trouble, | will cto his aid, ' he mused.

Baldwin felt annoyed because he could clearly see that Godwin was on Austin's side too. This was not what he had intended for.

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‘Godwin is always smiling and looks like an easygoing person. No one knows his real strength. But one thing is for sure; very few

people can afford to be caught on his wrong side. The guy's a powerhouse!" Baldwin thought to himself.

He didn't think that he could defeat Godwin if it cto a standoff between them. 'If Godwin were to con Austin's side, it

would make things more difficult forand | would have to put in too much effort to take care of that brat.’

"Well, that's it then. We're going to go find Austin and ask him what the hell is going on with him and that demon.

And lest we forget, it's our responsibility and it is in our power to decide who is qualified to be in charge of the army in the Trinary

Star City. No one can take that place without our permission,"

Baldwin concluded in a decisive tone.

Since most of the audience agreed with Baldwin, Julius and the elder in the red robe didn't argue any further. They were going to

wait and see what happened now.

"Looks like Austin is unwelcin the South Continent."

The elder in the red robe remarked to Julius through his spiritual sense, so that no one else could hear them.

Julius was a senior, well-respected figure in the South Continent. His opinion mattered quite a bit in the decision-making processes.

The elder in the red robe was called Peter, and he was also an important, highly respected figure in the continent, much like Julius.

However, Godwin was perhaps the most powerful.

"More or less yeah. There are many people here from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. And each of them has ssort of

business or the other with the sects and clans that Austin has messed with in the past. Of course they are unhappy with him.

It is said that Austin has also offended the Thunder Sect and the Cyan Sect in the Elite Holy Kingdom. In fact, he hasn't stopped

there. News of his trouble with the Holy Sect in the Purple Phoenix Holy Kingdom has also reached my ears. I'm really impressed.

How did he manage to piss so many people off at once?"

Julius replied through his spiritual sense.

Half a day later, dozens of people from the Mysterious Sky City, where the headquarters of the Southern Alliances Army was

located, leapt into the air with a graceful jump and headed towards the Trinary Star City.

Baldwin took lead of the company, followed by Colin and a group of numerous strong cultivators. They were prepared for

resistance. But they weren't all the travelers today.

Pretty soon after they left the Mysterious Sky City, two more cultivators left for the Trinary Star City.

These were Julius and Peter.

A while after they had disappeared from vision, another elder in a white robe soared into the sky and began moving towards the

Trinary Star City.

He was Godwin.