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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1335
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Disappointment and a hint of regret were obvious on Baldwin's expression.

He wouldn't have provoked Austin if he had known the demise that he would cto him.

He never would have thought that a guy in his twenties would be able to kill him, a great master who had already lived for

hundreds of years.

These thoughts flashed through his mind and were gone in an instant.

His body trembled uncontrollably.

He experienced an indescribable horror.

Little by little, thousands of cracks appeared on his body.


Suddenly, it crumbled into a million pieces and was swept away by a cold easterly wind. The pieces of his body turned into a

crimson mist and disappeared into the thin air.

That was the end of a human warrior at the middle stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

Looking at the bloody mist that had been the remains of Baldwin's body mere moments ago, Austin couldn't help somehow feeling

sorry for him.

Austin obtained Baldwin's Space Ring after killing him.

His life-long collection of weapons and other treasures would help Austin greatly.

However, he didn't want to waste his tporing over the treasures enclosed in Baldwin's Space Ring. He put it in a safe place and

decided to check it later at his leisure.

Austin then performed the Diabolic Flashing Skill and returned to the Sword Treasure-house in the blink of an eye.


The scene that greeted his eyes surprised him.

Sand and bits of stone were flying around him. The sky was blotted out. Sand with the color of blood covered the land as far as his

eyes could see.

It seemed that a tremendous sand storm was wreaking havoc in the area.

In the middle of the sand storm, he could see that the Sword Treasure-house was sinking.

It was standing on top of the soft sand, and it was sinking slowly but steadily.

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About half an hour passed by.

The Sword Treasure-house was nowhere to be found.

Red sand flowed from all directions and formed dozens of sand dunes at the site where the Sword Treasure-house once stood.

"The Sword Emperor's mansion is now buried under the sand,"

Austin muttered to himself, still incredulous at what he had just witnessed.

He performed his bodily movement skill and left at once.

The imperial capital city of the Jade Kingdom was his next destination.

At the stime, inside the imperial capital city, it had been surrounded by multitudes of fighters from the demon race. The

overwhelming evil aura had darkened the sky and kept out all the sunshine.

Likewise, throughout the city, the complete darkness had fallen as if the doomsday had calready.

Numerous fighters from the demon race smirked and laughed boisterously.

It was clear that the imperial capital city of the Jade Kingdom was already totally engulfed by the demon race's army.

"Haha. Listen to me, cowardly humans. I'll give you a last chance to hold on to your pathetic lives.

I'm gonna count to ten. If you cout of the city and surrender before | finish counting, I'll permit you to live.

Otherwise, we'll invade the city. Not one breathing creature behind those cursed walls will be spared from being slaughtered.

One, two, three,"

a tall, one-horned demon warrior announced outside the walls of the imperial capital city. His voice resonated and reverberated

between the heavens and the earth.

It was magically amplified so that he could be heard clearly and precisely by every human warrior within the city.

The demon's voice once again boomed loudly, "Haha. Bullshit. It's all bullshit. Even the famous A.L. Army has to cower behind

those flimsy walls. You're nothing but cowards! You should be ashamed to call yourselves warriors or fighters."

The demons bickered noisily. "Haha. | just can't wait anymore. The wait is killing me. Let's invade the city and kill the A.L. Army. We

must avenge our dead!"

"I desperately want to have a taste of those human beings' brains."

Dark clouds swirled and hovered around the imperial capital city. Demons roared with laughter and shouted loudly. Large masses of

dark clouds surged and flowed without direction, which gave the whole scene an evil aura.

These clouds shifted in color constantly. There were times that it changed into a horrible and disgusting color reminiscent of the

blood sea in hell.

On the front rampart of the imperial capital city.

The queen stood her ground steadfastly upon the ramparts. The wind whipped her clothes around, they swayed and rustled at

every gust.

Sparts of her alluring and seductive body were exposed.

Both human soldiers and demon fighters stealthily caught glimpses of her legendary charms underneath the elegant robes.

Four or five Semi-holy Realm warriors as well as a dozen Primal Holy Realm warriors were standing on the rampart together with


All the extraordinary masters of the A. L. Army were also gathered there.

"What should we do?

The demon race's troops are about to attack soon.

They have two demon saints with them,"

Clark asked the queen, despair and helplessness in his voice.

The queen was a female warrior at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm; Clark was better than her in strength and power as

he was at the medium stage of Semi-holy Realm.

However, he knew that the queen was close to Austin.

Clark was also familiar with the queen's fighting skills and strength.

He knew he wouldn't be able to confidently say that he could win if he were to fight with the queen.

He always had nothing but admiration and respect for the queen's abilities.

But at that moment, a deep frown was set on the queen's face.

The A.L. Army proudly consisted of over 200, 000 capable soldiers.

However, the demon race's troops also had almost the snumber of demon warriors and fighters.

In addition, the demon race obtained the aid of two demon saints.

If everything was taken into account, it was clear that the A. L. Army was on the losing side.

All soldiers from A. L. Army could be eliminated by just the two demon saints.

The power of a demon saint was equivalent to that of a human Holy Realm warrior.

Thus, none of the humans from the A. L. Army, including the queen, had the capability to beat the two demon saints.

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Judging from this, the result of the battle was already predictable even though it hadn't started yet.

Whether they liked it or not, the A. L. Army was about to fight a losing war.

"We need to plan our strategy and defend according to the ongoing situation.

They are stronger than us even though we are equal in number. Still, we have no other choice than to fight back.

There's no escaping from this.

No solider of the A.L. Army is afraid of death. I'll give you that,"

the queen said, with conviction and resolve. Her fists clenched of their own accord.

A blazing aura of determination radiated from her noble and voluptuous figure.

The evil shadow race had always been brave and battle-hungry. In contrast, the queen's beauty made her look weak and frail, but

she was ready to fight for her people.

"Yes, | agree with you. Those bastards would have to go through us before they can enter the city. Over our dead bodies!

We'll kill them and take them down with us."

Clark had always been stubborn and determined. Otherwise, he wouldn't have supported Austin against Baldwin back in the Trinary

Star City.

"If we surrender, they'll make slaves out of our people and we'll live lives more miserable than dogs and pigs. We have to put up a

fight and kill as many of those demonic bastards as possible."

Behind the queen, all Semi-holy Realm and Primal Holy Realm human warriors stepped up and voiced their sentiments.

"Six, seven,"

the demon's voice continued the countdown.

"Give out the order: all soldiers of A. L. Army should prepare to fight!

We'll die with those bastards,"

the queen ordered.

Instantly, the queen's order was relayed to all soldiers inside the city.

"Fight and die!

Fight and die!"

ssoldiers shouted, and their voices were heard throughout the city. The fighting morale of the troops was extremely high.