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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1361
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With the use of his spiritual sense, Austin heard what those cultivators said.


Those leaders of Southern Alliances Army are threatening my men?’ Austin thought.

The leader these cultivators referred to was a white-haired man, the master of Semi-emperor Realm who was in command of the

Southern Alliances Army.

Upon knowing how his men had been mistreated, Austin could no longer calm down. He felt his face redden as he balled his fists.

His anger knew no bound.

‘Damn it! | almost died fighting the demons.

Those men in charge of the Southern Alliances Army even intimidated my men while | was away.

Well, screw them! | knew | shouldn't have led my men here the other day. If | hadn't, all the human cultivators of Southern Alliances

Army would have died at the hands of those demons.

But now, these ungrateful bastards planned to deal with us. Is this how they treat those who cto their rescue at critical


Austin clenched his jaw, boiling with untold anger. He tried to keep it in, controlling the madness and rage ready to get out. He

closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath.

Finally, letting the rational part of him take over, he kept cursing the leaders of the Southern Alliances Army in his mind instead.

Suddenly, he heard Violet's and the gnome's curses ring out in his Soul Sea.

They, too, had been pissed off by such ungrateful behaviors.

After a while, Austin finally cooled down, allowing him to think more clearly.

He jumped up, ecstatic as he rationalized the plan he cup with.

"All right. They thought I'm dead so they intended to handle my army.

I'll disguise myself and sneak into the Mysterious Sky City to figure out those who have made a move against my men.

And then..." he paused, enjoying the satisfaction of the thought of getting back. "I'll finish them," Austin said as a wicked grin

appeared on his face.

His eyes reflected the fire he felt and the determination he had for vengeance.

In a test of strength, at his current level, there was no one in the Southern Continent who could be on par with him. He knew this

so well and he ought to use this to his advantage.

He started to consider his plan, taking it one step at a tuntil he was sure he could pull it through.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Since nothing and no one could pose a threat to him, he was ready to stir up big trouble in the Southern Alliances Army.

Although his plan was already turning into a something solid, he had to make sure no one could recognize him. So with the help of

the Appearance-transforming Clothes, he posed as a middle-aged man.

After that, he asked Violet to change the aura of his spiritual soul.

Then, he flew towards the Mysterious Sky City.

Even at a distance, he saw that most of it was in disorder after the war.

Cultivators could be seen cleaning up the battlefield everywhere. Those who guarded the gates didn't question those who cin

or out of the city which made it easier for Austin to move around.

After fighting off the demons, the cultivators, and even the civilians, seemed to have let down their guard.

Since everybody was minding their own business, Austin entered the city without getting into trouble.

Aside from having a few guards who weren't paying too much attention to their surroundings, the city was crowded with people

making it easier to move around without getting caught.

Many cultivators were talking about the war excitedly. Their voices rang out as if proud of the chaos it brought.

The whole city was filled with joyful atmosphere despite the war that happened. It was as if nothing happened. And although

Austin didn't like it, he had a mission to pull through.

So Austin shrugged it off and walked on the streets aimlessly, trying not to think about anything aside from his plan. "This has got

to work," he whispered to himself.

He watched as people talked and laughed everywhere. But half an hour later, Austin still hadn't gotten any useful information.

'l can't continue to roam the streets like this.

| need to find someone who can tellwhat has happened after | left the city, *

Austin thought to himself.

Soon, his eyes fell on a cultivator who was nagging about the war with several others. His voice was so loud, he was hard to miss.

‘Talkative people like him must be big on gossips. | bet he must be well-informed, ' he thought as he shook his head.

His eyes followed the cultivator and he could tell that he was at the premium stage of Master Realm.

As Austin walked past the cultivator deliberately, he activated the teleportation power of the City model. In an instant, the

cultivator was transported into it, stopping him mid-sentence.

The cultivators’ eyes went wide as they looked around and realized that their friend disappeared.

"What's going on? Where is Earl?"

they all exclaimed in shock.

Since these cultivators were at the Master Realm, they had no idea what had happened to their friend whom they called Earl Su.

At this point, Austin was nowhere to be seen on the street.

He disappeared into a quiet alley.

He waited for a while and when he saw no sight of people, he immediately transported himself into the City model.

The model turned into a grain of sand and fell on the ground.

In it was Earl Su, evidently shocked and worried out of his wits trying to think how he got there. He kept running back and forth

with no direction at all as he felt flustered.

A little while later, he found himself on a strange street.

Rattled and scared, he studied his surroundings.

Although confused and still a little bit dazed, he was certain that he wasn't in the Mysterious Sky City.

"What is this? Somebody! Is there somebody out here? What happened to me? Where am 1?

Last thing | remember, | was having a talk with my friends.

How did | end up here in the wink of an eye? Am | in a dream?" Earl Su muttered, definitely terrified. He was trying to catch his

breath to slow his heartbeat down.

What had happened to him freaked him out for it was beyond his recognition.

At that moment, a young man appeared in front of him.

Earl Su raised his head and met his indifferent gaze.


You're Austin.

You... Y-you're still alive!"

Earl screamed, dumbfounded.

At the stime, he trembled slightly and stared back at Austin in awe. There were both respect and fear visible in his eyes.

"Tellwhat happened the two days that passed. You'd better tellthe truth, because if | find out that you're lying, you'll be


Austin said flatly, looking at Earl Su.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Austin had slaughtered more than thirty demon semi-emperors the other day, impressing all the cultivators in the war.

Earl Su had been on the battlefield that day, too. It was why he recognized Austin; he was in the war with him.

Noting the impassive look in Austin's eyes, he felt a chill creep up his spine.

Remembering how Austin was in the war and how he killed all those demons, Earl couldn't help but be afraid. He couldn't even

help shaking violently out of fear.

Fully aware that Austin was far stronger than him, he had no intention of resisting or running away.

He would do as Austin said and give him any information he wanted.

"My lord, | won't lie to you, | promise. I'll tell you everything you want to know. Please don't kill me.

My parents, my wife and my children need me,"

Earl Su pleaded, getting down on his knees.

Austin raised his eyebrows.

"Get up.

| won't hurt you as long as you answer my question honestly,"

he responded.

"Thank you, my lord. I'll tell you everything | know,"

Earl Su replied, nodding his head non-stop.

He filled Austin in on the things that happened in the Mysterious Sky City these past two days.

Fearing that Austin would get angry and strike him down, he shared Austin the events in detail.

Half an hour later, Austin knew what had happened in the Mysterious Sky City while he was gone.

‘Lean tried to killandonly, so | left to keep my friends safe.

After that, they had another battle with the demon race.

Soon, two other armies of the Southern Alliances Army had been sent to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom and they made it here

just in time.

The human cultivators outnumbered the demons.

| had slain over thirty demon semi-emperors, so they only needed to take care of less than ten demon semi-emperors.

After the fierce fight, even though the night seemed to never end, the battle still did.

And the demons lost the war, ' Austin ruminated.