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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1485
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"Okay, that's it! I'll fight him! And if | ever need your help, | will let you know right away. In fact, forget it! | can handle this brat on

my own," the good-looking teenager boasted to the other two contestants.

The young man in black and the strong man with his hair down nodded in agreement. One of them walked to Austin's left side

while the other walked to his right. Both of them ready to attack Austin at any time.

"Look, they joined hands together to deal with Austin!"

one of the speculators exclaimed at the sight of the scene.

"So smart of them to make that wise decision.

Austin is the weakest one among them.

Now that the three of them are working together, they will effortlessly kick Austin out of the battle ring in no time.

If that happens, they can break into the top three and earn themselves opportunities to becdisciples of three holy lands."

"Yeah, | must agree. That's really a brilliant strategy. Once they kick the weakest out of the game, they will be called winners. It

doesn't matter who wins the first place since they will still get what they want."

Sof the spectators began to keenly voice out their opinions as if they were commentating on the game.

"Damn it! That's so low!" Belle cursed with anger all over her face, clenching her fists tightly.

She wished she could dash to the battle ring to help Austin.

"Don't worry, Belle. He has a lot of tricks in his sleeves. He can handle all of them," Caroline reassured, fixing her eyes on the

battle ring.

However, a trace of worry climbed up on her enchanting face.

Meanwhile, the audience on the eastern platform started discussing.

"I didn't expect these boys to be so naughty and shrew.

Looks like the contestant named Austin Lin will not have the chance to break into the top three,"

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a middle-aged man of the Vasteras Holy Land remarked as a smile broke out from his lips.

"I agree with you. These guys actually did an excellent job. Austin could break into the top four because he has learned a profound

sword skill and a mysterious spiritual sense martial skills.

He is just at the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm. In terms of cultivation base, he is still a weakling.

He defeated his opponents with martial skills instead of his cultivation base, but this can't prove anything. A promising cultivator

must not only be powerful in fancy skills but, most importantly, in cultivation.

After all, cultivation base matters the most to a cultivator.

We don't lack occult martial skills.

So | think we should recruit talented cultivators with a high cultivation base.

And apparently, Austin is not good enough," a man voiced out his thoughts.

He was one of the representatives from the Arcane Holy Land.

"You two have a good point. Those three contestants are what we, three holy lands, need,"

the man representing the Rudimentary Holy Land followed with a nod.

The people from the three holy lands apparently didn't think too much of Austin.

If Austin had overheard their conversation, he would have quit the galready.

At the stime, a tense atmosphere enveloped the No. 1 battle ring.

"Brat, don't take this personally. It's just you happen to be the weakest. | bet you would do the sif you were in our shoes," the

handsteenager said with a playful smug on his face.

Suddenly, he balled his hand into a fist, and an overwhelming power covered the entire battle ring.

Dragon shadows immediately materialized around the ring. Their blaring growls cut through the air, sending enormous sound

waves in all directions.

"I'll show you the power of my Dragon Growling Fist!" the handslad shouted confidently.

As he stamped on the ground, a dragon cout of his body and hovered above his head.

Then, he threw a punch towards Austin, causing the ring to tremble violently.

Judging from the destructive quivering of the battle ring, it was evident that the blow was really formidably strong.

The lad was at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm. He gathered all his vital energy in his fist before he swung at Austin.

The air around his fist formed a vacuum.

The young man in black and the strong man stood on each side of Austin, leaving the latter no chance to dodge the upcoming


"You three work together to fight me? Fine, I'll pull all out," Austin snorted with ferocity reflecting in his eyes.

The thick evil aura appeared on the battle ring, and in an instant, it was enveloped with nothing but darkness, leaving the audience

nothing to watch.

A scary tall figure showed up--it was Austin's demonic avatar.

Since he had entered this competition, he hadn't summoned his demonic avatar for three reasons.

Firstly, he thought it was unnecessary to use it since he could handle his opponents.

Secondly, he didn't want to expose it so early in the contest because it was one of his secret weapons.

Lastly, he was uncertain whether using the demonic avatar was allowed in the tournament.

After all, it would look as if he got a helper if he used it.

But before this battle began, he had shared his dilemma to Belle.

According to her, he could actually use his demonic avatar to fight his opponent because there were no rules that forbade such.

She also told him that one young cultivator did pretty good with the help of his puppet in the previous Martial Arts Tournament.

‘Now that puppets are allowed in the competition, | don't see any problem in using my avatar, ' Austin thought.

That was why he released his demonic avatar without any hesitation.

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‘None of those three is weak.

Now that they could break into the top four, they are incredibly talented and powerful cultivators.

| must give my all in dealing with them, ' Austin pondered to himself as his eyes slowly turned sharp with determination.

All the spectators were keenly watching the fight, eager to see soverwhelming skills and expectant of the outcome.

When they saw Austin's demonic avatar, they couldn't help but exclaim in shock.

"This is Austin's avatar!"

one spectator shouted.

"He refined a demon and made it his avatar. Since it is as powerful as a demon emperor, | bet it must be amazingly strong."

"Bravo! He might be young, but he surely could refine his own avatar. This contestant is really something!"

'Only top cultivators can refine their own avatars, but this young man successfully made it. He is so amazing, ' the audience


The instant Austin's demonic avatar made its appearance, it displayed different demonic skills to hit the handsyoung man.

However, to Austin's slight surprise, the appearance of the demonic avatar didn't shock the young man.

Instead, he even exerted martial skills to fight against it.

"Fuck! You even got an avatar that can match a demon emperor."

The good-looking teenager furrowed his eyebrows while engaged in a fierce battle with Austin's demonic avatar.

As their battle continued, the ring shook violently as if an earthquake had struck it.

"Get out of the battle ring, you three!" Austin said victoriously.

He glanced at his three opponents with a derisive smile on his lips.

'With the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship, the Spiritual Pot, and my demonic avatar, I'm sure as hell | can trounce them, *

Austin triumphantly thought.