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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1557
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"No! Get out of here now! This place is going to collapse!"

"Shit! Run away quickly!"

Instantly, the inside of the Secret Valley turned to chaos. All disciples started to run as quickly as they could. They were all rushing

to the exit of the valley.

Fortunately, most of them were all able to make it outside before it was too late.

Half an hour later, the whole Secret Valley was completely ruined. The lands, the mountains, the rivers and even the sky had all

vanished. The Secret Valley was nowhere in sight anymore.

A few disciples who didn't make it also disappeared together with that chaotic space.

The disciples who were able to find the exit were now inside the palace. However, they didn't stop there. They continued to rush

outside until they were out of the gate of the palace. Now that they were outside, they looked back at the palace with great fear in

their faces.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Eventually, the palace also broke into pieces and fell into ruin.

"Such unfortunate! We have spent so much tbreaking the arrays on the golden path and we've succeeded. But look at what

happened. Everything we did was all in vain!"

"Yes, we're really unlucky! If | had not been able to run quickly enough, | would have died inside the Secret Valley!"

"You're right. It was so terrifying. The entire space broke down and disappeared before our eyes. | have never seen such a terrifying

scene in my lifetime!"

Everyone had their own negative comments while staring at the ruins of the palace in front of them. Although they felt grateful for

being able to escape the catastrophe, the fear in them had not yet subsided.

"Oh, by the way, has anyone seen that bastard and Stacy of the Deep Sea Commercial House in the Secret Valley? As far as | can

remember, they entered the Secret Valley ahead of us," all of a sudden, Josh Xiao said out loud.

"That evil couple arrived at the Secret Valley nearly half day earlier than all of us. They must have obtained a great deal. If we can

find them, maybe we can get something from them. Ha ha ha!" Josh Xiao continued with a devilish laugh.

After everything that they'd experienced, he was still able to think evilly.

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Everyone seemed to be delighted of what they'd heard.

Their faces lit up and the trace of fear disappeared.

What Josh Xiao said was right.

That young man and Stacy entered the Secret Valley half a day earlier than them so they must have searched many places inside

and had a good harvest.

"Now | know why the large land | found earlier was already empty. | was expecting to see many herbs there but | got none. | even

saw ssigns that the herbs there had already been picked. It must be that two!"

"You're right! | also saw that land. Judging from that area, a great deal of superior herbs must have grown there."

"Damn! It seemed that Stacy and the bastard have gotten a lot there!"

The disciples started to exchange thoughts after Josh Xiao induced them.

"But | didn't see that two in the Secret Valley earlier."

"Me, too. | didn't meet them there either."

Soon, they'd found out that none of them had seen Austin and Stacy inside the Secret Valley.

"That's really strange! Is it possible that there is another exit to the Secret Valley so they were able to leave earlier?"

"They might be in a cave or somewhere else searching for something precious. Maybe they didn't have enough tto escape so

they've just died there."

Each disciple made their own guesses about the fate of Austin and Stacy after the disaster.

But the truth was, no one could really tell where Austin and Stacy could be.

"Well, this is it. The so-called Secret Valley has already vanished from our world," someone said.

"So | think what we can do now is to continue picking herbs in the Wild Herb Valley. That should be more practical."

All the disciples agreed with the man and soon left the place.

After a short while, the valley becdeserted and quiet.

The Wild Herb Valley was open for one month. It had only been about ten days since they'd started picking herbs so they still had

more than half a month to stay in the valley.

The disciples of all sects wasted no time. They sped up looking for and picking herbs.

In this journey, fights were inevitable between different sects. It was normal for them to fight over sherbs and other valuable

natural resources. As twent by, the fights becfiercer and the number of disciples involved increased.

What was even worse was that sdisciples had already stopped picking herbs or looking for natural resources. They were only

waiting for others to pick herbs or find natural resources then stole them. It was the easiest way to obtain many herbs without

spending so much time, effort, or energy.

As a result, the order of the Wild Herb Valley beca mess in just a few days.

Fights happened almost every second. A lot of cultivators had been defeated and even got killed. Ssects had even lost all of

their disciples. Blood was everywhere. It was such a cruel scene to look at.

Meanwhile, in one of the mountains of the Wild Herb Valley, more than fifty disciples of the FlHoly Land were picking herbs in

a large forest under the leadership of Rahul.

While they were all busily working, they heard svoices from behind.

"Ha ha ha! What a luck! There is one big group here that seems to have a good harvest!"

A wild laughter was heard from afar. Then sfigures flew at high speed and cup to them.

Soon enough, around three hundred cultivators appeared and surrounded the disciples of the FlHoly Land.

"I will not talk much. All | want you to do is to take out your belongings and give them to us. Otherwise, you will all be killed," the

leader of the group shouted. He was a young man in a white robe. He was tall and he looked elegant.

If Austin was only there, he would be able to recognize who this man was. This man was Augustus Luo of the Primordial Sect. All

the disciples behind him were all from the Primordial Sect.

Rahul waved his hand and all the disciples of the FlHoly Land gathered together immediately.

"Hump! You dare to order us what to do just because it's what you want?" Rahul sneered from the opposite side.

He didn't show any signs of fear.

During these past few days, the disciples of the FlHoly Land had met similar situations several times. So, this situation was

not new to them anymore.

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The main reason why the FlHoly Land always attracted trouble was because of their number. Of all the sects that joined this

task, only this sect had the smallest number of disciples.

While the other sects had the average of two to three hundred disciples, the FlHoly Land only had more than fifty.

So every tsdisciples of the other sects saw the disciples of the FlHoly Land, the former always wanted to bully the

latter and tried to steal their herbs.

Rahul was already aware of the situation. He knew that arguing with them would be useless. Their only choice was to fight with

these bullies.

"Damn! | am only requesting for your belongings because | want to spare all your lives. But you seem not to understand me. Since

you refused my offer, then we will have to kill all of you now. Everyone, attack! None of them is allowed to live!"

Augustus of the Primordial Sect said and waved his hand to his disciples.

Instantly, all disciples of the Primordial Sect rushed forward and started to fight against the disciples of the FlHoly Land.

Powerful vital energies burst out and the battle started soon.

Although the disciples of the FlHoly Land were smaller in number, they were all very strong. Now, they stood back to back to

form an array and help each other. Because of this, the disciples of the Primordial Sect could not take advantage over them.

Rahul took out his halberd and released an extremely bright energy ball. He was fighting alone against the two disciples at the

premium stage and the three disciples at the medium stage of Emperor Realm. He was really powerful!

"Shit! Who are these people? How strong they could be?"

The leader of the Primordial Sect started to feel anxious and angry.

He'd never expected that the fifty disciples were so powerful. He wasn't able to prepare his disciples in this situation at all.

In about five kilometers away from where the battle was going on, two figures were flying swiftly.

Suddenly, one of them stopped.

"Rahul and the disciples of the FlHoly Land!" he exclaimed.

He tried to analyze what was going on.

"Ha ha ha! Now, | see it. The disciples of the Primordial Sect are fighting with us! This is good. Now that I'm here, of course | will

join the fight."

The two figures flying were no other than Austin and Stacy.