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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1728
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Six top suprmasters, led by the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land who held an ultimate magical treasure, simultaneously

dashed towards Elder Sharp.

However, Elder Sharp's strength was beyond their imagination.

He lifted the nine-layer scarlet pagoda on his hand, and red forces instantly filled every inch of the space. The void continued to

collapse wherever it passed, almost entirely unstoppable.

The six strong cultivators' attacks were blocked by the power of the ultimate magical treasure.

That magic treasure was one of the most powerful in the entire world, and he had utilized it in its full extremes. No wonder why he

did not dodge the combined attacks of the six cultivators.

So instead, he instantly rushed forward, his figure almost completely integrating into the air.

The terrifying speed he employed could only be matched by very few people in the world. He was as light as smoke, almost

ethereal, and his moves were very much unpredictable.

He rushed to one of the men--the senior reclusive master from the Shen Clan in particular.

With the scarlet nine-layer pagoda on his right hand, he waved his left hand clasped into a fist, punching that poor master from the

Shen Clan.

When the former flashed right before the suprmaster's face, every strand of the latter's hair rose and froze. Sensing a great

danger about to befall on him, he turned around in an attempt to flee.

However, the nine-layer scarlet pagoda emitted an immensely terrifying aura--almost as vast as the sea--instantly drowning the

senior reclusive elder of the Shen Clan.


Elder Sharp's fist slashed out, directly tearing open a crack in the space and smashing onto the chest of the senior reclusive elder

of the Shen Clan.

The senior reclusive elder shouted in panic and discreetly used a secret skill. He ingeniously transformed his entire body into a

thin-like piece of paper, trembling backward with the wind.

It was a signature secret skill of the Shen Clan, which could be used during fighting. The stronger the attack from the rival was, the

lesser the chances of anyone from the Shen Clan from getting hurt.

Yet, even with all the effort, it seemed to be in vain. Elder Sharp's fist might appear to be frail and weak, but it could still launch a

punch or two.


And with that one massive blow, the piece of paper--who was really the senior reclusive elder of the Shen Clan--was immediately

frozen as it flew in the air.

He spat out a mouthful of blood as his body wobbled like a broken kite in flight, descending far away in no direction. No one knew

whether he survived that assault or not.

Everyone, who witnessed the entire scene, was nailed on the ground, shocked and utterly dumbfounded at what happened. A

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senior reclusive elder from an aristocratic family was severely injured and defeated in just a single swing of an arm.

This had never happened in the East Mainland before.

In fact, those senior reclusive elders from aristocratic families were the most powerful cultivators who enjoyed the highest status in

the East Mainland. They stood at the top of the pyramid in the entire realm of warriors. With their reputation, no one would dare to

compete with them.

But now, the tables had turned. A senior reclusive elder actually lost a battle. More than that, he was ultimately defeated in just

one move!


Elder Sharp's figure rose high in the air upon activating the nine-layer scarlet pagoda, radiating an unimaginable power that

scattered in all directions.

The surging pressure of the red ocean seemed to have opened an unparalleled and deviously rogue abyss. It was pervading as if it

was going to swallow the entire world around it.

Beads of cold sweats formed on the foreheads of the remaining five top martial artists because of sheer fear.

Elder Sharp's application and utilization of the ultimate magical treasure was ingeniously marvelous at its finest. He had truly

displayed the weapon's most significant power in extremes.

"Don't disconnect your unified strength. Let's fight together!

Otherwise, none of us can beat this old man!"

the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land cried out in fear.


The five martial artists charged at the stand employed their most reliable and best attacks. Together, they jointly dashed

towards Elder Sharp in hopes of ultimately taking him down.

Five dragons of horrifying power continuously roared and dashed towards Elder Sharp.

Amidst that impending unified assault on him, Elder Sharp threw the nine-layer scarlet pagoda into the air.

It gradually expanded in the wind and instantly grew to hundreds of meters high.

Elder Sharp then stretched out his hand and pointed at the pagoda.

The majestic scarlet pagoda suddenly fell into the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The void was utterly smashed into pieces, and a crack of a few hundred meters wide, much like a pitch-black and calm river,

materialized before Elder Sharp.

All five energy dragons controlled by the five suprmasters all were thrust inside the space hole and disappeared in an instant

as if they had been sucked in a bottomless abyss.

‘Elder Sharp could absorb his opponents’ attacking power and used it to his own advantage! What a clever combat technique!"

everyone, who witnessed what just happened, thought in awe.

This Elder Sharp had lived a couple hundred thousand years. No wonder his fighting styles were brilliantly terrifying.

"Kill him!" the five top martial artists yelled at the top of their lungs.

The expression on their faces portrayed how determined they were to keep fighting and guarding themselves.

Suddenly, as their voice rang out, five different mysterious worlds appeared, one of which was awfully dark filled with ferocious evil

spirits flying and screaming. It was the abnormal vision of the Dark Scripture of the Ji Clan.

Another one was a shining golden world habited by Ancient Buddhas who were reciting ancient scriptures. It was the abnormal

vision caused by Amitayus Scripture of the Vasteras Holy Land.

The next one was a shiny purple world brimming with purple stars that rumbled on a particular route and faintly communicated

with the real sun, moon, and stars in the sky. This was the abnormal vision caused by the Purple Scripture of the Arcane Holy Land.

Following this was a boundless blue sea world where numerous sea beasts blissfully swam in freedom. This was the abnormal

vision caused by the Ocean Scripture of the Rudimentary Holy Land.

The last one was a vast white and horrible world of energy, containing an absurd amount of superpower. It was created by the

ultimate magical treasure of the Rudimentary Holy Land.

The five small worlds looked different from each other, and yet all of them began their attacks. They would like to suppress Elder


Every small world erupted with terrifying energy that could destroy heaven and earth, reminding everyone of how it would be if the

world was on the verge of ultimate destruction.


Elder Sharp moved and disappeared into the void, instantly confusing all the five cultivators. It seemed as if he had totally

vanished from the present world.

No sign of Elder Sharp's figure crossed their sight.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a very tall Taoist priest appeared amidst the belly of heaven and earth.

He stood elegantly with his right hand holding a duster and the other placed on his chest.

He was indeed gigantic in height. His head almost touched the sky as he stood on the ground, towering everyone--even the

clouds, which only reached up to his chest.

He slowly lowered his head, looking down at the world, full of pity. It seemed as though he had owned the whole world beneath


"It's the topmost level abnormal vision of our FlHoly Land's FlScripture—Majestic Taoist!

"Oh my God! Elder Sharp has already cultivated the FlScripture so well! This is very shocking!"

Elder Brendan of the FlHoly Land was the first to react from his surprise.

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Even Austin was so astounded that his brain was buzzing.

Although he had not tried cultivating the FlScripture, he had read about it a few times and understood its most powerful

abnormal vision--Majestic Taoist.

Although he read it before in the scripture, seeing it in person was still outrageously appalling.


The giant Taoist priest raised his hand and swept forward with the duster.

All the small worlds employed by the five warriors collapsed at the stand turned into nothing. What was used to be

promising weapons were now rendered useless.

Then, Elder Sharp reappeared, and the nine-layer scarlet pagoda in his hand shook violently.

This vicious quivering caused rays of red energy to erupt again in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five cultivators, determined as they were, tried to resist the force but were eventually trampled by the overwhelming energy.

The holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land was the luckiest of them. With the white jade bracelet which was an ultimate magical

treasure, he was able to resist the attack from Elder Sharp.

Meanwhile, the other four top martial artists were caught in a difficult situation. It was evident that they had been seriously hurt

with the amount of blood they coughed. More than that, their bodies trembled, and they could barely even stand!

"Run, or we will all die here!"

The senior reclusive elder of the Ji Clan shouted, his face as pale as paper.

Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh.

Five figures flashed, and the five top cultivators suddenly disappeared in the air.

These top masters all had high-grade escaping techniques, and since they understood the rules in the world, they knew better that

it was best to flee.

Although they were severely injured, it was mysteriously fascinating how they were able to run away in such a short time.

At this point, it was hard for Elder Sharp to decide which one to chase.

"Humph. This will serve as a lesson for you," said he coldly.

Instead of worrying himself on who to chase, he just decided to give up and let those five flee for their lives.

The most powerful sky-shaking battle in the East Mainland finally ended.

Elder Sharp was veritably triumphant against all the undeniably strong cultivators.

"This senior elder of our FlHoly Land is indeed incredible!"

As everyone celebrated their triumph, an idea popped into Austin's head, making him grin from ear to ear.