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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2035
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Instead of listening to Austin, many of the students started yelling back in protest and refused to give him so much as a crumb.

Anger built in him as the first-level students who had entered the Blue Dragon School threw violent and taunting words at his face.

The rest seemed unbothered; they turned and began to walk away.

It was clear from their defiance that they weren't frightened by Austin. Despite him being immensely powerful, he wasn't an official

student; therefore, he wouldn't try and stop them.

However, Austin had other thoughts that were running through his head.

A sneer wrinkled his face as he charged towards the students who were about to leave using the bodily movement skill he had

created. When he was halfway there, he released his physical strength.

Helpless, they were kicked and thrown back to the rest of the angry group. Not a single one managed to slip past and escape.

They quickly cto terms with the fact that their skills were too low to outrun him.

Beaten black and blue by Austin, the students that had fought back slumped and sof them collapsed on the ground.

Like many others, they had underestimated Austin. He didn't care about them and he was definitely willing to hurt them to get

what he wanted. Out of options, they lined up and paid him reluctantly.

Although the students felt humiliated and upset, they still did what Austin said because none of them were strong enough to fight

him. If they didn't pay him, they couldn't go anywhere.

After they had all paid him, they began to leave, sighing and slumping their shoulders.

As they went, Austin could hear many of them whispering advice among each other to avoid the mountain where Kimberly lived

because there was an evil man named Martin Xiao staying there.

It didn't take long before the students had cleared out and the area around the mountain where Kimberly lived quieted down.

Sitting on the ground, Austin sorted and counted the resources he had gotten from the hundreds of students. He struggled to

remain calm with so many items in his grasp.

Without hesitation, he put all the resources into a Space Ring.

"Take this! It's all the students' compensation," he said as he threw the ring at Kimberly. She caught it with one hand and frowned.

"Just keep it.

They are supposed to be yours,"

Kimberly replied, tossing the Space Ring back at Austin.

"No. | wish | could, but you're the master here.

They belong to you,"

Austin said.

"Take it! Consider it as a reward," Kimberly said, folding her arms across her chest.

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No matter how hard he fought, she wouldn't take the ring. She had given Austin more than two thousand high-grade superior

herbs, so these resources meant nothing to her.

Besides, Austin had robbed those students of these items, resorting to violence. That made her want them even less.

"All right."

Austin nodded his head, but he didn't sound happy to keep them.

Quietly, he took out all the items from the Space Ring and divided them equally into three Space Rings.

"You three can have the resources. This is a gift from Princess Kimberly."

Austin waved his hand and the three rings flew and stopped in front of Kimberly's other three followers that were not far away.


The three followers looked at Kimberly with tears shining in their eyes.

"You can take them,"

Kimberly said with a nod.

"Thank you, master!"

Overjoyed, the three followers scooped up the rings and kissed them.

Although they weren't much to Kimberly, it was a huge boost in cultivation resources for them.

"Hey, Kimberly. Since you are going to take this Martin guy with you, | guess you are more confident about having a good

performance in the Astral World,"

Stacy remarked, smirking.


I'm not worried at all now that | know Martin will come,"

Kimberly replied with a smile.

'Although he is just a follower, he is much stronger than me.

There is nothing to be afraid of with a master on my side, ' she thought.

While Kimberly was distracted, Stacy approached Austin and stopped inches from his face. She leaned forward and whispered in

his ears, "Martin, don't forget to givea hand if | cacross any problems in the Astral World."

His eyes widened slightly when she stressed the sound of his non purpose.

However, before he could react fully, Austin was enveloped by the intoxicating smell of her body.


Of course | will, Miss Ren. You're friends with Princess Kimberly, so | will do anything I can,"

Austin replied awkwardly.

When he had smelled the sweet scent of Stacy's skin, Austin couldn't help but recall the scene when she had taken off her clothes

and touched him after she was drugged in the Wild Herb Valley.

Austin's heart began pounding in his chest.

‘Smart girl. She recognized me, *

Austin thought with a wry smile as she stepped back from him.

"Wait. So you're saying that if | wasn't friends with Kimberly, then you wouldn't protectif | get in trouble?"

Stacy said angrily.

"Stacy, what's going on between you... This doesn't make any sense..."

Kimberly looked between the two of them as Stacy got angrier and Austin looked like he was hypnotized.

‘Something is fishy. They are so close to each other.

I've never seen Stacy talk to a man like this.

It sounds like she's speaking to her boyfriend, ' Kimberly thought as she continued to watch them.

After spending a month getting to know Stacy, Kimberly had gotten used to sof her patterns.

The thing that had stood out the most was that Stacy was a stunning girl and many excellent, young men in the school tried to

impress her;

however, Stacy always rejected them.

Kimberly had never seen her treat a young man like this.

A few moments later, she had recovered from the shock. Already, she had the idea in her head that Austin and Stacy had a secret


"Stacy, be honest with me. Did you know Martin before?"

Kimberly questioned.

"Oh, you know what? You'd better ask Martin.

Well, it's t| got back and had a rest.

After all, we will leave for the Astral World tomorrow," Stacy replied with a grin at both of them.

They both watched her walk away until she disappeared without exchanging a single word.

"Martin, did you know Stacy before?"

Kimberly asked Austin in confusion.


That's not your concern.

You should also be getting srest.

Otherwise, you might perform poorly in the Astral World,"

Austin said, turning on the spot and returning to his hut before she could reply.

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Kimberly stayed still, looking at his house and gnashing her teeth in anger.

They were both being evasive and that only made Kimberly more suspicious.

Since her curiosity was aroused, she wished that she could get both Stacy and Austin back and force them to tell her what was

going on between them.

"They are definitely hiding something from me!

I'm not going to let it go. If they don't tell me, I'll find it out for myself," Kimberly said to herself, stomping her foot against the


After that, she gave up and returned to her small, wooden house to rest.

The next day, a gathering had formed outside of their houses.

All the new students in the Blue Dragon School were chattering nervously and excitedly.

Today, they were on their way to the Astral World for trials.

This trial was a competition among the new students.

If they performed well, they would win favor with the top-level management of the school and get more cultivation resources and

training opportunities.











