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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2260
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"Don't worry! I'm fine."

Austin was moved, seeing how Stacy cared for him so much.

"You seem to be hurt really bad,"

he uttered with a frown as he perceived Stacy's body with his spiritual sense.

"It was Leonard who did this to me. He cback to the Blue Dragon School two months ago. When he heard that you had

destroyed the headquarters of the Universe Sect twice, he got furious.

But you were not in the Blue Dragon School at that time, so he vented his anger on us instead.

That bastard! He is at the Heavenly Grotto Realm, so | was no match to him at all."

Stacy was extremely furious as she recalled what they had gone through.

"Oh! How about Harold and Kimberly? Didn't they help you?"

Austin asked hurriedly.

"Yes, both Harold and Kimberly helpedat that time, but they, too, were severely hurt by Leonard. Now they are back to the

headquarters of the Xia Clan,"

she informed, still quite seething in anger.

"Hmm, that means that Harold is a man of his word, at least."

Austin was slightly relieved when he heard that.

"Leonard is at the Heavenly Grotto Realm? Hmm!

Let's go and get even with him now!"

Austin hurriedly suggested as he boiled with fury.

"Leonard is no longer at the Blue Dragon School now. He has passed the admission assessment of Immortal End School, and had

now already entered it,"

Stacy shook her head and said.

"What? Is it also allowed for the masters at the Heavenly Grotto Realm to take the admission test?"

Austin was stunned when he heard that.

"Yes. For new students, the only restriction to entering the Immortal End School is the age restriction. People can take the

examination as long as they are not over 26 years old.

You know, | also participated in the test, but unfortunately, | did not pass. It was really quite hard,"

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Stacy said with a slightly disappointed look. Obviously, she was really hoping to get admitted into the Immortal End School.

"It's okay. | have always believed that an indomitable and brave heart is what matters most in the cultivation of martial arts.

Talent? It's not the most important thing, to be frank with you.

For me, a man is the master of his own fate. Training of a martial artist is a process of defying the god and changing his destiny.

As long as you have a strong will, the whole world will make way for you,"

Austin confidently said to Stacy, evidently trying to cheer the latter.

"Just takeas an example. As far as | am concerned, | have never thought that | am qualified or talented.

What I'm really proud of is that I'm diligent enough, and | always pour my heart out in a fight,"

He continued, sounding so sincere and heartfelt with his message.

He didn't want Stacy to lose confidence in her cultivation just because of stest she failed. The girl had so much potential, and

Austin knew that.

"Yes. You are right!"

Stacy nodded her head. She seemed to be influenced by Austin's encouraging words, as evidenced by the sudden glow in her eyes.

"Well, you can rest here and heal yourself. Don't worry! I'll certainly avenge you!"

Austin encouraged further.

"But Leonard is not at the Blue Dragon School right now. Are you going to hunt members of the Universe Sect?"

Stacy hesitated for a while and asked.

"The Yumen Clan is actually the powerful backbone of the Universe Sect.

The major sects and clans in the Middle Pilgrim Land have always been hostile to me. It's tto give them a big blow on their


Since the Yuwen Clan has been aggressive to me, | don't mind teaching them a lesson. It's tto let them know I'm not a

weakling they can just bully."

Austin's eyes flashed with determination as he spat those words.

"Are you seriously going to provoke the Yuwen Clan?

No! Don't do this! They have a suprgrandmaster at the Immortal Transforming Realm in the Yuwen Clan!"

Stacy tried to warn him, startled by what he was planning. Austin surely was a reckless young man, but she did not expect to hear

this from him.

"Hmm! A grandmaster at the Immortal Transforming Realm? So what?

Since they are after me, | certainly won't be afraid even if a suprgrandmaster at the Immortal Transforming Realm is among


Besides, don't you remember that | have a great master of the Immortal Transforming Realm of my own, backing me?"

Austin arrogantly announced with a smug smile.

After witnessing the powerful fighting capability of Mr. Fang, Austin knew that his strength should be way beyond that of an

ordinary great master at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

He wasn't afraid of common cultivators at the Immortal Transforming Realm at all, because he had such a great master who could

help him.

Besides, not long ago, when Austin fought with Grandmaster Canelo on the East Continent of the Windless World, he had a feeling

that a great master at the Immortal Transforming Realm was not invincible at all.

Back then, Grandmaster Canelo had chased Austin for more than a day, but he still couldn't kill him.

Instead, he was directly sealed by Austin's demonic avatar, which forced him to burn blood essence and explode two ultimate

magical treasures just to escape. Yes, he managed to survived, but he was still severely injure.

And as a result of that fight, Austin had overchis fear of fighting an Immortal Transforming Realm grandmaster.

It was also because the fighting power of his demonic avatar had reached a terrifying level after its evil needle absorbed the evil

energy of the Evil Abyss World's grand leader's arm. And even when faced by a powerful great master of the Immortal

Transforming Realm, the demonic avatar could now protect itself!

Austin now overflowed with confidence and was not anymore afraid of the big sects and clans in the Middle Pilgrim Land!

He was no longer the skid who could be threatened and harassed by any dominant sect or clan.

So this was now the perfect tto show everyone what he had become.

In this way, people of the ancient sects and clans in the Middle Pilgrim Land would not be so unscrupulous to target him just like


Austin would no longer take shit from anyone.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine," he reassured.

Then, he soared into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

"Austin, stop!"

Stacy was taken aback.

But deep down, she also knew that no one else could stop him once he made up his mind.

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She had always known Austin's character. He would never give up -- not until he had made a scene.

That was just what kind of a person he was.

A day later, Austin finally cto the headquarters of the Yuwen Clan.

It was situated in a large mountain range bounded overflowing spiritual energy.

When seen from afar, the mountains looked like crouching dragons prostrated on the ground.

The dense spiritual energy turned into a white fog that was visible to the naked eye. It covered the headquarters of the Yuwen

Clan, making it faintly visible as if it had been a fairy palace.

Without any hesitation, Austin cstraight to its front door.

Then, after clearing his throat, he stood up and tried to stay focused.

"Bastards of the Yuwen Clan! Get out! | am Austin Lin! I'm here to get even with you!"

Austin blared with the Roaring Blast and the Mantra of Six Words.

The Roaring Blast needed to be activated by the evil aura. Fascinatingly enough, Austin could summon it at will because of the evil

energy owned by the demonic avatar.

The power of the Mantra of Six Words was a Buddhist omnipotent skill. After Austin practiced the Eighteen Arhat Formula, he had

been accomplished in the cultivation base of Buddhism.

As a result, the power of the Mantra of Six Words significantly improved, causing his roar to be more terrifying.

It was as if a god was showing his wrath with crashing sound waves of thunder and lightning.

The clouds blew back as if a rumble of thunder had formed endless ripples, changing the color of heaven and earth. In an instant, a

strong gush of winds blew and swept into the Yuwen Clan.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound shook the sky and exploded in the headquarters of the Yuwen Clan. Austin's voice echoed in every

corner, creating a buzz in the sullen atmosphere around.





