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The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 489: Spar
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" Hahaha, Alright. If that's the case, then we will have no choice but to prove that our decision was correct. How about this? The rank 1 from our newbie leaderboard will fight your ten people alone. " Hill Master Sabod spoke with his thundering voice before laughing.

Hoblet squinted his eyes before he smiled and said, " What if he loses? "

Hearing the question, Sabod and Nelia looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Nelia grinned as she kept her long ocean blue hair behind her ears with her hand before saying, " Honestly speaking, He wouldn't lose even if there were ten more people of orderic catastrophe added. But from your tone, it seems like you want to add some spice to these things? A bet, perhaps? "

Hoblet and Seria looked at each other in astonishment. The reason was because of the confident tone of Nelia when she said that the so-called rank 1 wouldn't lose even if ten more people of orderic catastrophe were added.

" Ahem....No need to bet. I am just saying that if he loses and he will participate in the competition to maintain its integrity. After all, this competition is supposed to be between the top 10 from both sides. " Seria spoke with a gentle smile as her long golden hair, and beautiful appearance oozed out the feeling of holiness.

At this time, Nelia was also speaking with Athan and finished the deal as Athan flew into the stadium.

Almost everyone in the stadium recognized him as they cheered. Everyone knew how powerful and dreadful Athan was due to his actions, and they felt both fear and admiration for him.

Nobody could feel a sense of competition or envy due to his rank because he is too far ahead of them. When one is too far ahead of you, you don't envy them but admire them. You make them your goal and strive towards it as It becomes a source of motivation and a spark of fire.

Seeing him, Hoble asked while raising his eyebrows, " Is he the one? What's his name? "

" His name is Athan. But, he has also gained a nickname that's famous throughout the new recruits, Demonlord. Hahahaha. Sounds too much for an orderic catastrophe, right? " Sabod laughed with gusto after saying.

" Indeed...sounds too much for an orderic catastrophe. " Hoblet nodded with a bit of speechlessness.

" But his actions warrant that nickname. The spread of his feat has died down because no one actually believes it; hahaha. But Nelia and I have seen with our own eyes. " Sabod spoke with a grin.

" What feat? " Hoblet asked as he looked at Athan with a curious glance.

" The feat of him killing a Zen order master...in one move. And that one attack was indeed terrifying and earned him that nickname, Demonlord. " Nelia answered with a smile.

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Hearing that, Both Hoblet and Seria were shocked and found it unbelivable.

Seria's eyes glowed with a faint gold and silver hue as she focused on Athan, but after a second, her eyes displayed clear shock as she muttered, " My eyes can't see through his body. "

Hoblet was startled hearing that and looked at Seria with doubt, " Your eyes can't see through...his body? Do you mean you can't even peek inside his chaos region or check his power? "

Seria nodded with a serious face, " I can't. When I used my eyes to see through...I found nothing. It's like some kind of unknown power blocking my Devoyance eyesight. "


On the other hand...After Athan entered the stadium, rank 1 of Great Bridgade Palace looked at Athan and said with a stone-face, " So you are Athan. After seeing your score and name on the Newbie leaderboard, I was itching to fight you. "

Athan grinned and shook his head, " Sorry. You won't get that chance. "

After saying that, He turned to Hill Master Neia at the top of the stadium and spoke loudly, " Can I start now and be done with this already? "

" Arrogant! "

Rank two, Fildarz, shouted with a grimace.

Mike and Qerin smiled weakly at each other at this farce. They knew that Athan was definitely capable of defeating ten of them. In addition to what they knew about him so far, They also had this unknown, strange feeling of confidence towards Athan.

" Hahaha, Alright. At the count down of three, You all can start fighting—best of luck. " Sabod laughed with gusto before saying.

" 3 "

" 2 "

" 1 "

Everyone, especially Hoblet and Seria, looked focused as they wanted to see how Athan would defeat ten of them.

Athan carefreely looked at the ten people in front of them and grinned and Mike and Qerin as he wanted to see how they would resist his soul attack.

He felt that they might be able to resist because their soul is also enhanced by genome power.

Right as the Sabod said, " 0 " The ten of them, including Mike and Qerin, released their attacks towards Athan.

But the moment they all released their attacks, A clump of cloud also appeared below Athan's feet as he easily dodged their attacks before using his only ability that wouldn't hurt other people but defeat them in battle. After all, that was Hill Master Nelia's requirement.

' Gaze of Void. '

Athan consumed all 60% of his soul energy as he targetted all ten of them.


" W-what the hell just happened? I sensed the flow of soul energy, but it looked weird. " Hoblet mumbled as he saw the ten people falling down as they lost unconsciousness.

But his eyes caught something, and he smiled.

Mike and Qerin also lost consciousness for a brief moment, but they erased the illusion with their genome energy.

Athan grinned as he looked at them and said, " Hahaha, Let's have a battle since you are fine. Show me how much you progressed. "

" Dang, bro. Hahaha, Alright. Then we will also go all out. " Mike laughed out loudly as he felt unknown joy and nostalgia interacting with Athan as he laughed out loud.

Mike then activated his Geno Frame, Dreadlord Bahamut, as a draconic armor covered his whole body with red, green, black, and yellow energy gemstones.

Qerin also chuckled as she used her Geno Frame, Infinite Pearl, and a crystallized white dress appeared on her body with a crown of pearl and a necklace with a large pearl.

Both of them dashed towards Athan, their speed super fast.

Athan grinned as he activated all of his techniques and body chaos trait except the Giant since he didn't want to become a giant.

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A dark emerald bone armor of thorns covered his body, and he also took out his chakram before throwing it towards incoming Mike.

Mike easily deflected the chakram with a wave of his hand before releasing a Geno skill, Arbitary Taints.

The gemstones on his Geno Frame shined as they release an ink-like mystical attack towards Athan.

Athan waved his hand as he conjured Spiraling hole mixed with abyssal darkness.

To date, 3-star defensive order technique matches best with his abyssal darkness because the spiraling cave made it easier to consume incoming attacks with minimum consumption of abyssal darkness.

On the other hand, Qerin speedily went to other side of Athan and released a Geno Skill, Horizonless Cube.

A mystical small cube conjured from her necklace, which shot forward.

' Can't let that hit me, Hehehe. ' Athan thought as he grinned and instantly produced abyssal darkness from his body because the cube seemingly skipped the distance instantly and hit him.

He didn't know this skill, which means she gained this after filling up the third branch of the genome tree.

' According to what Tiana told me, Now that they filled the third branch, They can maintain their Genome Frame for a whole minute and have enough genome energy to use their skills one time. ' Thought Athan as he once again dodged Mike's thurst as he appeared right in front of Athan and punched him.

But his punch grazed Athan a bit.

" Damn, Bro!! What is that black thing? Holy...." Mike shouted with a shocked face as with that single graze, his genome energy was consumed to defend himself against the black flame like an aura around Athan's body.

" Hahaha. Watch out! " Athan laughed as he executed the first stance of destruction and conjured several Motile Crystal cannons with his eagle Voidlings.

Qerin also continued as she supposed Mike while Mike dodged and attacked Athan.


Seeing such-speed and powerful battle, The other orderic catastrophe in the stadium was dumbfounded.

Naturally, Athan was not going all-out as he was sparring with Mike and Qerin to see how strong they became.

On the other hand, Sabod and Nelia were shocked and looked at Hoblet and Seria with question marks on their face.

" What is that power? It doesn't seem like chaotic physiques, at least they don't look like they are from Lower-Chaosverse. "

Hoblet beamed and said, " I told you we also have talented individuals. "