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The Way of a Demon Lord-Novel

Chapter 200: He is Here?
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Chapter 200: He is Here?

Princess Cassidy helped down from the bed and rushed to the door, locking it with shaking hands. Pulling the handle one last time, she checked if it was properly shut before bolting across the room to the huge window.

A few lamps were fighting against the darkness, protecting the garden in between. But a glance was all she took before pulling the curtains to a close.

She did not waste any time and jumped onto the bed. She curled up at the very centre before covering herself with the warm blanket. A light magic circle was above on the ceiling, illuminating the large room.

The switching mechanism was just beside her on the bedside table. But she was having second thoughts of bringing her hand out of the safety of the blanket, let alone turning off the lights.

“It’s futile.” She heard the devilishly charming voice once again.

She shoved the edges of her pillow to the sides of her head, covering her ears. She curled up even further; now, she covered less than one-sixth of the bed that was meant for two adults.

He eyes closed as she thought of all the happy thoughts she could gather at that time- the time when she received her first gift, the time she first made a friend, or the time she fell in love. Her lips slightly curled to a smile.

“You cannot escape.”

Her thoughts shattered as the smile on her face disappeared. What took over her mind was the scene of a masked man standing amidst a dark forest. She could even see the smile he had beneath the black mask.

She abruptly sat up and looked around. But everything was where they were supposed to be- completely normal.

“You cannot find something what’s inside on the outside.” The cursed voice sounded again.

She covered her ears with her trembling hands and pressed hard, as if she were trying to crush her own skull.

“See?” The voice mocked. “You can’t block what’s coming from the inside?”

“GO AWAY!” She shouted, hurling her pillow in the air.

Silence ensued. She looked around and heaved a sigh of relief.

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“I am not what you think I am.”

The voice gripped her heart. Was it really not just hallucination? Was ‘he’ there?

“Yes. I am here.”

Cold sweat dripped down her fair skin. 

She clenched her shaking fists under the cover and took a deep breath, composing herself- at least on the outside.

“What do you want?” She asked. Despite trying her best, she could not restrain her voice from shaking.

“Finally, we can have a chat.” The voice said. “I want you to do something for me.”

She frowned. “What if I refuse?”

“Aaaah!” A feminine shriek sounded in her ears. “I beg you. Please stop.” Sounds of sobs, cries and pleads followed.

She recognised the tones. Those belonged to her maids.

“Des? Thes?” She cried out. “What are you doing?! Stop!”

“Why should I?” The mysterious voice returned. “You have already fixed your mind on refusing my offer.”

“Why do you want? I can give you-“

“Let me guess- money? status? women? fame?” The voice interrupted with a mocking tone. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t lack any of those. If I lack anything, it would be sources of amusement. So, tell me princess- will you not entertain this young master?”

Her fingernails dug into her palm as she clenched her teeth. “You can forget it then. Those are just servants.” A tear escaped her eyes.

“So, you choose to abandon them?”

She remained silent, only chanting ‘sorry’ again and again inside her mind. Tears began to stream down her red cheeks.

“Okay. I have your answer. Maids- abandoned.” The voice continued. “But can you abandon your lover?”

Her heart stopped beating as she forgot how to breath. Colours drained from her face.

“Nothing can hide from my eyes. Others might have no idea, but I know the reason you volunteered to come all the way west to Edenshield.”

“Wha… what are you saying? I… I am the-“

“You are the princess. So, how can you have a man in your heart; is that it?” The voice snorted. “But I must say. It’s quite bold of you to mingle with a man who is deemed enemy by your own family and all noble families in the Empire alike.”

She widened her eyes. “I-“

“And I know exactly where he is hiding and who are the ones chasing him. If you are bent on not listening to me, then…”

“DON’T!” She threw of the covers and reached her palm forward, as if the mysterious man was just before her. “I… I will do whatever you want.” She bowed. Tears drenched her entire face as she sobbed. “Just… just don’t hurt him.”

“Good girl. Now, get out of your room and find a way to immobilise the maids standing just outside.”

She nodded and dropped her feet on the floor. She unlocked the door before going outside.

Two middle aged women were out there, waiting,

“I need to go to the washroom.” She said, barely keeping her tone calm.

“Please follow us.” They bowed before turning away from her to one direction of the corridor.

Orange lightning flickered on the princess’s palm.

“Sorry.” She muttered before driving her palms to the women’s vulnerable napes.

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Their whole bodies twitched before falling to the floor.

“Go straight.” The voice ordered.

She felt something and turned back and looked down. Now that she was out of her room where there was a light source just above, she could clearly see her full shadow. Strangely, she felt her own shadow smiling at her.

She gulped before pacing up and following his directions, as if she were running from her own shadow.

Soon, she reached a storeroom avoiding all sights on the way. She entered and locked the door from with in.

As soon as she did-

“Welcome, your highness.”

She abruptly turned and wobbled back. Her back pressed against the door.

The head covered man that took away the maids was standing just ahead.

“Follow him.” The voice commanded.

She remained silent.

The head covered man went to one corner of the room and opened a hatch on the floor. He gestured her to jump down.

She gulped and did exactly that.

Someone caught her. It was an oversized man wearing a beast mask.

He put her on the ground before she even tried to resist.

The man’s gentle voice belied his beastly appearance.

“The boss is waiting.”