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The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 727 You haven't talked about 673.
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The second part of the beginner's cave had an entrance to a place where trees grew dense.

It's completely different from the previous cave.

Indeed, the previous cave was an entrance to the cave with a large hole open to a large rock.

In today's cave, there seems to be a hole in the trunk of a big tree where adults have to crawl on all fours to enter.

"Wow, this is too narrow inside."

Is it even inside?

I peered into the hole just like Lilia.

Indeed, this is narrow.

Deep in the hole, there was a space that seemed to have no choice but to crawl on all fours.

"I got your permission." Who are you going from? "

The vigilante gives us permission to enter the cave, and your father looks over at us.

Today, I'm in the lead.

"Tanras, I'll tell you what to do before I try." In such a narrow entrance and exit cave, you can be attacked by monsters the moment you step out into a wide area. So if you feel a sign at the end of the road, be very careful. If you feel any signs, don't hesitate to turn back. Don't ever burst into it. "

Mr. Tanras nodded strangely to his father's words as he crawled into the cave on all fours.

After a while, from the inside, he said, "It was okay. Next, I heard a voice saying," Good. "

"Tan, I'll go next time."

"Lilia? Okay."

In response to Tanras-san's words, Lilia-san bowed her body and entered the room.

"Next person, please."

In response to Lilia's words, I looked at her father and Arielus.

"Ivy, you can go."

Thank you. I'll go first.

I nodded to my father's words, bent over a little and went into the hole.

As I continued to crawl on all fours, I felt that my body was being pushed forward a little.


"That's a strange feeling. What is it?"

Oh, this road is going downhill.

Is that why you feel like you're being pushed forward?


After a while, I went out into a little bit of a bigger space.

"Good job. Are you all right?"

It's okay.

Smiling back at Lilia's words, she turned to the outside.

"Next person, please."

When I called out, I could hear the sound of my voice all the time.

After a while, I saw my father.


The father in the space stretches out his back.

"Father, are you okay?"

"Oh, it's okay, Arielus, it's okay."

Finally, when Mr. Arias arrived, he pointed to the back of the cave.

Let's go.

That's right.

In response to his father's words, Mr. Tanras walked toward the back of the cave with his sword in his hand.

Behind you, Miss Lilia, and then I'm your father.

Lastly, Mr. Arielus.


15 minutes after the start of the walk.

There was no sign of any monsters.

Still, I went into the cave with vigilance.

I can't believe there are no monsters at all.

Everyone nodded at Mr. Tanlath's words.

It takes about 30 minutes to get into the cave.

I didn't think there would be any monsters out there.

Is this cave normal?

Lilia turns her attention to her father.

"What do you think? It depends on the cave, so I can't say." The material Micke gave me didn't say it was a cave where monsters were hard to come out of. "

Mikke-san gave me a document detailing the characteristics of the cave.

If it's a cave where monsters are hard to come out of, that's what they write.

Could there be another problem with the cave?

I continued walking into the cave with a little anxiety.

"Oh, there he is."

In response to Ms. Tanras' words, Ms. Lilia gave a happy expression.

Forward, a little further, but I could certainly sense the signs of a monster.

About 1 hour and 10 minutes after entering the cave.

It was a long time.


"Don't be distracted."

Dad called out to Lilia, who seemed to be happy.

Besides, she nodded and said, "Okay."

"Huh? It's not just one... what?" How many? More than 10? "

When Ms. Tanras pulled her sword out of the sheath, she stood still.

"I guess so." Tan Rath, watch your step. "

Arielus-san calls out from behind.

"All right."

The relaxed atmosphere a short while ago made me nervous all at once.

When I finally thought that there was a sign of a monster, the number of monsters was increasing.

All I knew now was that there were dozens of monsters.

I also took a deep breath and held the thunderbolt in my hand.

"Looks like he noticed us."

Ms. Tanras's nervous voice echoes through the cave

Sure enough, I could feel the monster's sign of speed coming towards me.

I took a deep breath and looked deep into the cave.



More than 10 monsters emerged with the sound of their voices.

Explore the number from the signals, but I don't know the exact number for some reason.

I wonder why.

"There are more than 13 of them, watch out!"

While his father's voice resounded, monsters attacked Tanras and Lilia.

Leah, don't let me do this.

Of course!

I watched Tanras and Lilia defeat the attacking monsters one after the other.

He's here.

I saw the monster that dodged the two before coming towards us in the back.

Mr. Arielus comes out in front of me and holds the sword.

Just like on the first day, Dad didn't touch me.

Arious-san defeated the monster that attacked, but he lost one.

The monster is coming at me.


It's okay.

I grabbed the thunderbolt and took aim.


I threw a thunderbolt at the monster that had filled the distance.

The thunderbolt hit the monster's face, and the monster's scream echoed in the cave.

I want to be happy, but I don't have time for that right now.

The next monster was already approaching.

Mr. Arielus defeated six of them, but two of them came at me.

I can't hit two thunderbolts at the same time, so I'll just have to throw them in sequence... what should I do?

I saw the movement of the monster.

It seems that the monster attacking from the right is faster.

So if you want to defeat the monster on the right.

You can't just wait.

I was on my way, hit a thunderbolt, and quickly stepped back to deal with the next monster.

I was a little ahead, but the monster was already close.

I hurriedly targeted the thunderbolt.



Alright, we made it.

Next time!

I threw a thunderbolt at the monster that was right next to me.

We didn't have time to aim, did we?



I'm glad.

It worked.

What's next?

Last time!

Looking at Mr. Tanras' words, the last monster was defeated by Mr. Tanras' sword.

"It's over. I did want the monsters to come, but they didn't come all at once..." Ahh, it's tough

Leah sat down on a nearby rock when the last one was defeated by Tanras.

"Thank you Druid." We couldn't do it alone. "

I look at my father in response to what Mr. Arielus said.

Drawing a sword seems to have helped me.

I can't help it because 35 of them attacked me all at once.

Thirty-five! Were there so many of them?

There were 35 of them.

Lilia should be surprised at this.

You solved the cave problem, didn't you?

Father tilts his head in response to Mr. Tanras' question.

I don't know. I'm just a little concerned about the monster coming out of this cave.

Maybe the problem hasn't converged yet.

For now... let's pick up the falling magic stone.

I look around at your father's words.

The level of the Magic Stone itself was low, but it became a gift certificate.

I wanted to pick up all the magic stones so I could use them in the stall.

Everyone eats a lot.