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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132: Alchemist

“I figured as much,” Undrar sat with full confidence, Achilles followed suit. The nature of the attack and how much damage had been done was further explained. It felt weird how only one of the leaders would speak, the rest seemed like the talkative type. However, their mouths felt tied by an unknown force. Not to mention, their aura was lesser than an average human. The face looked strong and stern; the eyes were monotonous.

The overwhelming speech from said guild leader grew obnoxious. Undrar had a gut feeling, things weren’t as it seemed. “May I intrude,” she voiced, the man’s gaze felt sharp and curious. “Please, be my guest,” he replied as if compelled.

“I’ve been wondering for quite some time now, what do the other guild leaders think about this situation. I can go as far as say that they are not of the same opinion. The three guilds don’t seem as united as you would have us believe.” Around the same time, an argument was heard loud and clear. The guilds weren’t as friendly – it further added to Undrar’s witty inquiry.

“Ha-ha,” he pushed back the medium length hair, “-of course our guilts aren’t united. It’s a battlefield, everyone has to feed their mouths and others. This would obviously raise animosities between members. However, when survival is on the line, even enemies can come to an agreement.,” Justin ended.

“Thanks for clarifying things, I’d still like to hear the same words from the other two.” Her hands reached deep inside and took out the silver necklace, “-my partner and I just want to make sure things are in order. For you see, our leader is unpredictable at most. If he were to find out that helping out people – with him having to travel all the way from the capital, to be welcomed with conniving and secretive guilds. Let me assure you, the piles of corpses in the hall at the moment would not be enough to qualm that fury.” She stood, the man slightly sweated but didn’t show any fear.

“I know not why you would suspect us from being conniving in nature. Baseless accusations can be detrimental to a person’s character if misheard,” he stood in turn, the tone filled with animosity. “No need to worry guild leader Justin,” she took a deep breath, “-my words weren’t meant to be disrespectful nor cause any miscommunication. I just wanted to make sure before we took things at face value. It’s better to be safe than sorry,” she casually smiled. “I see,” Justin breathed a sigh of relief. “You had us worried for a second there,” they shook hands. “I’ll leave you to scout out the areas, we may be under attack later – thanks for coming to our rescue.”

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‘Mana,’ Undrar thought, “T-thank you for coming to our aid,” the two other leaders stood and spoke simultaneously. “Pleasure is all ours,” her eyes filled with suspicion, they left.


“Any thought on the matter?” Undrar asked; the guild building stood directly behind. It read, Greenday’s Guild. “Nothing much really,” Achilles didn’t care – the mind was solely focused on how people could be saved.

“Isn’t that Aceline?” the duo walked to where the beast had first appeared. “Whatever do you mean?” a faint melodic voice sang; it came from the radio one of the adventures had brought. “I guess,” Achilles replied and rushed over to the blood-stained ground, a sight not for the faint of hearts. “A battlefield, this brings back memories,” Undrar added. “Yes, I agree,” they stared further in front. A meadow with a small hill, who would have thought that monsters could turn this idyllic place into hell. Without nothing much to see, the duo walked into town and watched. The way people behaved and acted could tell more than the words from a liar.

“Master,” Avon materialized, “-welcome back,” Staxius spoke with the body covered with burnt marks. After the ruckus of troupes marching outside subsided, the research continued. A cheap and decent enough potion began to be brewed. Production increased however the process was slow and painful. It required regular assistance, a single mistake and the concoction could turn for the worse. “Am I intruding?” he asked, to which Staxius replied with, “go buy some medicinal herbs and a few cartons of glass flasks. There are coins in the counter in front,” no time wasted, Avon began to run errands.

A few hours into the day, a dozen potions were brewed. Staxius sweated profusely, the scrolls would have been easier to write. “Finally,” the stance relaxed, the last of the drop fell. “Thanks for the help,” he stared at Avon who blushed. “Are you seriously blushing,” he added in jest. “N-no, I’m just tired,” he crouched. “Good job either way,” with a quick pat, Staxius transferred mana over. “Too much, please go slower,” Avon moaned as if a girl.

“Cut it out,” the pat turned into a chop. “Ouchy,” Avon pouted adorably, “go take a rest, I’ll wake you when the time is right.” With that being said, Staxius headed to the magical guild.

“Welcome back,” the same assistant who first greeted him, spoke. “Thank you, Mathew,” Staxius replied, the name was read on the badge. ” How may I be of help,” the guild felt quiet and peaceful. Mage’s weren’t that common, a few sat idly browsing books. Instead of a café, this guild had a library. “Is the wizard here?” the boy understood. “Please head to the same meeting room, I’ll bring the wizard.”

The moment the wizard heard Staxius had called, he ran once more. The first impression was a memorable one, the scholar met someone worthy to be praised. Not to mention, having scrolls to examine and study made a man of knowledge blissful.

*Click,* the door opened, “lord Staxius,” the wizard entered with a big smile. “Isorin, long time no see,” the tone changed to friendly. “Indeed,” they shook hands. “May I inquire to the reason of thy visit?” the wizard asked. “Before we get into the reason for this impromptu visit, I’d like to ask how the scrolls have been serving you so far.” Staxius wanted to know more.

“...” the face slowly lit, “the joy I felt cannot be expressed into words. I apologize, but those scrolls are like a work of art, I know not how one could have gotten their hands on it. I feel greatly indebted.” *Cling,* the sound of glass hitting glass stopped the speech.

“No need to be so formal,” a glass flask was placed. “Interesting,” the wizard took said item and began to examine. “Is this a potion?” he asked, the tone not as excited as the prospect of acquiring a scroll. Potions were fairly common, a little expensive but worth the money. “Yes, they are indeed potion.” Another item got placed, a scroll of an orangish glow. It caught the man’s attention, “what do you want?” The wizard asked.

“Nothing much, I’d like to get my hands on a trader’s pass with a badge of authenticity issued by the magical guild itself. You see, I’m planning on starting a business that is focused on magic and anything related to that. Since all the guilds are related – acquiring a trader’s badge here should not be an issue.” The atmosphere fell silent.

“What you ask isn’t out of reach, but I need to ask for what reason. Haven’t you gotten a badge of authenticity already?” reference was made to the previous one.

“Yes, that one serves its purpose. However, scrolls are hard to come by. Potions are a more reliable product at the moment. Seeing as they were of my own making, I’ll need a badge from the magical guild to prove my credibility as both a trader and an alchemist.” Everything was laid for the wizard to see.

Alchemy wasn’t unheard of, a few people, ones willing to devote to a life of constant failure and knowledge could become an alchemist. Nothing fancy stood out about said title. They were controlled and monitored by the magical guild. Though a field rather unpopular, those few alchemists helped with brewing medicine and potions. Knowledge about human anatomy as well as knowledge about magic was required. The prerequisite field of studies was expansive on their own, combining both meant said person would have to be someone extremely intelligent.

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“I’m afraid I can’t do anything at this time. Acquiring a trader’s badge should be fairly simple. However, what you ask is the title of an Alchemist, isn’t it?” Isorin spoke true. “Yes, I’d like to sell the potions of my own making, getting the title of Alchemist would help immensely,” a sigh was heard.

“How many titles does one need, I’ve received information about you, Staxius Haggard. Or should I say, King Staxius Haggard of Arda, Silver-ranked adventurer as well as the winner to the Claireville Academy’s two-versus-two.” Information was shared, only a few knew of Staxius’s true identity.

“I guess the cat’s out of the bag.” The stance straightened, the voice stern, the eyes menacing. “All the titles you’ve named are indeed true. I’m in fact married to the queen of Arda, the sole human allowed in their territory. There’s also another title you’ve forgotten – that is the Guardian of Arda.” The wizard felt a little intimidated. “Isorin, as a fellow scholar and man of knowledge, you must know how magic is used in Arda. Their studies in said subject are far than humanity can ever dream of. A simple theory; Teleportation – a spell that is dreamt of by every single mage in this world. The very same spell is used nonchalantly by the Ardanian. This isn’t to brag, but to give an idea of how vast my knowledge in the subject of magic is.” Isorin’s eyes lit, the pinnacle of magic and its research was given access to a human.

“A chance to do what,” the tone trembled with excitement, “-a chance to prove my intellect. The existence of an alchemist was foreign to me until yesterday. On one of my trips to the shop, I met a small girl. To be honest, her presence was out of place. However, the people around knew her well – someone popular, a renowned and talented Alchemist. Her name still fleets me, but it left an impression. A good one, that girl holds a lot of knowledge, the future is destined for greatness.” He paused, “I’m rambling now, my point is that the request is for a chance to partake in the test of eligibility to being an Alchemist.”

It took a few minutes to sink in, not everyone was allowed to take that test. The wizard was lost for words, this request seemed too much, even for a scholar like Isorin.

“Isorin,” he called out, “-if you’re at a loss, the answer lays before you.”

With a nod, the flask got examined further. [Skill: Appraisal] “I see,” he sighed. “-alright,” he stood. “Come back in an hour or so, I’ll take this with the other scholars. A meeting with the master Alchemist will be needed. You’re lucky for the test is done only every six months. It just so happens that today is that day,” without another word being said, the man left. ‘I’ve done what I could, better head back.’

Another hour went by, Staxius nearly forgot about the test. Moral wasn’t high, by the way Isorin acted – it felt hopeless.

“Isorin,” half an hour before Staxius arrived, a meet was organized. Many of the Alchemists were present with other mages, doctors, and scholars. “I’d like to apologize, but this is something I have to stand behind.” The voice firm and unfaltering, Isorin decided to trust Staxius. He argued constantly, the others were doubtful, the exam was the hardest to ever be created. Without years of studies, not even a mage could finish it.

“I know that Staxius Haggard isn’t well known. There’s not even a report of him studying at a magical school or university. However, I would not rule him out just yet. The boy you guys are painfully looking down upon is the only human to ever study in Arda. I cannot give any more information; the guilds have made it clear to keep it a secret until further notice.” The potion was placed in front of all to see, “I was doubtful at first,” a few drops fell on a wounded animal. “The potion is just as good as our most talented alchemist.”

“What do you mean just as good,” a small girl voiced loudly. “I’ve used my appraisal skill, it’s Uncommon and close to Rare,” Isorin added.

“So, are we just going to allow anyone to partake in this test, without no background check, nothing – just on the whim of a failed scholar, pathetic.” One of the other academics lashed out. “I care not if insults are directed at me,” the eyes lowered. “I’ve placed all my trust in that boy.” He stared right at the small girl. “I wager a challenge, let’s have both Clarise and Staxius take the same test. A certified alchemist should not worry about an exam like this. Aren’t you the genius who was born to change the world?”